

part 01

It was still cold and dark as I made my way upstairs. Even though the shadows were dimming with the advance of the rising sunlight, 4:00 a.m still an ungodly hour for anyone to be awake.

I stifled a yawn and strode on; it's impolite to complain about the little inconveniences if the results only bring me benefits.

The low building of my apartment provided us with a nice, squared space in the form of its rooftop, with only the entrance base jutting out from the corner. Because the place was unlocked, and because the only other tenant remaining was the nice, near-deaf landlady, Rin and I claimed it as our training spot.

"G-Good morning Aruji-sama!" The kunoichi spoke, her voice cracking with a little stutter; she was kneeling in the middle of the roof, wearing a modest white blouse and a long skirt. I immediately noticed the reason for her stutter.

"Rin, the jacket," I informed her as I approached.

"Oh." She jerked a look to her shoulder, seemly surprised by the new addition. "Right, this one apologizes." She said while taking it off.

"All three of them, Rin." I insisted while I knelt before her.

"Ghk!... T-This hopeless one apologizes further."

It was surprisingly easy to keep Rin with a modicum of competence. Numerous tests showed that she functions just fine both in day to day life and in combat if she actually wore the usual amount of clothes a person was expected to wear, but the problem was that her quirk inexplicably let her find and put on clothes without her even realizing she's doing it, and it really did border on the supernatural given that she could pick up pieces of clothing in places where there shouldn't be any. In any case, we found that if there is someone watching out for her habit, she could function just fine, the problem arises if she stays alone for too long as it would undoubtedly lead to her gathering new clothes which would bring forth the adorable, but stammering and useless Rin.

There was a single exception to this, but she only wore that garb when it was absolutely necessary.

"So." She began after a calming breath, no longer carrying any stutter yet not possessing that almost unnatural grace and control she does when fully naked, a happy medium between the two. "Aruji-sama has managed to learn the basic of Kuji-in, and had memorized the neio script. Both feats that would normally require weeks of dedication."

I nodded, hearing her saying like that left me somewhat sheepish; all my progress can be attributed to the gamer system quantifying the skills and giving it to me in tangible form as level-ups. I still needed to practice, but the results of my efforts were more precise and evident than they would be for anyone else short of a once in a generation genius. As for the neio script— the weird ninja text she tasked me with memorizing— I simply absorbed the book, carving the knowledge in my mind forever.

This is to show that no matter how different it is from a 'normal' version, a gamer power is always a cheat.

"Given the speed of your progress, and your superb control over your internal energies is, this one wager we can start studying some basic jutsu."

I nodded again, feeling a bubble of anticipation flaring in my chest. Jutsu aren't the world-shaking spells that were shown in Naruto; in this reality, they are more like ninja cantrips, a combination of magic, rituals, and technique that can produce useful but minor effects on the world, effects that could be deadly if used correctly. They need much more than simply making a series of handseals and throwing energy around… Well, they did need that, but they also needed ingredients, time, conditions, and even mantras to activate. When fighting or on a mission, every jutsu in a ninja arsenal has been prepared beforehand, kinda like a wizard spell from Dnd.

Justu are the closest thing a ninja have to magic, Rin told me, and Taimanin in particular use less jutsu than a normal ninja; their primary weapon is their bloodline power, and most of their training is skewed towards strengthening it or finding better application for it. She told me that for this reason, there won't be much she could do for me after a certain point, but it didn't matter, as I am now every bit and piece of advantage would help, especially if it was something I could add to my limited arsenal.

"P-Please watch closely, Aruji-sama. This one will demonstrate the correct application of neio as a foundation for jutsu." My Taimanin leaned closer and took a familiar purple scroll from the pocket of her bulky fur jacket, spreading it over the ground while she settles an old-school brush and inkstone on the side. The Japanese part of my brain was overjoyed for the eminent calligraphy display. The more practical side wondered if an ink pen would suffice.

Still. "Jacket, Rin."


Chuckling at her blushing face, I settle forwards to watch her scribble in the magical ninja language, eager to actually see it work after days of just knowing about it… wait a second.

That scroll is really familiar. I wonder where did I see it… wait I think there is something—

It was still cold and dark as I made my way upstairs. Though the shadows were dimming with the advance of the rising sunlight, 4:00 a.m still an ungodly hour for anyone to be awake.

I stifled a yawn and stead on; it's impolite to complain about the little pain that only bring me benefits.

The low building of my apartment provided us with a nice, squared space in the form of its rooftop, usually, with only the entrance base jutting out from the course. As it was unlocked and the only other tenant of this place remaining being the nice, deaf landlady, Rin and I claimed it as our training ground.

