
Garbage recycling system

A sudden breakup phone call broke Jiang Yuxuan's seemingly ordinary urban life but deep love. On the other end of the phone, my girlfriend Zhou Yanyan’s decisive words were like a bolt from the blue, and six years of affectionate devotion were instantly wiped out. Zhou Yanyan not only announced that she had ended her relationship with him and was about to marry Zhang Dayong, a junior student with superior material conditions, but what made Jiang Yuxuan's heart wrenched was that he had just spent everything he had on Xiaoxiao's family and was burdened with huge debts, but now he was abandoned. Like an old man wearing worn shoes. The sweet vows and the vision of working together in the past seem so pale and powerless in the face of the cruelty of reality. Jiang Yuxuan, a young writer struggling to survive in the magical city, despite his meager income, has always cared for his girlfriend in the capital with selfless love. He is willing to live frugally and even subsidize cigarette money by picking up scraps, just in exchange for Xiaoxiao's happy smile. . However, the balance of love was eventually out of balance in the face of the temptation of money and material. Xiaoxiao chose a man who could immediately realize a stable life, leaving Jiang Yuxuan to bear the pain of betrayal alone in the wind and rain. The mixed emotions of anger, despair, and humiliation swept through Jiang Yuxuan's soul like a storm. He could not accept the fact that he had been deceived for a year and a half, and he could not bear the fact that his hard-earned money became a stepping stone for other people's marriages. Just when Jiang Yuxuan was on the verge of collapse and looking up to the sky angrily blaming his unfair fate, a thunderbolt pierced the sky, seeming to respond to his grief and anger, and involved him in an unprecedented and strange situation - the "garbage recycling system" quietly arrived. In the flash of lightning, Jiang Yuxuan's fate suddenly turned. His body was strengthened by mysterious power and bound to an unknown "garbage recycling system", which indicated that his life was about to embark on a subversive counterattack. The former waste collector may become the king of garbage who can harness endless resources and reverse life's difficulties.

ziweimiyi · 東方
72 Chs

Super embarrassing two models

"Send me the time and address."

  Jiang Yuxuan agreed without thinking.

  For two hundred million, let alone two model girls, two hundred model girls, Jiang Yuxuan can give up.

  Accompanying the two girls, Jiang Yuxuan has to spend money.

  Go see Meng Youfu, Jiang Yuxuan can make money.

  Think with your butt and know which one to choose.

  Besides, Jiang Yuxuan was just a little out of place. If he really wanted to do something, he didn't dare.

  And Meng Youfu also had a beautiful woman to accompany him...

  "Mr. Jiang, I will send you the status, I am already here. My friend will be here in a while, you can come now."

  "Okay, see you later."

  Jiang Yuxuan hung up the phone as he spoke.

  He just hung up the phone, and then he remembered.

  This time it was one of the two models who called.

  "Mr. Jiang, I'm really sorry, we may not be able to keep the appointment. We took a new job and have to fly there overnight. We will come back to Magic City to play with you another day when we have time."

  "Okay, no problem, I wish you all the best in your work."

  Jiang Yuxuan hung up the phone after saying that. He was a little glad that he promised Meng Youfu, otherwise he would have been empty.

  After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yuxuan went to change his clothes. Although they were all the same color and style, they were at least cleaner than the one on his body.

  He hadn't forgotten to brush his teeth and wash his face.

  Meng Youfu said on the phone that he called a few girls to eat together, and Jiang Yuxuan still had to clean up.

  At least look clean.

  Jiang Yuxuan took his phone and went downstairs directly. The hotel location sent by Meng Youfu was not too far from Jiang Yuxuan.

  Forty minutes later, Jiang Yuxuan parked his car in the parking lot in front of the hotel.

  Xinwang Restaurant.

  Looking at the name of the hotel, Jiang Yuxuan curled his lips.

  This name looks really extraordinary.

  The name has come back to earth, and the decoration is very good. And to be able to open such a four-story hotel in the city center, the boss is definitely not simple.

  Jiang Yuxuan just walked in, the two rows of girls wearing red cheongsam at the door bowed to Jiang Yuxuan.

  "Good evening, welcome."

  Jiang Yuxuan was startled. It was the first time he had experienced such a scene.

  He laughed hopelessly.

  "Okay, okay... Hello..."

  The girl in cheongsam walked towards Jiang Yuxuan.

  "Sir, how many are you? Do you have an appointment?"

  The girl was very enthusiastic and did not look down on him because of Jiang Yuxuan's clothes.

  "That friend has booked the Peony Pavilion on the third floor."

  "You are President Meng's friend... Please come here."

