
Generous System: 100% Drop Rate in the Apocalypse

I'm a Filipino so my English is not that good. if you don't like a fast pace story then this is not for you. Also, I will try my best to improve every chapter. Chapter 1 to 53 has an average of 500-700 word count but chapter 54 and above will have 1000+ Word Counts. - - - - - - - In a world plagued by a devastating zombie apocalypse triggered by a meteor crash, humanity teeters on the edge of extinction. Survivors struggle to stay alive, battling hordes of the undead and dwindling resources. However, amidst the chaos and despair, our protagonist, a resilient individual, is bestowed with an extraordinary gift: the 100% drop rate System. This mysterious system, of unknown origin and purpose, grants our protagonist incredible abilities and knowledge. It ensures that every action he undertakes yields guaranteed results, granting him a higher chance of success in his endeavors. With this newfound power, the protagonist becomes a beacon of hope for humanity. Armed with the System, our protagonist embarks on a perilous journey to save humanity from the clutches of the undead. He gathers a group of fellow survivors, each with their unique skills and strengths, forming a formidable team. Together, they navigate through dangerous territories, seeking out supplies, fortifying shelters, and rescuing stranded survivors. As he ventures deeper into the infected zones, the protagonist utilizes the System's abilities to his advantage. He possesses unrivaled combat prowess, honed instincts, and a deep understanding of the undead threat. He discovers hidden caches of weapons, strategic locations, and even potential allies who have managed to adapt and survive in this harsh new world. However, not everyone welcomes the protagonist and his System. Rival factions, jealous of his power, emerge, determined to seize control and exploit the protagonist's abilities for their gain. Yet, the protagonist remains unwavering, utilizing the System's capabilities to outsmart his enemies and protect his newfound allies. They devise intricate plans, exploit weaknesses, and ultimately bring the fight to the heart of the zombie-infested territories. Amidst the chaos, the protagonist begins to uncover the true origins and purpose of the System. Its connection to the meteor that caused the apocalypse becomes clear, leading them on a quest to find a way to reverse the catastrophic event and restore humanity's future. In this thrilling tale of survival and empowerment, the protagonist becomes humanity's last hope. Through their unwavering determination, strategic brilliance, and the incredible advantages granted by the 100% drop rate System, they rally survivors, confront the undead menace, and strive to reclaim a world on the brink of annihilation.

DeejayGwapo · ファンタジー
61 Chs


A World Unseen

The night was calm, with stars shimmering in the darkened sky. A meteor streaked through the heavens, its fiery tail blazing across the atmosphere, drawing the attention of a few lucky stargazers. Little did they know that this celestial visitor carried within it something far more sinister than anyone could have imagined.

As the meteor crashed into the Earth's surface, a wave of energy rippled outward, unseen and undetected. It was a force that would change the course of human history forever. Deep within the impact zone, buried beneath layers of soil and rock, a dormant entity lay dormant, awaiting its awakening.

Days turned into weeks, and the incident became a distant memory for most, a mere blip on the radar of everyday life. But the Earth was changing, mutating, as the extraterrestrial influence seeped into its core. Unbeknownst to the unsuspecting inhabitants, a horrifying transformation was taking place beneath their very feet.

Then, one fateful morning, a series of inexplicable events began to unfold. Reports of strange behavior and unexplained violence trickled in from different corners of the world. People who were once ordinary citizens turned into mindless, ravenous creatures, driven by an insatiable hunger. The apocalypse had begun, and the source of this nightmare could be traced back to that single meteor.

The world watched in horror as chaos erupted, spreading like wildfire across continents. Governments struggled to contain the outbreaks, but their efforts proved futile against an enemy they couldn't fully comprehend. Panic and fear gripped the hearts of survivors as they fought to stay alive amidst a sea of shambling corpses.

The few who remained uninfected banded together, seeking refuge in fortified shelters, abandoned buildings, or even the deepest recesses of the wilderness. They scavenged for supplies, formed alliances, and honed their survival skills, knowing that the world they once knew was lost forever.

Amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. Legends and rumors spoke of a fabled sanctuary, a place where humanity could make its last stand against the encroaching darkness. Whispers of a cure, a way to reverse the plague, circulated among the survivors. The journey to salvation had begun, but it would not be an easy one.

As survivors navigated the treacherous landscapes, they encountered not only the undead but also the worst sides of human nature. Betrayal, desperation, and sacrifice became a daily reality. In this new world, friendships would be tested, alliances shattered, and heroes would rise from the unlikeliest of places.

And so, the battle for survival and the search for a cure began. Against all odds, humanity would fight to reclaim its future, to find hope in a world overrun by the walking dead. The meteor that once brought destruction would become the catalyst for a new chapter in the history of mankind, where resilience, resourcefulness, and the will to survive would be the only things standing between life and death.