
Chapter 1: A New Start

A New Life

Eddard Stark

The Trident

283 AC

When I found out I was going to be reincarnated I didn't expect to end up here. I had a normal life in my previous existence. I grew up on a farm, went to the University of Florida to become a mechanical engineer and even joined the Army where I was placed in the engineering corp.

I was not some special warrior or amazing solider. I wasn't a famous politician or even a great hero that did something special. I was a normal joe who did his duty and tried to live a good life. It was a life cut short when the plane I was on went down. It was a shitty end to a great vacation in Aruba.

I don't remember much of my death except the giant computer screen asking me if I wanted to play a game. Now I grew up and saw Mathew Broderick in war games so definitely was not going to pick thermonuclear war. Instead after years of playing dungeons and dragons I decided to pick a role playing game. Maybe I would get lucky and be reborn as an elf and live a thousand years while tossing around fireballs!

Unfortunately that was not the choice that was available to me. I was able to make a few selections one of which let me start not as a child but as a twenty year old. I took the option for magical blood and for nobility as the system had a notice it would be a medieval society. No way was I shoveling shit for the living or living in a hovel in this next life.

That didn't mean I expected to awaken to this situation.

"My lord. You are awake. Bless the Gods old and New." The chubby man dressed in robes with a chain of metal links spoke up.

My eyes fluttered open and closed as my head continued to ache as if it had been beaten like a drum solo at a AC/DC concert. Ironic since I almost was on the highway to hell. A groan escaped my cracked lips partly from the pain and partly form the bad joke in my head before he spoke dryly. "Water."

"Here Lord Stark." The cup was gently pressed to my lips as I drank slowly but deeply from it. It was warm water but to a man dying of thirst even this tasted good.

But that was not what took my attention. Instead it was what I was called. I only knew one Lord Stark and they was from Game of thrones. The books and tv series where everyone especially the Starks seemed to have a terrible end.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the room. I was in a large tent it seemed from the cloth roof above my head. The room had a number of burly men most with beards and wearing armor from chain to split mail. My mind started to give names to the different faces of Umber, Karkstark, Dunstin, and Bolton.

"What happened?" The question was a simple one but even with my voice being weak it rang out through the room.

The long faces looked from one to the next before the man that I remembered as Lord Manderly spoke up. "We won Lord Stark. We held the right flank and when the dragon shits fell for the trap of the center falling back we collapsed on them. Robert killed the Prince and the royals crumbled."

"How long ago?" I had to ask as this confirmed whom I was. I was Lord Eddard Stark, lord paramount of the North and the first major casualty of the show. Hell, if I remembered right Eddard was twenty when the rebellion ended. If this was the victory at the trident then i had decades to rebuild the North to prepare for what was to come. Maybe I could survive the craziness that was the war of five kings and hopefully the Others.

"Three days since the battle of Trident was won my Lord. You took a blow to the head while fighting against Sir Barristan the Bold. It was believed you may not make it." A grimace came over the face of Lord Karstark as he answered the question.

"How many men did we lose?" The question won a little respect in the eyes of my distant kin. They all knew that I cared for our men. From my new memories Eddard was always with the men. I was always one to support them and even had commented how our people are our most precious resource for the North. It was true now that I thought of it since we are so limited in population. With vast untouched resources.

"Over four thousand are dead and another nine hundred are seriously injured. The cost was high but far less then the losses of the Riverlands or the Stormlands." Lord Bolton answered with his soft voice that could send shivers up the spine of any man.

"That is because a Northern Lord is worth five of a southern as are the worth of our men in battle" I met his cold eyes and gave a firm nod to him at relaying this information. "We have bled and paid a high price for our victory. I will make sure the North is not forgotten from rewards from this war. A Stark does not forget their people."

Those words cheered up the men as a few gave a ragged cheer. I used this time to turn to the Maester, "How long till I can be up and about and sit a horse? The war is not over till the capital is taken."

"I did not expect you to awaken at all my Lord but your body seems to be in remarkable condition. I would say with rest you should be up and about tomorrow. You may be able to ride in a few days more. But I would not suggest battle for some time still." The fat man answered to my question.

I gave a simple nod to the man as I knew it must be my taking over the life of Eddard that caused this recovery to happen. In the books Eddard never fell in battle at the Battle of the Trident. Does this mean Robert would be arriving at Kingslanding first? Will the Kingslayer still kill the Mad King? My head was starting to hurt at the possible consequences of my arrival.

