
Garbage recycling system

A sudden breakup phone call broke Jiang Yuxuan's seemingly ordinary urban life but deep love. On the other end of the phone, my girlfriend Zhou Yanyan’s decisive words were like a bolt from the blue, and six years of affectionate devotion were instantly wiped out. Zhou Yanyan not only announced that she had ended her relationship with him and was about to marry Zhang Dayong, a junior student with superior material conditions, but what made Jiang Yuxuan's heart wrenched was that he had just spent everything he had on Xiaoxiao's family and was burdened with huge debts, but now he was abandoned. Like an old man wearing worn shoes. The sweet vows and the vision of working together in the past seem so pale and powerless in the face of the cruelty of reality. Jiang Yuxuan, a young writer struggling to survive in the magical city, despite his meager income, has always cared for his girlfriend in the capital with selfless love. He is willing to live frugally and even subsidize cigarette money by picking up scraps, just in exchange for Xiaoxiao's happy smile. . However, the balance of love was eventually out of balance in the face of the temptation of money and material. Xiaoxiao chose a man who could immediately realize a stable life, leaving Jiang Yuxuan to bear the pain of betrayal alone in the wind and rain. The mixed emotions of anger, despair, and humiliation swept through Jiang Yuxuan's soul like a storm. He could not accept the fact that he had been deceived for a year and a half, and he could not bear the fact that his hard-earned money became a stepping stone for other people's marriages. Just when Jiang Yuxuan was on the verge of collapse and looking up to the sky angrily blaming his unfair fate, a thunderbolt pierced the sky, seeming to respond to his grief and anger, and involved him in an unprecedented and strange situation - the "garbage recycling system" quietly arrived. In the flash of lightning, Jiang Yuxuan's fate suddenly turned. His body was strengthened by mysterious power and bound to an unknown "garbage recycling system", which indicated that his life was about to embark on a subversive counterattack. The former waste collector may become the king of garbage who can harness endless resources and reverse life's difficulties.

ziweimiyi · 東方
72 Chs


"Didn't I just step on a little car paint if I didn't leave? What's the big deal, just lose money. I have a friend who runs a car repair shop, so don't even think about asking for a penny more."

  The girl called Liuliu had a face full of disdain.

  She didn't listen to what a melon eater said before her feelings.

  If Jiang Yuxuan's hood was repaired, it would not be as simple as tens of thousands of dollars.

  Jiang Yuxuan was too lazy to break off with them again. He stared at them tightly and waited for the police to come.

  After waiting for less than two minutes, the police arrived.

  They asked about Jiang Yuxuan, and asked about the two girls and the two young men, including the onlookers around them.

  The video taken by Jiang Yuxuan didn't have a chance to take out at all, because their photographer's camera was full of photos of the two girls standing on the front of the car.

  After the investigation, both sides were taken to the police station for negotiation.

  After arriving at the police station, Liuliu called his friend who opened a car repair shop.

  After her friend arrived, her brows immediately frowned.

  He was dealing with cars. After seeing Jiang Yuxuan's car, he knew that he was going to bleed heavily.

  He originally wanted to fool some Jiang Yuxuan and told him to just mend the paint. He didn't have much money and gave Jiang Yuxuan 20,000 yuan for private chat.

  Jiang Yuxuan naturally disagreed. He directly went online to check the phone number of a 4S store. After negotiating the price, he asked them to come over to do damage identification.

  The people from the 4S store gave a fair price. The maintenance fee plus the freight, plus Jiang Yuxuan's lost work fee... It cost a total of the same amount of money, which was a total of the same amount of money.

  The price they said was very reasonable, but the girls did not agree.

  "No, this is extortion. Why do you need to be in the same position as you are in the same position?"

  "You are the one who found the person. You have discussed how much it is."

  "We won't give any of this money!"

  The man who opened the car repair shop did not speak. He knew very well in his heart that there was really not much to be said for this.

  Even if the other party opens his mouth and wants to be in the same position, it is not too much.

  Jiang Yuxuan is not in a hurry at all. If he doesn't lose money, he will go to court. Anyway, he is not short of money now. What he lacks is to fight for breath.

  He especially couldn't see the faces of these two girls who claimed to be net red.

  It seems that with the title of net red, you can do whatever you want, just like the second child.

  Today's matter cannot be easily compromised. They must know the reality of this society and the cruelty of people's hearts...

  "Comrade police, since they won't compensate me for the loss, then you have dealt with it. They deliberately damaged other people's property and caused huge losses. According to the regulations, they should be able to be detained, right? The loss of a few years may also allow them to go to jail for a few years."