"G-Good morning Aruji-sama!" The kunoichi spoke, her voice crackly with a little stutter; she was kneeling in the middle of the roof, wearing a yellow shirt and jeans. I immediately noticed the reason for her stutter.

"Rin, the jacket," I informed her as I approached.

"Oh." She jerked a look downwards, seemly surprised by the new addiction. "Right, this one apologizes." She said while taking it off.

"All three of them, Rin." I insisted while I knelt before her.

"Ah! T-This hopeless one apologizes further."

It was surprisingly easy to keep Rin with a modicum of competence, numerous testing showed that she function just fine both in day to day life and in combat if she actually wore the average amount of clothes a person was expected to wear…Wait, why did I say jacket? Rin was wearing several rows of additional scarfs rather than jackets. Had I become so used to this particular pair that I… No wait there is something—

It was still cold and dark as I made my way upstairs. Though the shadows were dimming with the advance of the rising sunlight, 4:00 a.m still an ungodly hour for anyone to be awake.

I stifled a yawn and strode on, and then I stopped in the middle of the stairs.

Panic made me choke on a breath that had risen over my throat, but I gulp it down, steeling myself, focusing on my determination instead—

"G-Good morning Aruji-sama!" The kunoichi spoke, her voice crackly with a little stutter; she was kneeling in the middle of the roof, wearing a modest white blouse and a long skirt. I immediately noticed the reason for her stutter.

"Rin, the skirts," I informed her as I approached. Popping my lips together.

Right, I have to concentrate.

With a deep breath, I brought my hands forwards—

"So." She began after a calming breath, no longer carrying any stutter yet not possessing that almost unnatural grace and control, a happy medium between the two. "Aruji-sama has managed to learn the basic of Kuji-in, and had memorized the neio script. Both feats that would normally require weeks of dedication."

Yes, Kuji-in, the art of handseals, they are nothing like what is shown in Naruto… ok, they are somewhat like what it was shown in Naruto, but only in the matter of energy manipulation. A proper Handseal is actually a type of advance meditation that borders on self impose hypnosis, when you master it you can condition your internal energies to flow in certain patterns by just by twitching your fingers a certain way, without needing to reach down and consciously manipulate it yourself, more advance techniques even allow a person to momentarily shatters their body's usual limits and allow for devastating blows.

But why was I thinking about it again?

Oh yeah—

"G-Good morning Aruji-sama!" The kunoichi spoke, her voice crackly with a little stutter; she was kneeling in the middle of the roof, wearing a modest blue sundress. "Hum? Ano, what's wrong?" She asked, seeing me raising a one-handed dragon seal.

"Jōka," I said loudly—

It was 4 am in the stairway leading up to the rooftop, but the world was shimmering now, undulating like the air in a heated desert.

I still hold the dragon handseal meant to sharpen the connection between the outer and inner self, this reality I'm being shown no longer has any hold on me.

I go back eventually, maybe in the next second, or the next minute, but why wait?

I raised my hand in the ram seal.



I snapped my eyes open with a gasp, pulling an uneven breath while my mind began to process reality around me.

I was sitting in the center of my building's rooftop. The sun gliding over my back. A chilly wind hushing past informed me that my clothes were wet with sweat, the overwhelming scent of incense told me that there was quite a lot of it lit around somewhere, or at least that there were many close to me given the intensity of the smell even in an open space, that might also explain the swirls of the air that I would've certainly given more focus to if my vision wasn't overtaken by blue notices.

Internal Mana Control leveled up!

Ninjutsu mastery leveled up!

Kuji-in mastery leveled up!

New Skill Created: Illusion Resistance.

Increases your natural resistance against Illusions and Illusionary phenomenon, takes less damage from Illusionary attacks.

Illusion Resistance leveled up!

Illusion Resistance leveled up!

Illusion Resistance leveled up!

Letting out another breath, I lean back and try to move away the stiffness of my muscles, my left leg bumped-Yep, there are incenses all right, a whole bunch of them scattered around me, along with several open strolls with neio scripts written in them.

"Impressive," Rin said from somewhere behind me. "This one didn't think you'd be able to get out on your own. Once again, Aruji-sama exceeds my expectations."

I placed an arm over my eyes, leaning back more while popping the bones along my spine. Fucking hell, I didn't even realize… no, wait, my recent memories are coming back; they're all mushy and hazy, but I can remember the lesson now.

"What was that?" I asked it came out partly in the form of a complaint even though I was the one who asked for a demonstration. Being locked in a groundhog day loop of your own mind's creation is not a very fun experience, plus, it was terrifying.

