

Blue runes raced across the ground and in that moment, the soft soil cracked as though it had completely frosted over. 

Over the course of this battle, Sylas had realized that the methods of this cobra weren't truly like ice at all. Instead, it was like the ice had truly become a poison. The way it interacted with things was beyond just the use of cold, but rather more so like the cold had become a virus that could permeate through the body and even treasures alike. 

In this way, it was more fearsome than the ice attribute that Sylas had faced after escaping the volcano, albeit also less flexible. 

The pure attacks that the cobra had were lacking and were often only made potent by continuous, recurring Damage. However, its ability to control the area, defend itself, and break down attacks that came for it, was truly special. 

And now, this seemed to be its strongest ability.