
Rampages full assault part 1

As Rampage jump towards us. Dj was the first in line to take her on. He wanted to be the first to engage in combat after what happened with his fight with Mecha. He immediately punched the ground and forced a stone pillar that hit Rampage on her stomach, stopping her right in her tracks.

"You finally remembered how use earth magic?"

I asked.

"Yea, but it will take longer to have it under control."

Dj said. Then the pillar shattered, and we all saw Rampage aiming at Dj.

"I won't go down by one hit... So give it your best shot!!"

Rampage was getting ready for a fight of her lifetime. We, however, have limited options in this fight. I then took one step and pointed my sword at Rampage.

"No holding back..."

I said to everyone while my left eye glowed. Claire then took aim and pulled the trigger, giving me the signal to charge in and strike. Rampage ended up deflecting the bullet with her blade right hand. She then charged at me while aiming with her left hand. I was already at gun point. Dj then came in and pushed me out of the way as Rampage began shooting at us.

She has a lock on me and continued firing at my way while me and Dj where looking for a place to take cover.

"Over there!"

Dj said. I then looked at the direction that Dj was pointing and I saw a stack of wooden planks that was enough to cover us from gun fire. As we took cover, Nidializ charged in and was facing Rampage head on. Rampage blocked Nidializ's first strike, and it limited her options as she was being pinned down.

"Now's my chance..."

Claire said. She ran past Nidializ and hit Rampage in the face from the right side with her gun barrel. She then pulled the trigger, and it made her stop shooting at me and Dj. As the smoke cleared out, Claire saw that her attack had no effect. She quickly put up her guard and Rampage kicked her and pointed at Nidializ.

"Oh o."

Nidializ said. She then backed away with a leap once Rampage began to shoot at her. Me and Dj took this opportunity to attack. I got on top of the wooden planks and had a black fireball on my left hand. She didn't notice my actions. So I went ahead and tossed it to Rampage. Dj saw my intentions and charged in with his right fist ready.

"Is that all?"

Rampage asked and lowered her left hand. She then noticed a glimpse of light coming from her left side. And once she turned over. She saw that my fire ball was in contact range, but she quickly cut it in half and saw Dj charging in.

"Take this!!"

Dj said. He used my fire ball as a distraction to come in close. He then punched Rampage right in the face. Making her fall back and hit a pile of bricks.

"Did I get her?"

Dj asked. He then lowered his guard. Then my left eye burned, and I ran towards Dj while holding my sword with a powerful grip. I stood in front of Dj and placed my guard as soon as Rampage got up. She shot at us again. The bullets were bouncing off from my sword, but it would be a matter of time.

Nidializ saw us, and she quickly stepped in the way and deflected every bullet with her sword.


Me and Dj nodded at Nidializ and quickly split to take on Rampage from both sides. I went towards Rampages left side and Dj went to her right side. She still focused on shooting at Nidializ. But she took notice of me and changed her aim towards me. This gave Dj a chance to hold her down.

"Oh, come on!"

I said out loud. I then used my left hand created a black ice shard and sent it at Rampages direction. Then I followed it with a charged thrust.

"I got her!"

Dj had Rampage locked by her arms. She couldn't break free and escape from my attack. As my black ice made contact. I charged in with a thrust, breaking the ice and piercing Rampage at the same time. She then spilled out oil from her mouth and looked at my face with anger.

"That was a terrible choice..."

She said to me while trying to hold her words. She broke free with a small energy burst, and she finally had me at my weakest point. It held me at gunpoint. Rampage pulled the trigger and covered my entire chest and stomach with bulled holes. Thus making me fall on my back while dying from blood loss. My mind went blank as my eyes closed slowly.

"Dennis, no!!!!"

I heard Claire's voice one last time before I could pass away, but something was still holding me in this world. I then heard a familiar voice.

"So you think you can just die like that? Like nothing matters anymore."

The familiar voice said to me.

"You seek power, love and your own self destruction. But this is not the way. I won't allow you to die here. So you better put up a show or else we going to have a problem latter. You got that memorized?"

I then opened my eyes and saw Heartless and White beast standing in front of me in a dark void.

"Become the only thing that you hate and desire. Stand up and face your true nightmare's. Your fight has only just begun."

Heartless and White beast said to me. It clarified that it is not my time to die. I tried to wake myself up, but I felt that some was trying to wake me up.

"Dennis, wake up.... I said wake up!!!"

Claire was doing her best to not let me die. Dj and Nidializ where standing in the way, trying to protect Claire at all cost.