"Genjustu, an illusion. The smoke stimulates the brain, opening it up to suggestions while slowing its neural connection, the text directs the ambient magic to the target, where it gets inhaled along with the smoke, the handseals and the effort of the cast would already shape the energy in its initial activation, so the rest was a matter of setting up more incenses after Aruji-sama fell for it to strengthen the effect." I heard her walking past me. She's wearing high heels. She wasn't when we started this morning. "The illusion is one of the target's own making."

"Evidently." I gasped, massaging my temples. "But when the hell did you manage to trap me!? I didn't see you make any handseal or do any preparations."

"It would go against the heart of the matter if Aruji-sama had noticed." Was her simple reply.

…True, this jutsu lesson, from learning how complex they are, how diligent one has to be on their preparation, then finishing by showing that even then they don't have to be obvious because ninjas are fucking sneak bastards. Truly a wonderful lesson.

Finally, I open my eyes to stare at the Taimanin who went back to kneeling in front of me-Ah.

"Aruji-sama is the first person I know off that broke the illusion on their own, as expected of Aruji-sama." She nods to herself, a tiny movement that fits the oddly serene air that hung around her, the sunlight glistering on her skin along with the songs of the morning birds making her appear almost transcendent.

She was wearing her Taimanin uniform; the strappy, leopard-like outfit that clung tightly to her impressive curves and somehow looked more erotic fully repaired than it did when it was damaged, it was the only outfit she could maintain without unconsciously searching for more clothes, ironically as it left her practically naked.

But more importantly, she wouldn't wear her uniform for no reason.

"You have a new mission."

She didn't answer, just calmly stare into my eyes; her silence was enough.

This was not unexpected; even though she swore herself to me didn't mean her responsibilities with the Taimanin corp has ended. Rin was still part of the active taimanin roster, so receiving more missions was just a matter of time.

But now… things are different, and Rin isn't just a random taimanin anymore, she certainly isn't a character behind a screen.

I know very well what happens to a taimanin if she fails her mission.

"… I don't want you to go." I admitted.

"If that is Aruji-sama's wish, then I won't." She replied immediately.

I let out a breath. "Just like that?"

"Just like that." She closes her eyes. It's hard to read her when she is like this, she moves like a geisha experience enough to make it look natural, and those women are masters in controlling body language. "Aruji-sama words are absolute… However, there is something Aruji-sama must know."

I shifted forwards, setter my legs under me again. Even I could sense the gravity of her words.

"What?" I asked.

"A taimanin is loyal to her master and the corp, but for her to have a master, she must have the corp's approval. Aruji-sama has not been approved by the corp." She explains. "This one has yet to break any rules, thus have not gathered attention to herself. Meaning that Aruji-sama's existence is yet to be discovered." Her eyes open again; they were gleaming with serene determination. "If this one refuses a mission, she would be investigated, which could put Aruji-sama in danger."

I was wondering how this whole pledge thing worked. It made me frown.

"So what? You plan to continue on as always, but this time as an excuse to protect me? If it's like that, what was the point of the pledge then?"

Rin shook her head curtly, her shoulder stiffening a little bit. "Aruji-sama is my Aruji-sama, this one will follow your decision in the end, and will give her life to protect you if it comes to it, this one is merely informing Aruji-sama about the situation."

…Goddamn it.

Rin is right to tell me this. She wanted to make clear that if I keep her from going, we would be pissing off the taimanin corp. Can't I afford that?... No, between Rin and myself, we are not strong enough to take on an entire ninja organization, especially if there are more taimanin with the level similar to Rin running around. Even if we add Ranma to the mix, I don't think we have a chance.

I tapped my fingers on my knee.

"What is the nature of this mission?" I asked.

"Escort, with secondary objective of target elimination." She answered immediately.

I blinked at the speed and ease of her reply. She just gonna give me the presumably classified information if I ask, isn't she? My mind immediately when on a possible spying tangent before focusing back.

"Give me details."

"This Taimanin must escort and protect the politician Toranosuke Yoshida during a Cabinet party that is scheduled to happen four days from now. While there this Taimanin must eliminate the cabinet members Tengan Noriyori, Takagaki Senichi, Yokoi Kosami, and Ebisawa Kosho and make it so their murder wouldn't be discovered until the 7th of July. This Taimanin will be accompanied by a veteran taimanin and a new recruit. Together they will prepare the stage beforehand and plan the finer details of the operation accordingly. The probability of demon involvement is zero or close to, and the reason for the high number of operatives dedicated to this mission is for the importance of the client, and the amount paid," She definitely added the last part for my benefit.

