
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · その他
90 Chs

Chapter 6: System Points (SP)

"I guessed that, after our original body died, we were created and sent here like a fax."

"What fax?"

"You mean, we are the clone of the original body?"

"That's more or less our current situation." replied the kid. After that, he once more disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Huh? He is gone!"

While being invisible, Nishi said, "I forget to tell you. You see, Gantz sometimes do his job half-assed. There was several case where the Gantz sent people whose original body was supposed to be dead, but turn out alive. So, don't be surprised if you saw your original self to be still alive."

"Well, the door is already opened. You guys should also go home." Nishi walked out of Gantz Room. However, he stopped for a moment and said, "Just a reminder, don't tell anyone about our situation, or the Gantz. Remember when you heard the ringing on your head, that is some kind of bomb planted on your head by Gantz. Talk to others about us, and...booom. You die!"

After that Nishi really left, making the others frown, while contemplating his warning.

"I think the guy is right." Kurono agreed with Nishi. After all, he know more things than everyone else. "For now, let's just go home."

Getting out of the room, everyone tried to check whether the situation is the same as when they were inside Gantz. Kato tried to stop a taxi driver,and the taxi stopped.

"Thank God. We can go back now."

Kato was relieved when he was able to talk to the taxi driver. After that, they headed for their respective house. Fortunately, the Gantz Room is within the same region where everyone's house can be reached.

"This is my house."

Kishimoto stopped the taxi driver when they reached her house. She then get off of the car.

"Kurono-kun, your uniform..."

"Just keep it." Kurono didn't mind his uniform. He know that the original Kurono got some other uniform on his house. "Just assume it as a token of our meeting."

Kurono was about to ask the driver to leave, but got stopped by Kishimoto.


A kiss was planted on Kurono's cheek, causing him to momentarily froze in his seat.

"Thank you for saving me." Kishimoto bowed down to Kurono. After that, she hurriedly run away.

As the taxi moved away, Kurono touched his cheek and felt the lingering warm on it. A small smile slowly crept on his face.

On the side, Kato looked at him with some jealousy. For some reason, Kurono's image of bravery in his mind slowly turned into someone evil. When he saw Kurono killed the alien, he started to have this opinion. When he saw him getting kissed by Kei Kishimoto, it made him feel envy. This worsen his impression on Kurono, to the point that he wished Kurono really died in the train accident.

On the outside however, Kato didn't show his bad impression, and still kept an amiable expression.


Kurono sighed as he looked at the room in front of him. This is the house where the original Kurono used to live.

"So, from now on, I will be living in this house huh." Kurono stopped sighing about the past, and started to thing about his current life.

"I will be transported once more into that Gantz room in the near future. For that, I need to prepare myself. What should I do?"

Suddenly, Kurono remembered that he got two System inside his body, called Dark and Rose. He then called out, "Dark, Rose, are you still there?"

<Ah, I thought you already forgotten about me.> Rose's voice echoed out in Kurono's mind. She sounds a bit disappointed.

[Hei there, host. You have an unchecked completed mission. Please check it out.]

"How do I check it?"

[Just think of the panel for alien mission.]

Kurono did as advised, and a hollogram-like panel appeared in front of him. There is currently one completed mission shown on it. He clicked on it.

[Mission 1: Collect the blood sample for the Big Onion Alien (2/2). Reward: 2 System Points (SP)]

"Already collected? When did I do that?"

[I guessed that the host may have the tendency to forget things. So, I took the liberty to collect the blood sample on my own. However, I won't help the host if he keep forgetting the task.]

"Ah, my bad. Sorry, I'll do the task on my own next time."

[Host better be. Otherwise, you won't get any rewards from me.]

Kurono suddenly felt like he was being watched coldly by the system, causing him to sweat profusely. He hurriedly changed the topic. "So, what is this System points for?"

<Let me explain.> Rose cut Dark from explaining the System points. <You can use System points to buy things in the System Market.>

"System market?"

<Yeah. Here, look.>

Another panel popped out, showing the System Market.

System Market (Basic)

- Basic Stats: 1 Stats per 3 SP (limited to 10 Stats)

- Aprosidiac Potion: 1 Potion per 1 SP

- Strength Potion: 1 Potion per 10 SP

- Agility Potion: 1 Potion per 7 SP

- Health Potion: 1 Potion per 20 SP

Market refresh once per month

"This market...is not like what I thought it should be. These items look too basic." Kurono was not satisfied when he saw the market. He was hoping for it show some extraordinary items. Look like his imagination was too grand.

