
Generation A

In the Year 2XXX, the threat of Extra- Terrestrials was brought upon to Earth. The only beings protecting it were those in Generation A.

Avidreamer123 · ファンタジー
31 Chs

A Request

Back at the house, Mason, Zak and Javes were still cleaning up the Living room.

After Mason had come back yesterday, he made Zak and Javes apologize to each other before saying that it was late and they could clean tomorrow. The next morning they were downstairs and cleaning.

"Argh, the stain wont come out." Zak said while scrubbing furiously at the wooden floor.

"Don't rub it in, Zak." Mason said, leaning down to help him.

"Well what am I supposed to do. I've never cleaned anything in my life." Zak said angrily.

"You're supposed to dab it." Mason dabbed his cloth on the spot.

"I don't understand." Helix said. He was lying down on the couch with his eyes closed. "How come the carpet hasn't already absorbed their blood? Its been at least 10 hours."

"Our blood is different from human blood. Its thicker and under the right conditions-can become solid." Mason said. "I'm pretty sure its because of healing factor-that makes things heal 5.5 times faster than a normal persons."

"I see." Helix said. He yawned, stretched, and closed his eyes-preparing to go to sleep. Suddenly he opened his right eye.

"They're back." He mumbled and closed his eye again.

The other boys stopped cleaning and looked at the door.

'They're back?' Zak thought. 'Does he mean...?'

The door swung open and Kira and Hede stepped through.

"Hey guys we're ba- WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ROOM?" Kira yelled.

"Uh, welcome home?" Zak said.


After Zak explained what happened Kira went on a thorough rant on how to not let tempers get the better of them, to not ask sensitive questions and to not punch your brother if he starts getting irritating. Kira made Javes and Zak clean up alone, and made Mason go sit down somewhere.

Hede and Helix were on the couch. Hede was giggling like a schoolgirl while playing a game and Helix was sleeping, snoring like a caveman.

"I cant believe Javes would actually beat his brother up for asking a question." Hede said laughing harder.

"I'll do the same to you too, short-stack." Javes growled.

Hede looked up from his game. "I'd like to see you try, Idiot." Hede bit back. Javes was one second away from jumping Hede before Kira growled out- "If you lay a hand on each other I'll make you share a room for a week."

At that, both boys 'hmphed' and went back to whatever they were doing.

Kira sat on the couch and leaned into it. After a few minutes of being quiet, she turned to Helix.

"Helix, there's something I need you to do for me" She said. Helix didn't move.

Kira stood and shook him awake. "Helix, wake up."

"What?" He grumbled.

"I want you to go check on something." Kira said.

"Check on what?" He mumbled, half asleep.

"On Abbadon's warehouse. I have a bad feeling." Kira voiced. Helix finally opened his eyes.

"Unauthorized? Do I have to?" He said.

"No, you don't. But if you do I'll buy you another shark onesie." Kira said.

Helix considered the offer. "Buy me two onesies, and we have a deal."

Kira sighed. " Fine. I'll buy two. Do we have a deal?"

"Yeah sure." Helix said. "When am I leaving?"

"When the girls return. Until then, you can do whatever."

Helix nodded and in a matter of seconds, fell back to sleep.

Mason looked up from his bracelet. "Is there something serious going on?"

"That question that will be answered very soon." Kira replied.


When Serenity, Lucy, Wish and Pax arrived the next day, Kira ushered them into the living room with the rest of the team and quickly briefed them on what was going on.

"When we went to Abbadon's place 2 days ago, he tried to talk Hede, my brother and I into joining his messed up company, again." When she got questioning glances, she quickly added: "Don't ask me why its messed up, just know it is."

"Now, I had a little 'talk' with him, telling him we were never going to join him. But that got me thinking. 'Why would he need our help now? He could have asked me a year ago or 3 months ago, but why now?' So one of the reasons I came up with would be that he's planning something." Kira announced.

"So just in case, I'm going to send Helix to go check on Abbadon's main base of operations. Right Helix?"

"Yup." He said tiredly.

"Why are we sending him again?" Pax asked.

"Because," Kira said. "It is what his abilities are best suited for. Like how mine are more for big shows, his are for more quiet attacks." She turned to Javes and Zak. "That's why you probably didn't hear him sneak up on you when you guys were fighting."

Pax nodded. "I get it. It does make sense."

"It does. Now Helix, are you ready to leave." Kira asked.

"Yeah I am." Helix said as he stood up slowly. He was wearing a black turtleneck, gray sweatpants and gray sneakers. It all matched well with his pasty skin, dark brown hair, and gray eyes.

"I'll send you the details on your bracelet. Be careful out there." Kira told him.

"Don't worry, I will." Helix said to her and walked out of the room. "Bye, guys." He said to the team.

Helix exited the house and to the driveway where a pilot waited with an aircraft. He got inside and the driver took off down the driveway. A few seconds later, he heard a ding come from his bracelet. It was a text from Kira. On it were a list of places inside the warehouse to check out.

-The Fountain Room

-Test Lab

-The Cell Hold (Don't free anyone)

-Abbadon's Personal Office

-Dividing Room

'Again, Try not to free anyone.'

'Don't free anyone?' Helix thought curiously, then shrugged. 'Not like I was going to, anyways.'

This part of the continent-previously called America- is split into 2. The upper half is Cilan and the bottom half is Dolen. The split was because of a tax-related outrage after the first aliens started showing up. The aircraft flew continuously for at least 3 hours before reaching Incolum in Cilan.

They flew over tall structures and to one large facility. The pilot landed 2 blocks away, hid the aircraft behind a couple buildings, and opened the side doors. Helix got up and walked out of one of the doors.

"Thanks dude." He said to the pilot and started his walk to the warehouse.

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