One thing I knew my arrival will make things different. I can't and won't follow the same path so I would need to plan and consider my options.I think I shall follow the Maesters wishes for now. Lord Manderly see to the camp and those in need. Lord Dustin have scouts sent out to make sure to secure our path to the capital. Lord Mormont prepare the men to watch in three days time."

All of the Lords nodded with excitement at my words then left. I laid back into the bed and relaxed as food was brought to me to help recover my strength.


Eddard 2 weeks later

The city was in ruins. It was clear that the Lannisters had sacked the city bringing murder and mayhem to the common folk. It was disgusting to see the common folk's lives destroyed. Their homes and business, fathers and mothers leaving numerous children as orphans. It was a injustice to my modern day view of the world.

There was still smoke rising upwards from the burnt out ruins of parts of the city from the street of silks to the street of steel. There was no part of the city that was not touched by the devastation of the Lions.

We rode through the city to the Red Keep which was spared far better than the rest of the city. Standing at the gate was a number of Baratheon and Lannister men. It was a possible sight for the future and not one that I cared to see to be honest. A sandy haired young man stepped forward to greet us and bowed to me, "Lord Stark. I am Sir Adam Marbrand. The King sent me to escort you and your host to him. Rooms are being prepared for your Lords."

I gave the man a simple nod before turning the other lords with me. "Lord Manderly, Lord Umber, Lord Ryswell, and Lord Glover with me. Lord Bolton please see to the camp of our troops."

I received nods of agreement from each of the men before we followed the knight from the Westerlands. It only took moments before we arrived at the throne room.

It hit me the moment I stepped into this room that this is where Rickard Stark and Brandon Stark we're murdered. It was under the seas watch of the same dragon skulls that lined the walls now. My eyes roamed the room looking at rhe floor a moment almost expecting to see the blackened spot that had in the past haunted Eddard's dreams.

A shake of the head shook me from my thoughts as I walked fully into the chamber towards the throne. It was like the show amass of swords that had been melted into a single chair that appeared far too uncomfortable. Let Robert have it as I had no wish for it.

"Ned!" The shout came from the large man. Robert was very different from the show. I could see how he could break that's hearts of women with his light blue eyes and neat beard. The man had muscles corded all over his tall frame and a massive lady that screamed the warrior reborn. He ignored all others as he marched over to me and pulled me into a tight hug. For moments he held me tight and squeezed me. Before he whispered, " I thought I lost you. I couldn't bear that as you are my brother."

I leaned back and gave him a warm smile, a rarity for Eddard Stark but how Robert's face broke into a smile as well it as tv e right thing, "You are as much my brother as Benjen and Brandon always."

I clasped his arms with own and gave a squeeze. Which the now King returned to my own arms. It was something we started while we fostered. We had named it our warriors greeting. Then the moment was broken as he laughed heartedly, "we shall talk tonight together and plan. We still need to find Lyanna. We are not done yet. The dragon's may be broken here but they are not gone for good."

"The mad king is dead? What about the princes and princess?" I asked despite knowing what happened to them form the shows and books. I had to keep up the act as if i didn't know.

"Jamie Lannister killed the mad king. While Rhaeger's wife and his dragonspawn children are dead in the storming of the keep." He said with a great grin at the very idea.

My stomach turned over and over at the thought before I shook my head. "A Kingsguard turned into a Kingslayer? What of his oaths?"

"A Kingslayer. Hmmmp, what a fitting name for the boy." The king let out a laugh which immediately some of the other lord's in the hall picked up.

"I assume you will release him from his oaths as a Kingsguard as a man who would break those oaths even to such a dispicable person as the mad king should not be a knight of the Kingsguard." It was a quick idea as I may be able to separate Jamie form Cersei. If I could do then I might be able to save the realm from the future war. If the twins didn't betray Robert maybe the children would actually be his someday.

But Robert laughed the words away with a shake of his large hand. "Let the man decide that himself I know he took your vengeance from you. But he did the realm a blessing killing the mad king."

"Princess Elia and the children..". I began but before I could continue Robert interrupted me, "They are dead and good riddance to all of them."

I grit my teeth and shook my head before I spoke up," Children should not suffer in this war. Too many of them have suffered. Too man have no father returning. Too many me. Will be crippled and lost. Too many youth will starve and have nothing now that the city was sacked Robert."

"What do you want me to do about it? It was war Ned. The city had to fall and this is what happens in war." Robert countered but before I could rinse up my idea we were interrupted by Jon Arryn who walked up and again embraced me.