<This market is only the basic market. When you upgrade the system, you will also get a more advanced System Market.>

"System can be upgraded?"

<Of course it can be upgraded. Collect enough points,and you can automatically upgrade it.>

"How much point should i collect to upgrade the system?"

<It's 500 SP>

Never mind then, thought Kurono. He won't be able to collect that amount for the near future. Looking at those items, he sighed, "I am not even able to buy these basic items with my current points."

<Hello? There is one you can buy. You can even buy two Aprosidiac Potions.>

"Nope. I'm not interested."

<Why? You can use it arouse any girls. Then, you can have your way with them hehehe> Rose laughed as if imagining Kurono forcing a drugged Kishimoto to have sex with him.>

"Hold you horses. I'm not someone like that." Kurono hurriedly dispersed the uncensored image that suddenly appeared. He seriously warned Rose, "Listen, don't just go around and create some dirty images."

Rose on the other hand just smirked in reply.

At this time, Dark spoke out, [Host, if you needed SP, I can lend you some.]

"Really? Then give me some."

<Hey host, don't hmmpmm...>

"What? Rose, what are you talking about?"

However, Rose didn't answer. Instead, Dark continued, [I am only able to lend you 60 SP for now, as the System is not yet upgraded, and it limits the points lending to that much. Do you want it]


[Okay. Just a second. Aand, done. Host, please check your stats.]

"How should I check it?"

[Just think of your stats.]

Kurono did so.

Kei Kurono

System Points (SP): 62

Level: 1 (Average Human)

Equipment Stored: Gantz Suits, Gantz X-gun.

Loan to be paid: 120 SP to Dark (100% interest rate). Pay within six month.

"Huh!? I stored those Gantz items?"

[For safety precautions, I helped the host to store it in the System.]

"I see. Hei, why am I charged 100% interest rate? And it was a loan? Was not it supposed to be just lending some point?"

<Nooo! Host, you got tricked by Dark!>

[Muahahaha! You fall for it host. Now, you better pay for it within thr given time limit.]

"WHAT!? How could you do that to you own host?"

<Bastard, Dark! How dare you jammed me just now!>

[Who cares about you, Rose. You know that we also needed some SP in order to survive. I loaned some point to him, and he will pay me. That's the normat thing to do.]

<But, but you charged him too much. Aren't you afraid that the Administrator will find out about this?>

[I'm Dark. You know, dark is equal black. Haven't you heard that loan sharks has a black heart? That's represent me. Muahahaha] Dark laughter echoed in Kurono's mind. [As for Administrator, he is rarely checking any System entities. It should be fine.]

What the heck is these guys talking? Do they have their own world and living place? Kurono felt like he just stumbled upon something mysterious.

He didn't worry much about the SP loan. There is still some month before the deadline. So, let's just worry about it later, thought the unworried youth.

"Right now, I don't want to buy these listed items. Let's wait for the next refreshed items."

After that, Kurono decided to just take a rest and sleep for the night.

The next day, he go to school as per original Kurono's daily life. This school life is almost identical to his school life before he got reincarnated in the Gantz world as Kurono. Such a nostalgic scene. There are scene where he chatted with friends, a boring class, gossiping about beauties, and eating in the canteen.

One very different things though, is that in his previous school, there is no students bullying and fighting, as it was a very strict school. Any students who try to bully, or cause student infighting will be reported, and Immediately get expelled from school.

In this current school however, there are many bullies and bad students. These students often called as 'Yankees'. They usually have their own group, and often do bad deed.

One example is like today's even. While Kurono was talking to one of his friends, Matsumura, that Matsumura showed a worried face and said, "Hey, Kurono. I think I'm in trouble."

"Huh? About what?"

"Yo...you know, a guy called Yonekura, he is been extorting money from me." Matsumura expressed his worry, "I can no longer buy those anime magazine."

"Er...magazine aside. Why don't you just tell the teachers that that guy is extorting some money from you?"

"I can't. I don't have any proof. Besides, that Yonekura guy is good at fighting. He has his own gang. If I did report him, he might ask his group to kill me...ah!"

While Matsumura was talking, he saw a student who looked like an adult with a thin moustache, approaching them. Matsumura Instantly got frightened.

"Tha... that's him. That's Yonekura."

Matsumura hurriedly informed Kurono as silent as he could about the arrival of the money extorter.