This isn't like the missions I saw Taimanin get captured, she won't be fighting any demons, and she won't be alone. 'Course there is always the possibility that everything blows up on her face and there are demons galore there. But at this point, I'm just searching for a reason.

There are not really a lot of options there, plus there isn't any 'bad end' quest popping up at the prospect, so… I decided to trust her.

"Very well. You may go." I conceded.

Rin's shoulder relaxed a little bit, then she leans her upper body forward, brushing the tip of her finger on the ground while giving me an elegant bow and a show of cleavage.

"Thank you very much. Waga Aruji-sama—"

Uehara Rin while in this state is a very charming creature. Not only her mannerisms and the way she carries herself because almost ethereal, but the display of elegance is usually accompanied by arousing show of nudity or near-nudity. I can see many people being thrown off by that, many being paralyzed by the sight.

So she's not used to people being able to move freely while she's like this. That's why when I silently approached her and interrupted her bow with a brush on her cheek she let out a quiet hiccup of surprise.

I didn't even need to force it; she dutifully followed as I moved my hand up, pulling her back to a straight position where she regarded me calmly.

Then I kissed her.

The small squeak made me smile against her lips just before I deepened the contact. Pushing my body closer while I hungrily breathe her scent and taste her lips, my arms reach out possessively around her waist.

Rin moaned, her body relaxing against mine while her hands unconsciously gripped the fabric of my shirt, she opened her mouth to dutifully receive my tongue, and greet it with her own.

For a while, we just… make out, right then and there, I sat back at some point, but I brought her with me, making the beautiful latex-covered ninja sprawl her body over mine.

To tell the truth, I don't really know what that makes us. I call her my ninja because she calls me her master, I touch her, kiss her and, grope her because I want to, sometimes because my teenage hormones overwhelm my senses, and she is so damn receptive that we never really stop to talk about the precise nuances of our relationship, we just kinda get it.

A went trail clung between us as we separated, Rin looked at me with eyes swirling in passion, hair slightly disheveled, lips partly open letting out little huffs that turned to mist in the cold morning air. Just enchanting.

"You come back to me," I commanded.

"Hai, Aruji-sama." She whispers in response.

And just like that, she was gone, slipping out of my arms in a disappearing blur that I could barely make out while it speeds through the rooftops.

I was alone on the roof again, looking at the place she had gone. At some point, I realize how late it was.

"I'm going to be late for school," I stated to nobody in particular.

Of course, I didn't care about that. I had more important things to worry about.

That's why when I stepped out to the streets with a new layer of gel in my hair and the immaculate Furinkan uniform over my refreshed body, I turn to the opposite direction of my usual route.

As it became clear today, the Taimanin Corp still hangs over Rin's head; even if she doesn't want to, she has to follow their command otherwise she risks them discovering her illegal and still very vulnerable master. I can understand that logic, but the problem is, I don't want my taimanin anywhere close to rape demons if I can help it, at least without me there by her side making sure silly hentai tropes don't fuck her over.

But as I'm now, I don't have options. I'm just one man. I can't go against an entire ninja organization by myself. Sure, with the gamer, I will eventually be able to, but this won't happen for at least a few many months.

So I don't have any options… but maybe Ōe Hiroshi has… at least enough for me to make a gamble.

A gamble I was willing to make, for Rin.

I stop by a public payphone and slide a 500-yen coin in, quickly pushing the numbers I had memorized on the very first day of my new life.

The call was taken on the second ring, but no one spoke a word.

I could feel the temperature dropping a little bit, producing a chill that ran deeply across my spine, I have no idea if that actually happened, or if it was just a psychological response.

Ōe Hiroshi knew the man on the other line his entire life. And he always creeps him the fuck up.

But I'm not that whiny boy he used to be.

"It's me, Hayate," I said.

"… Young master?" I could practically hear the sharp, light-blue colored eyebrow raising; this must be the first time he heard my voice without me stuttering like a schoolgirl in a horror flick. "My my, what a wonderful surprise. We were expecting your call days ago."

"I didn't call to complain." I had to take a calming breath. Fuck! The voice of the Ōe family's head butler, leader of the financial team, leader of the legal team, commander of private army, and thousands other scary titles this hyper-competent fuck has under his name was creepier than what I remember. "I'm going straight to the point; do you know about the Taimanin?"

"Oh dear! It appears young master finally started living in interesting times, as expected of one from the Ōe bloodline, ku ku ku ku."

He didn't need to chuckle. The chuckle made it all worst. And what was that suffering whine in the background? It sounds like someone dying—and now it abruptly ended.

Was…Was this a good idea?