
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · ファンタジー
31 Chs


Helix walked to the side of the warehouse quietly.

"{Cernámus intúitu.} Enhance." He whispered. His eyes started glowing a bright gray and suddenly he could see through the walls of the building.

Top-up phrases were a bit different than Activation phrases. For one, you didn't have to pray to any higher being. Another thing is that you don't have to give a reason you want this power. But you still have to say the effect it has, i.e Enhance or Diminish.

There were 3 upper floors and 2 underground basements. People in the upper 3 levels wore lab coats and walked around carrying clipboards, containers and other things. He looked down. The second to last floor only had one person on it-they were sitting in bright room. The last floor was dark and had multiple empty cells.

"The last floor looks...kind of...weird."

He looked to the top of the building and saw no one up there, so he said-"{Nullam gravitatus.} Enhance."

He put one foot on the wall, then the other, and started running up the side of the building.

Helix was breathing hard when he reached the top. "I *pant* hate running. Release last."

The last activation stopped it's effects.

He wiped the sweat off his brow and surveyed the area. It was a concrete top and had a door leading presumably onto the top floor. He walked to the door and looked through it to see if there were any people or cameras. When he saw nothing, he twisted the nob and opened it.

He stepped into the stairway and carefully went down the stairs until he reached a door that said: Test Room. He looked through the door and saw cube shaped rooms with people in lab coats walking in and out of them. There were at least 15 guards in the room. Helix looked at his bracelet and confirmed this was one the destinations.

'So how do I...' His eyes wandered to the big vent next to the door.

'Good job me.'

He pulled the hood of the vent off, pulled himself up, and replaced as he went inside.

'Its so cold.' Helix thought as he crawled through the vents.

Once he was in a secluded corner of the room he opened the vent hood and jumped down. He landed quietly and looked around the place.

Since he didn't have to go inside the cubes to see what was inside them, he walked around looking through their walls. In many of them, people were mixing chemicals together and doing tests on equipment. In some of them, they were messing around with weapons and bombs, but these were only in a couple rooms. He still took a mental note of them though. He walked back to the vent and jumped until his hands gripped onto the ledge. He pulled himself up and crawled back to the stairway.

He continued to walk down the stairs until he reached the next floor. The next door said: Judgement Facility, Test Lab and Engineering Site A & Engineering Site B. He took a quick look inside and looked for another vent but couldn't find one this time.

He whispered, "{Periit.} Enhance." His body got gradually became see through until there was nothing. Helix looked at his hands and saw them-only because his eyes were enhanced to that. When he decided he was good, he turned the nob handle and quickly opened the door, stepped inside, and shut it again.

Inside, were multiple sitting at large tables looking at different items and then writing down stuff on their clipboards. Helix assumed this was the Judgement Facility and walked past them, not being looked at even once. He looked around as walked and saw a set of doors on the left. He leisurely walked to them and pushed it open just enough to fit through.

He was now in a brightly lit hallway with 3 ways to go. He chose the left hallway and made his way down it.

The doors on this end said: Engineering Site A. He looked inside and then walked back. This time he took the right path and came to Engineering Site B. He did the same thing he did to Site A and then walked back.

This time he took the middle path and came to the Test Lab. He opened the door and saw it was pretty much empty except for about 5 guards. The room was a dark gray color, with bright illuminating lights. There were glass cabinets containing all sorts of stuff. Some had objects, others had strange liquids. But nothing was suspicious.

Helix was just about to leave when one of the containers with liquid started moving. It shook slightly, before starting to wobble. The guards approached the case and tried to stop it from moving

Helix stopped in his tracks and took a closer look at the liquid. It was dark red, and a little thick, almost like...

'I've got to get out of here.'

Helix ran for the door, opened it and ran down the hallway. Once he was in front of the Judgment Facility doors he stopped and caught his breath.

'Gen A blood. What's it doing here?' He thought. 'I almost forgot that my blood reacts to another persons...I think I'm far enough.'

Helix decided to ask questions later. He walked to the elevator he saw earlier and pressed the lower button. The elevator quickly came and he went inside. He pressed the first floor button, the doors closed and the elevator descended.

When the doors slid open, Helix stepped out and came out to lots of people bustling about. But no one noticed the 'empty' elevator open. He walked towards the floating text in one of the hallways to the right that read: Offices.

He swerved and dodged people, making sure he never made contact with any of them. Once he reached the hallway he stood in front of another set of doors. This time there was a ID scanner next to it.

'I need an ID. I think I should just take one.'

He turned around and saw a tall man coming his way, his ID hanging around his neck.

'I'm a genius.'

Helix quickly looked around before getting behind the man. He tapped his shoulder.

"Huh," Said the man as he turned around. "There's nobody here?" When the man looked down his ID was gone. The man heard quiet chuckling, before the office doors opened and closed shut.

Helix stuffed the ID in his pocket and looked at the many cubicles and glass rooms. There were people on the phone and others standing at printer and coffee machines.

He walked past many people, searching for one specific. And once he reached the back of room, it was there. Abbadon's Office. The name was on the door surrounded by many recognition technologies.

'Hmm. How do I get in?'

Just then, his bracelet vibrated silently. It was a text from Kira.

'PS. You may active 1 of your advanced methods. -KIRA'

The bracelet then received an authorization message: ~Advanced Method Granted~ which in turn loosened it.

'Finally.' Helix thought.

Helix hid behind a wall and made sure nothing could see him.

"Release all." He whispered. Suddenly he became visible and his eyes stopped piercing through walls.

Helix put his hands together and whispered, "[Phase one-Conteram Per-Enhance]."

His eyes glowed a bright gray light, before dulling to silver.

His body became light, and he floated into the air. He floated back to Abbadon's room and slipped through the wall like a ghost. He then floated to behind the large desk in the middle of the room.

He used the piercing eyes that had been activated to look through each file in the drawers. Most of them were about meetings and money. But...

'Is that...an arm?'

Suddenly, the door opened and Abbadon stepped inside.

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