
Xeno Ishitami

"Vanessa!" Neo exclaimed.

"Damn it, my body is still too weak to move quickly. "He spoke in his thoughts; his spell [Electric Burst Evolved] drained nearly all his stamina. Even upgrading the stamina attribute was not enough to fully restore his stamina thereby reducing his reaction time.

"Is she alright?!" Stephanie yelled.

As the dust cleared, Vanessa was seen sitting on the ground with her hands above her head, in front of her was a figure who donned a black cape. He caught the fist of the large man with little to no difficulty.

"Yo…"The figure spoke to Vanessa who for the first time in her life was overwhelmed by the vast difference in power.

"That voice…" Vanessa stuttered.

"It sounds familiar…"She stuttered again.

As the dust fully cleared, the identity of her savior was revealed.

"Xenos?!" Vanessa exclaimed.

"You beastly bastard! Where the hell have you been?!" Neo shouted.

"Well…"Xenos scratched the back of his head acting as if he was totally lost.

"Impossible!" The large man blurted out before sending his other fist down at Xenos.

"Atomic Fist!" He exclaimed, a red aura surrounded his fist as it made its way at the head of Xenos.


"AHHH." Vanessa yelled as the impact of the large man's atomic fist, blew everything in the surrounding area including her.

The atomic fist also dismantled the ground beneath them and created a 20foot deep crater. Neo and Stephanie evaded the blast before hand in order to escape a fatal blow.

"Xenos!" Neo yelled realizing Xenos took that hit head on.

Vanessa watched from the ground in awe, right now it was plausible for everyone who could sense the Aen of the large man to assume that Xenos was done for.

As the dust cleared and the three individuals being Neo, Vanessa and Stephanie all looked down the crater to check on the condition of Xenos, they were swiftly taken aback as they saw Xenos holding the other fist of the large man with his other hand.

"N-no way…" Stephanie stuttered.

Vanessa and Neo's eyes wavered at the power of Xenos. It became evident that the power Xenos displayed previously during the Aenist Exams was not his true power.

"I-impossible!" The large man exclaimed with disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible when I'm around." Xenos replied.

"Anyone who tries to hurt my friends…" As he spoke, his eyes were lowered in anger and a dark aura surrounded his right fist as he raised it up slowly.

"Is gonna pay…" After uttering these words, he drove his fist into the left cheek of the large man's face. The power behind his fist catapulted the large man swiftly into the air, he was launched so fast that a shockwave was created as soon as he was blown into the sky.

Xenos cloak was carried away by the wind and he was revealed to be wearing a black sleeveless shirt with a red scarf tied around his neck and black trousers. On his right shoulder was a tattoo of a dragon's head, as soon as Stephanie saw this her eyes widened.

"I-it can't be!" She exclaimed.

"What is it?" Neo asked.

"H-his shoulder!" She exclaimed once more.

Vanessa and Neo turned to look at Xenos's shoulder and as soon as Vanessa saw the tattoo of a dragon, she chuckled to herself.

"How could I have been so blind and ignorant?" She continued chuckling.

"What is it?" Neo asked.

"A red scarf with a blond hair, and the insignia of a dragon on his shoulder." Stephanie muttered.

"There's no mistake." Vanessa followed up.

"He is the beast of the Dancing Dragons, Xeno Ishitami." Vanessa spoke.

At the same time Vanessa spoke, the large man was struggling to break his fall but was unsuccessful.

Xenos spread his left palm and placed his right fist in the center, a dark aura emanated from his fist once more and he whispered. "Beast magic: Beast Nova…" The instant the large man entered the range of Xeno's spell, he plunged forward and drove his fist into the large man's abdomen.

 A large burst of dark aura escaped the fist of Xeno before the large man was eventually blown several meters backwards and through a building.

"A-amazing…"Neo stuttered whilst Vanessa and Stephanie looked on.

"I expect nothing less from a member of the Dancing Dragons." Vanessa replied.

"Who are the Dancing Dragons?" Neo asked.

"In this world of magic, Aenists come together to form a group, an association of magic practitioners who carry out missions together as well as protect their kingdom together. In the Silvercrest Kingdom there are a total of forty-five groups or as we prefer to call it, guild. With the Dancing Dragons being on top of them all. "Stephanie answered him.

"The Dancing Dragons are said to be an association of several of the strongest Aenists ranging from the Aenist rank to the S-Rank Aenists. And that man, Xeno Ishitami is one of them." Vanessa followed up.

Xeno stood still as the dust cleared, his victory was eminent and the threat neutralized. The cause for alarm was resolved. The citizens all came out from hiding and began cheering for the man who saved them.

"That's Xeno Ishitami!" One of the female citizens exclaimed.

"He's so cute!" Another one yelled as well.

"That's the Dancing Dragons for ya!" A male civilian exclaimed this time.

"It's nothing really." Xeno responded trying to calm the crowd down.

"Xenos!" Neo yelled.

"Huh?" Xeno turned around.

The right fist of Neo slid across the cheeks of Xeno and he was blown off his feet.

"You goddamn bastard!" Neo yelled raising his fist off.

Xeno's eyes twitched as he got to his fist before clashing his forehead with that of Neo.

"What's the big idea retard?!" Xeno exclaimed.

"Don't run off like that damn it! Now you've failed the Aenist exams!" Neo exclaimed.

Vanessa slammed her right palm into her forehead in disappointment as well as Stephanie.

"Huh?!" The civilians all muttered.

"This dude a block head!" One of them exclaimed.

"Damn right!" One of them followed up.

"Straight up!" Another one followed up.

"What are you talking about? Why would I need to become an Aenist when I'm already an S-Rank Aenist?" Xeno asked.

"What?" Neo asked.

"He means he was undercover you dolt." Vanessa interrupted and stepped forward.

"The question is, why?" She asked.