  Jiang Yuxuan said this to a male police officer in his early thirties sitting next to him.

  That police officer nodded.

  "That's right, I'm giving you a chance to negotiate a solution. If you can't negotiate, then go through the normal procedures. You will be detained first, and then find a third-party organization to come over for a loss assessment. Then he can sue you according to the amount. If you are willing to compensate, if he does not accept continuing to insist on prosecution, you may also be detained for a month or two."

  This police officer said those words because those two girls had left a bad impression on him.

  When they were brought back, they still clamored that they were Internet celebrities... If they could not enter the police station and caused adverse effects on them, they would sue the police station.

  The two girls frowned. They thought that as long as they insisted on not paying compensation, others would have no choice but to take them.

  The man who opened the auto repair shop walked to Liuliu's side and whispered to her ear.

  "Let's lose the money. We are in the wrong about this. It's not much to lose. If the other party is serious, you have to give it to the other party if you want to give it to the other party."

  When Liuliu heard this, she immediately felt very wronged...

  Why did she give so much money? She had worked so hard to broadcast live for a year and occasionally received a short video advertisement, earning just over a million.

  She was unwilling to take out one-fifth of her income at this time!

  Liuliu gritted her teeth, took out her phone and clicked on the video recording function. She took a shot at the people in the room.

  After filming, he hid behind others and secretly sent a Douyin with words.

  Because the photo was taken and stepped on someone else's car, the other party had to compensate for it. This was blackmail, this was blackmail! The most hateful thing was that the police also helped him!

  After sending it, Liuliu laughed proudly.

  She felt that as long as this matter was made big, Jiang Yuxuan and the police would be afraid and would not dare to ask for so much money.

  Jiang Yuxuan actually saw her little tricks long ago, but he didn't expect her to be so skillful.

  "Hey, have you thought it through?"

  "Can you wait? Our boss will be here soon. We'll make a decision when he arrives."

  The young man who called the boss of the company before he spoke looked very ugly.

  He was originally the logistics of the company. Today, these two aunts came out to broadcast live outdoors. By the way, they took some photos. They were a little short of manpower, so they called him out.

  I didn't expect to meet such a thing. It's really a bad time.

  Jiang Yuxuan was a little anxious. His stomach had already started growling. If he dragged on, his plan to pinch his feet and take a bath would be ruined.

  "I'll give you ten minutes. If your boss doesn't come, just wait for me to sue you."

  "I'll call again to urge you."

  The young man smiled apologetically, then took out his cell phone and turned to the side to make a call.

  Jiang Yuxuan waited for another five minutes, and that boss finally arrived.

  It was a twenty-seven or twenty-eight-year-old man in a suit and tie. He was very bookish and wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He was more refined than a teacher.

  After he arrived, he didn't talk nonsense. After understanding the whole story clearly, he directly agreed to lose money and apologized to Jiang Yuxuan.

  The attitude was very sincere, and the two girls were severely scolded.

  After taking the money, Jiang Yuxuan naturally agreed to the settlement. After signing the settlement agreement, he drove directly away from the police station.

  As for the repair of the car, Jiang Yuxuan plans to talk about it in a few days. If he really can't, he will first find a garage and stick a full-body film on the car. Then the scratches and marks will not be visible and the car can still drive.

  After leaving the police station, Jiang Yuxuan went directly to the city center, checked online, and found a western food restaurant with the highest grade nearby.

  Jiang Yuxuan came out less than half an hour after entering, not because he ate fast, but because... he was not used to eating.

  The weight of each dish is too small, one mouthful is gone... some even less than one mouthful.

  Jiang Yuxuan naturally didn't like it anymore.

  When he left the western restaurant, Jiang Yuxuan also swore that he would never eat western food again. It was too much of a test of patience.

  He found a Sichuan restaurant nearby and ordered a large table of dishes. Jiang Yuxuan ate and drank.

  If you eat and drink enough, you will naturally have to take a bubble bath and pinch your feet.

  Originally, before taking a bath, he still wanted to go to the bar, but time was a little too late, so he simply didn't go to the bar.

  That night, he slept in the bathing center.

  After sleeping a vegetarian, he wanted to sleep meat, but he just thought about it.

  At nine o'clock the next morning, Jiang Yuxuan was woken up by the ringing of his cell phone. He felt his cell phone in a daze and picked it up.

  "Mr. Jiang, I'm Officer Zhou who handled your incident yesterday. Is it convenient for you to come to the office now?"