

Silence fell over the arena.

It didn't feel like a City Lord had been just killed at all. It felt like they had just witnessed the true execution of the day.

So simple, so direct, so unfeelingly careless that it didn't feel real at all.

Until, that is, Sylas raised his hand and the stones revealed the headless corpse of the former City Lord.

His blood spilled out into the arena, pooling into the cracks and crevices.

Plinli never got to display any of his abilities. Even his City Lord Title had been completely useless. What good was that boost of strength if he couldn't even hit his opponent?

But from the very beginning, he had lost the battle.


In the silence, the sound was quite audible. There wasn't a single person who didn't hear it, but their gazes were already trained on precisely where the sound had come from.

Plinli's corpse.