
Encounter (part2)

I stared at him blankly then spoke

"well because I am not a type of person who like to socialise very much may be that's a reason why a beauty like me is sitting alone".

he chuckled and spoke" well,I am

Naruto usumaki ".I bluntly said "ok".

He with a smile said " What am I supposed to address u my lady" .

seeing such a vibrant smile which

can flutter anyone's heart. I replied "

well I won't be staying long so there

is no need to know my name rather than u can call me L will do". I said with a smile showing my deep dimples . Naruto chuckled and spoke "ok so can I get u a drink?".leah said no I am full .Naruto said with a dramatic face "that's so rude".I was in no mood to talk to a stranger so I started taking my things and I took my card and gave it to bartender for money . Naruto took my card from bartender and gave back to me ."at least let me pay for u". leah spoke "why?" .Naruto with a baby look said plz. leah said " do as u please" . taking all things I went towards the exit .he followed me getting frustrated I stopped and suddenly bump into me I startled and was about to fall when he grabbed me by my waist making me steady on my feet I step back and getting more frustrated I spoke "what?" . Naruto repeated "What what?" which made me more angry I took a deep breath and spoke" why are u following me?" .Naruto said I am not .with anger on my face I spoke "YES U ARE".

Naruto with a smile on his face asked " are u hurt anywhere?".I with confused look looked at him and spoke "what?" Naruto replied "are u hurt somewhere?" I was now on boiling inside and shouted "why am I supposed to hurt I didn't fall anywhere? " . Naruto with a wide smile seeing that smile I understood that he is going to speak something irritating. then Naruto spoke" aa-ray u fell from heaven na are u sure u didn't get hurt ?". and I started blushing with a wide smile on my face all anger on leah's face faded. leah said " oh my god u know u are an unbelievable person really I have never seen something like u " Naruto replied "and I didn't saw an angel like u" I spoke while laughing "i really like your personality " Naruto was going to say something but I intruded "so now I will be going BYYEE..Naruto socked why ?. because I have work to do early morning that's why. with a baby sad face he said "fine but at least let me drive u home plz". I agreed we went to his car which was a fire such a cool one we sat inside and he started driving I was only speaking when was needed to show direction .After reaching home I bid him good bye .Naruto with a sweet smile spoke" hope to see u again". I with a smile reply " may your hope can come true".while laughing we wished each other good night and then he drove away and I got inside my home.when I came inside I was shocked to see clothes lying everywhere and faint moans were coming from Chris Room I went to check what was that sound and I found that .