"I leave you two alone for ten minutes and you are bickering like brothers." The words took any steam out of the fight for us. He continued before I could speak up, "rest for now Eddard. It has been a hard journey especially with your injury my son. Rest and tonight the three of us shall dine and talk. There is much still to decide and fighting now will do us no good."

I closed my mouth and nodded in agreement to those words. There was no point to argue here in the throne room I did show my displeasure with what River had done which hopefully would keep the blades and poisons of Dorne away from me.

I followed a servant from the room shortly afterwards to a large chamber. My barely took off my clothing and laid down before I was asleep having been stressed from this new life and the possibilities I had to juggle.


Eddard's chambers

Kingslanding - The Red Keep

The knock came to the door and I spoke up not turning towards it, "Come in."

I could hear the door open and the bulky man walk into the room with his heavy steps. His he at hunt was deep as a man of his size often had but I still didn't look up as I concentrated on finishing writing out the scroll. I was not used to writing with a quill and ink and damned if I wasn't going to invent the fountain pen before this killed me. I did however speak up not to insult the man, "Sit please Lord Wyman. I need but a moment to finish this."

"Of course my Lord." The large man spoke as he settled down into a chair that gave a small creak from his girth.

"Call me Eddard here in private. Your family has always supported mine and you were the first to heed my call when the mad king called for my head. I think that earns you the right to use my name in private don't you?" I looked up as I finished and saw the smile the other man wore at the compliment.

"You honor me Lord Eddard. My family will forever support your and be in your debt. Please call me Wyman as my family and friends call me." The rumbling voice of the man broke in.

I lifted the quill and put it down to the side. I sprinkled the sand on the scroll and blew on it before looking it over. I gave myself a nod and handed it over to the man for him to view. "That is a honor I gladly accept Wyman. Please read this a give me your honest thoughts on it."

The large man slowly read over the scroll then did a second time. His eyes widened a few times at what he saw before he looked up to meet the grey eyes of his liege lord. But I spoke first, " Is it too much?"

"It is ambitious, that is for sure but your family has lost more than any other. It is fitting that the reward should match what has been lost. May I make a few written suggestions in wording that good King Robert may agree Eddard?"

I gave a nod with a smile, "please do I wanted your insight."

That seemed to get the mind of the man going. He started to scribble down ideas and slight changes to my requests from the crown. I poured two mugs of wine and leaned back to sip from my own as I waited. The man worked in silence for twenty minutes before he smiled and slid the parchment towards me.

I stared at it for long moments then raised my eyebrow to him. "Do you think they will give this much?"

"Robert hates the Targaryens. If you phrase it because of your losses to them then he will uncle for your wishes and take from their supporters." Wyman answered right away with a conviction in his voice.

"I'll try it. One last thing, they will need a master of coin. Would I have your support to be my eyes and ears here in the capital if I can get their agreement?" I asked calmly letting him understand the boon I was offering him back for his service. I was not certain if they would take my wishes into effect for their small council but Wyman would be th best choice of a Northern man assigned to the council.

"Of course Lord Eddard. It would be the highest of honors. But even if they do not I think we shall be busy." Wyman added with a smile and deep drink from his cups.

"Indeed." Glancing down at the list on the parchments with a smile, "I agree that the North should become very busy."


Eddard Stark

Small Council Chambers

I walked into chambers escorted by a pair of Stark guards whom I left outside. Inside I found Jon and Robert at the table. The table was full of food and wine stacked high. Besides the our only guardsmen around the corners of the room.

Robert's eyes lit up as he saw me, "Come Ned and sit."

"Thank you Your Grace." I bowed slightly and had to dodge a chicken leg thrown at me from Robert

"No Your Grace from you Ned. Not you too. I am getting enough of that shit from others. Especially not here when we are alone." Robert chuckled as leaned back and took a deep drink of his cups of wine.

I chuckled and lowered down to sit placing the small pile of parchments to the side before starting to fill my plate.

"Ned. I hate to ask this of you but we need your help still. I know you want to go to find Lyanna but we need someone to break the siege at Storms End. You would be best I think to deal with the Reachmen." Jon spoke up at once trying to get the business out of the way.

"I understand. I am sure Robert wants his home and brothers free of them. If they somehow capture the keep it would put their position to negotiate a peace much stronger." I offered back with a small frown, "before I go I would like to talk of what the North is looking for out of this war."

"Oh? What do you want?" Jon asked expecting some requests for the Lord's of North.