"So, how will this be? You all can just run away or die here?"

Rampage asked while she pointed with her left hand. No one could respond. They were all agitated by my sudden death. And as the tension kept raising, Claire shed a tear that dropped on my face that made me open my eyes.


Claire said while holding her tears. I was still alive. The pain was fading away while I was struggling to get up.

"I'm... Not done... Not by along shot...."

I extended my left arm as if I was going to grab something. Then I clenched my fist while a light consumed me. I felt that my entire body was boiling.

"You think that a simple multiple bullets will kill me...? Then your wrong... It takes another menace to kill a menace... So show me what you got..."

I said to Rampage while standing up. I then felt electricity surging thru out my entire body while holding my sword. My friends were glad that I was still alive, but it made Rampage even more furious than before. She then powered up and her body changed. Four long arms came out from her back and her feet were pulling out some orbs that acted like some sort of way to move around.

"Evo mode stage 2!"

Rampage said, then a mask covered her mouth. She then looked at me with her red glowing eyes.

"Guys, you better be ready... Because I'm going all out..."

I then took one step, and I ended behind Rampage. It placed everyone in shock after having my sword at Rampages neck.

"You think speed is enough?"

"No, but I'll make this as painful as possible."

I could have ended the fight right here. But I needed to find away to get Rampage on our side. A simple reboot won't do it. But bringing her near the brink of death should bring her back to her senses.

"Then die."

Rampage quickly turned around and shot me while moving. She was trying to gain some distance away from me. I deflected every bullet with my sword while trying to get closer.

"I got you covered!!"

Claire said. She then took aim and shot at Rampage. But she quickly deflected it.

"Hey, keep your eyes on the target!!"

I said out loud. I then charged in with my left fist and gave Rampage an upper cut.


Nidializ called out her weapon's name, and another sword appeared right in front of her. She then grabbed it ran towards me for a lift.

"On your go."

"Go for it!"

I readied my sword. Planning a head of time. Nidializ then jumped on to the blade of my sword and swing it to the sky. Launching Nidializ at full strength. Rampage was able to recover her composure in the sky and her arms charged up an attack.

"Dennis, I'll lend you a hand!!"

Dj then ran up to me, and I jumped at him. As he grabbed me by my legs. He then spins us around. Once he got enough momentum. He let me go towards the sky. I could gain control of my movements from the sky. As I passed by Nidializ, she saw me with my sword in hand. Then she followed up and did the same.

As we both went towards Rampage. She was already done preparing for her move.

"Incineration of rage!!!"

Red energy beams came out of Rampages extra arms. Me and Nidializ didn't have a countermeasure for it. But as we kept going, a light blue energy came past us and canceled Rampages attack. And as I looked down, it was Claire that saved us.

"Go for it!!"

As we heard Claire, we decided that this will be the last strike.

"Obliviona... Strike of true oblivion..."

"Crimsonia... Strike of the crimson knight..."

As soon as we made direct contact with Rampage, we took her out with multiple strikes from all directions. Leaving dents and scratches all over her body. But it wasn't over. I grabbed Rampage and tossing her to the ground.

"Time to end this!!"

I the placed both my hands together and aimed it at Rampage. My body began to fire up as I going over my current limits.

"Ultimate... grand magic.... Eternal fire storm!!!"

As a small vortex made out of fire covered my hands. It then released by itself and covered Rampage in an instance. Once she got covered, she landed hard on the ground. Dj and Claire found some cover behind a stone pillar in the building that was still under construction. I then grabbed Nidializ and tossed her to a roof nearby.

And as I landed on the ground. I saw Rampage on the ground, fully injured.

"Did you had enough?"

I asked. It was clear as day that the fight was over, but I felt a familiar presence behind me. And as I turned around. I saw Lod walking past by me with the purple orb in his hands.

"You got to be kidding me."

"The fight is not over, my dear friend. I'm the one that will call out the shoots from here on out. Now, get up and finish what I started."

Rampage then got up, and Lod gave her the purple orb. Restoring her completely and giving her more power. He then placed a tree by the entrance and left without saying a word.

"Time for round two!!"

Rampage powered up quickly and punched me right in the face. Sending me to the inner complex of the construction site.

"The so be it!!"

I ready up my sword and went towards Rampage. We thus clashed for one more time.

If you have questions on what direction the story should be going. Leave a comment, share and mark this book into your collections so you won’t miss out on the latest updates and chapters. Hope you all enjoy reading!!

DjxCarmacreators' thoughts