

Blaize POV:

The Arizona sun beats down on my neck as I wait by the car with Phil in the airport's carpark. I watch as Bella hugs our mom again. 'Come on, Bells, we have a plane to catch,' Phil says, tapping the car roof. Mom asks, 'Do you both have everything?'

'Yep,' Bella and I say simultaneously. Phil chuckles.

'I will never understand how you guys do that,' Mom says as she crushes our bodies to her in one final group hug. I sigh, relishing the last hug we receive from her. As we pull away, mum smiles, a single tear rolling down her cheek.

I pinch myself. Stay strong, don't cry. Stay strong, don't cry, I chant repeatedly over and over again in my head, feeling the tears threatening to spill from my cheeks. Flight 342 from Arizona to Forks, your plane is now boarding, I hear a voice say from over the intercom.

'Mom, we have to go,' Bella says softly as I pick up the handles of our luggage.

'Okay, remember I love you,' she says, kissing us both on the cheeks.

'Always,' we reply.

'Bye, Phil.' I stop to wave at him.

'Cya guys soon,' he replies.


When we arrive at Forks, we stand around with our luggage, craning our necks to spot dad. 'Bella, Blaize,' says a gruff voice.

'Dad!' I yell, dropping my bags and running into his wide arms.

'Long time no see,' I say as I give him a bear hug. Eventually, I let go and return to my bags. 'Hiya, Bells,' Dad greets Bella, who stands off awkwardly to the side. 'Come, on, let's go,' I groan, trying to ease the tension a little.


As we get out of the car, I grab my stuff and head straight into the house. I jog up the stairs, Bella trailing behind me. 'I, uh, cleared some shelves in the bathroom,' I hear my dad say from the hallway as I enter my bedroom. Oh right, one bathroom, I think, as I set my stuff on the floor. I place my clothes in the dresser, and my toiletries on the wooden desk in the corner of my room.

Suddenly, I hear a honk outside. Peering out the window, I see a guy wheeling a man out of a beat-up orange truck. Gods above, I think. 'You recognise them?' I ask Bella who joins me at my windowsill.

We make our way outside and see Dad greeting the strangers. 'Bells, Blaize, you two remember Billy Black?'

Bella walks forward to shake Billy's hand.

'Hey, Billy,' I wave.

'Urgh, you guys have grown so much since the last time I saw you,' Billy grunts.

'Not as much as ol' Jacob here,' Dad says, craning his neck up to look at the guy. Oh, Jacob, that was it. 'Sup, girls,' he asks with a dazzling grin.

'Nothing really...' I say.

Dad waves us over to the truck. He looks at Bella. 'So, do you like it?' he asks her.

'Like what?' Bella asks with a confused look.

'Your homecoming present,' Dad grins. Bella gasps. 'Just bought this thing off Billy, here,' Dad says, clapping Billy's shoulder. I roll my eyes as we all watch Bella freak out over the truck. 'Not to mention, I rebuilt the engine all my myself,' Jacob says proudly. He sounds as if he is a father praising his son.

'Really?' I gape. Jacob grins again, and nods.

Dad looks at me and orders, 'Turn around.' I look over my shoulder to find my Jeep sitting there. 'Oh!' I gasp.

'Knew you wouldn't like the truck, so I had your mom ship it here just yesterday,' Dad says.

Now it's my turn to freak out. 'Thanks!'

'No problem, kiddo,' he replies gruffly, patting my back. I laugh, shaking my head in disbelief. I'm home.