  The girl became more enthusiastic than before and led Jiang Yuxuan towards the elevator.

  Take the elevator to the third floor, the girl took Jiang Yuxuan directly to the Peony Pavilion box, she helped Jiang Yuxuan pushed open the door.

  "Sir, please come in."

  "Thank you."

  Jiang Yuxuan stepped in, and he was stunned after entering.

  In addition to Meng Youfu, there were also six girls in the box, two of whom... he knew.

  It was the two models who asked him to visit the Magic City.

  The two models were also stunned, and their expressions became a little embarrassed.

  They called Jiang Yuxuan and said that they had taken another job and were going to fly away overnight, but they met here.

  They did take on other jobs, but this job was to accompany Meng Youfu to dinner.

  50,000 yuan for a meal, and if you are taken away by the guests, you can take another 80,000.

  Naturally, they would not refuse such a good thing, so they directly pushed Jiang Yuxuan away.

  It's just that they didn't expect that the guest Meng Youfu told them to accompany them was Jiang Yuxuan.

  It was really embarrassing. His mother opened the door for him, and he got home in embarrassment.

  "Mr. Jiang, thank you for giving me this face..."

  Seeing Jiang Yuxuan come in, Meng Youfu immediately stood up with a smile and greeted Jiang Yuxuan.

  Jiang Yuxuan also smiled at Meng Youfu, stretched out his hand and walked towards him.

  "Mr. Meng, you are too polite. If you treat me to dinner, I will definitely come."

  "Come and sit, come and sit."

  Jiang Yuxuan was pulled by Meng Youfu to sit next to him.

  The two models didn't even dare to raise their heads now, and they regretted it very much.

  I didn't expect that bosses like Meng Youfu would be so polite to Jiang Yuxuan. If they had known this, they would not have pushed Jiang Yuxuan away.

  They felt as if they had lost a watermelon for a sesame seed.

  "Mr. Jiang, today's drink is actually mainly to thank you. The effect of the pills you gave me is really nothing to say. I am very strong now, and I also went to the hospital for examination. The doctor said that I am in good health, and if I want a child, it is completely fine."

  Meng Youfu seemed a little excited, especially the word strong, and he also aggravated his tone.

  Jiang Yuxuan could naturally understand what he meant.

  "Mr. Meng, everything can't be too much, you must be moderate, and don't stop the medicine I prescribed for you to treat the stomach. Take one or two pairs every month, you often have to socialize and drink, that medicine is often taken, it is good for your health."

  Meng Youfu immediately nodded.

  "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for your concern. I'll write it down."

  "Mr. Jiang, my friend is still on the way, and it is estimated that it will take half an hour to arrive. If you are hungry, let's eat first, and wait while eating?"

  Jiang Yuxuan shook his head. Although he was hungry, he couldn't wait for half an hour.

  "Let's wait for a while, drink some tea and wait slowly."

  "Okay, the waiter will make me a pot of tea that I have stored in your store."

  After Meng Youfu finished speaking, he pointed at the six girls and opened his mouth to Jiang Yuxuan.

  "Mr. Jiang, let me introduce you, this is Xiaoke, she is Nana, she is Lanxin, this is..."

  Meng Youfu told Jiang Yuxuan the girl's name.

  6 girls, except for the two models, Xiao Ke and Nana.

  He and the four of them smiled and nodded.

  Jiang Yuxuan also smiled and nodded in response.

  The appearance and figure of these four girls belong to the upper class. Jiang Yuxuan looked at them with a little greed...

  Meng Youfu was a veteran. He could see that Xiao Ke and Nana were abnormal.

  "Mr. Jiang, do you know the two of them?"

  Jiang Yuxuan smiled but remained silent.

  Xiao Ke and Nana couldn't sit still.

  "Do you two know Mr. Jiang?"

  Meng Youfu was not so polite when talking to the two of them, and his tone was a little cold.

  Xiao Ke and Nana hurriedly raised their heads.

  "Know... know... we met when Mr. Jiang bought the car."

  "Yes, the car Mr. Jiang bought is the one on our platform."

  Meng Youfu felt that things were not so simple. If he knew each other, he wouldn't have lowered his head and dared not meet people, right?

  Girls like them are not so pure.

  However, he did not intend to continue asking. He was afraid that Jiang Yuxuan's privacy would be involved.

  "Mr. Jiang, did you buy a car?"

  Meng Youfu took the opportunity to turn the conversation to the car.

  "Well, I bought a car for transportation, so it's easier to go out."

  "Mr. Jiang, what car did you buy?"

  "Knight XV..."