"Winter is coming and we lost years of harvests. We spent a decade of out gold at least on this war and lost men we will not be able to replace for decades. Our people will suffer and many may not make it through the coming winter. That is not even to mention the fact that I have had my Father, older brother and maybe my sister taken from my own family. Because of this the North is requesting this from the crown from the soils." I stood up and passed to each of them a copy of the parchment that I worked on with Wyman.

Then I started to read it out loud to them. "I am asking for the following because of the pain and suffering brought on by the Targaryens. What they have stolen from my family over the decades.

The return of the old and new gift to the Stark family. It was some of our best farmland and it has caused suffering since it lies in ruin for the past century.

A sum of one million dragons form the treasury that will be used to rebuild Moat Cailin and build a canal through Ferve River to connect trade across the continent.

The Reach will be required to to sell grains at fifty percent of market price for the next decade.

The three sisters come lands of the North. They have been undertaking piracy against the North during the war capturing our sailors and selling them to Essos slavers.

The Targaryen treaty declared in the Dance that they would wed a daughter of House Stark when that took place the North would be given the same freedom and tax breaks as Dorne. Their kidnapping of Lyanna full filled this requirement in the eyes of the North. We would have us recognized as still swim to House Baratheon but as an allied Kingdom and will adopt the title of Jarl for the Lord of House Stark.

The sacking of Kingslanding has left the city in ruins. The North will supply timber and stone from our quarries to help to rebuild the city at a fair deal for both sides.

The transport of these materials will be done with a new Northern fleet we will be building to help protect the Kingdom from threats across the sea and the new trade passage.

Finally the capital is filled with women and children that lost their kin in the sacking of it. The Crown will sponsor these orphans the chance to travel north with coin and food to make their new home at the city we will founded at Moat Cailin and Winterfell. The crown will also petition for five masters and twice that in acolytes to go to the north to help these children learn basis of numbers, letters, and trade skills."

I fell silent as I watched them with a look of shock filling the face of Jon at my demands. I knew he had expected some but not to this extent of my wishes. I sat straight up in my chair and looked at Jon, "In return for the sisters Jon I will lead a contingent of Northern Clansmen to recruit the mountain clans of the vale to leave their lands to. One North to settle into the old gift. I believe if First Men give them the choice we may be able to convince enough to remove the treat of the mountain clans for generations."

"You would use them as a buffer between the wildlings and the North." Jon said at once considering that option

I nodded firmly with a smile, "Indeed but it would also remove strife and give me better numbers to support the crown in the future. It removes a threat that has been there ages for the Vale. I consider it a win win."

"And the sisters?" Jon asked with a raised eyebrow. The islands were semi by themselves and only under the control of the Vale because the dragons decided it. They were never close and hardly ever sent much in the way of coins to his coffers. He was sure their had been cheating him but it was never worth the effort to bring them under control.

"I will replace the Lords that were part of the piracy and the others will be placed under the rule of the Lord of Moat Cailin. Which will be my brother Benjen." I answered firmly to the man.

"Would you consider a marriage for Benjen to help bind the realm together?" Jon asked quickly trying to find a use for the crown.

I frowned at the thought of forcing my younger brother into a marriage but on the bright side it would give him another reason not to join the Night's Watch. Slowly I nodded my head and answered, "I think I could convince him but I feel it would be best to bind him to a family that has experience with the sea and trade. Perhaps a Redwyne, Hightower, or Velaryon. He will need assistance to learn of the trade that will come through his future city."

Jon considered my words for a time then nodded his head firmly in agreement. I could almost see the wheels in his mind turning. I am sure he was pondering who he could pair with my brother for the good of binding the realm. I offered some suggested names to entice him but I didn't promise anything as it was highly possible that I would let my brother decide himself. He was still young after all."

"I think that is enough Jon. We will give Ned what he asked for. I won't pinch coppers with him. What he asked for is fair for what he needs. But I have one requirement." Robert said stopping Jon from any further arguments.

"What is that Robert?" I asked him curious what he would want from me. He knew that his Eddard would do anything for him as a brother.

"Find Lyanna and bring her back to me Ned. I made that bastard pay. I took his life but if we don't find her I still lose." Robert said with a deep sadness in his voice.

"I plan to Robert. I plan too,". I answered firmly to him despite knowing I would not be able to accomplish what he asked.

Author note:

This is a slight gamer system self insert. There will be changes obviously and everything is from the perspective of the insert. He is colored by the memories of Eddard in his mind. I never saw an Eddard self insert. Hopefully it will be interesting. I just wrote this one chapter to see if people would have any interest in it.