
Level Up

"I will!" Stephanie exclaimed.

Neo stared into his right palm, fragments of the memories of his past life rushed through his mind which caused him to grip his head firmly with his two hands and groan slightly.

"Reo!?" Vanessa exclaimed.

"Are you alright?" Stephanie followed up.

After a brief moment of silence, Neo stood firm before taking a deep breath. "Yeah…" He replied.

"Status." He whispered in his thoughts.


[Name: Neo Tempest]

[Age: 17]

[Affiliations: Tempest family]

[Role: Assassin]

[Magic: Electric manipulation]

[Experience: 2]

[Cognitive capacity: 4]

[Level: 6]

[Agility: 2]

[Endurance: 1.3]

[Stamina: 2]

[Strength: 3]

[Intelligence: 4.0]

[Stats points: 4]

[Mana: 1000/1000]


Silent Echo (Level 3)

Misdirection and Camouflage (Level MAX)

The Assassins Instincts (level 3)]


Electric Burst (Level 4)] Electric Burst Evolved [Level 1]


"4 stats points?" He spoke in his thoughts.

"What should I upgrade?" He pondered hard on what attributes he was to level up, last time his decision was based on what attribute would be in his favor during the exams. Now that the exams were over it isn't the case anymore.

"Cognitive capacity?" He questioned himself.

"Why not." Allocating two stats points to cognitive capacity and intelligence was already obvious, the two worked hand in hand. Basically intelligence specifies just how smart an individual is, his ability to decipher complex information quickly and translate it to its simplest form.

Cognitive capacity on the other hand displayed the individual's processing power; in Neo's case his ability to strategize and create a tactical approach in battle depended heavily on his intelligence level as well as his cognitive capacity.

The real question is, what attribute is Neo supposed to upgrade putting heavy consideration in what he should expect in his journey.

"I got it." He spoke to himself again.


[Name: Neo Tempest]

[Age: 17]

[Affiliations: Tempest family]

[Role: Assassin]

[Magic: Electric manipulation]

[Experience: 2]

[Cognitive capacity: 5]

[Level: 6]

[Agility: 3]

[Endurance: 1.3]

[Stamina: 3]

[Strength: 3]

[Intelligence: 5.0]

[Stats points: 0]

[Mana: 1000/1000]


Silent Echo (Level 3)

Misdirection and Camouflage (Level MAX)

The Assassins Instincts (level 3)]


Electric Burst (Level 4)

Electric Burst Evolved (Level 1)

Electro-regeneration (Level 1)]


Neo ended up boosting his cognitive capacity, intelligence, agility and stamina. At the end of the day those are the main qualities an assassin required, strength is not always necessary in a battle. Only precision and timing was required.

"Reo!" Vanessa exclaimed.


Neo fell slowly to his knees as he felt the sharp pain in his back caused by Vanessa's slap. "Why!?" He exclaimed.

"Stop zoning out like that you fool!" Vanessa yelled with veins popping out of her forehead.

Stephanie held her hands in fear; she did not bother imagining how that slap would feel like.

"Damn it all, even after that hellish exams she still have this much strength?" He groaned slightly getting up to his feet.

"So what now?" He questioned her while rotating his arms.

"What now?" Vanessa asked in confusion.

"Now that the Aenist Exams are over, how do you intend we grow even stronger?" He replied her.

Vanessa crossed her arms, even she didn't bother to think that far ahead. "I don't know." She said plainly.

"What?!" Neo exclaimed.

"What do you mean you don't know?!" He yelled.

"Huh?! I'm not the one who's destined to stop the war, you're the one supposed to be coming up with ideas you blockhead!" She yelled.

"You're the responsible one damn it!" He retaliated.

"Your hopeless." Vanessa sighed.

"Um…"Stephanie interrupted.

"What is it?!" Both Vanessa and Neo yelled.

"What do you mean by destined to stop the war?" Stephanie asked out of confusion.

"Oh crap." Neo muttered to himself.

"Uh, that's not what I…" Vanessa was interrupted by a large explosion which occurred several meters away from them.


A cloud of black smoke covered the area affected; Vanessa and Neo ran swiftly towards the scene relieved. This little distraction was exactly what they needed to throw Stephanie off guard.

Arriving at the scene, they spotted a large man with the tattoo of a human skull on the side of his biceps. "Who the heck are you?!" Neo yelled.

It seemed the extremely large man paid no attention to him, he was visibly irritated. "Where is he?!" The large man yelled.

The large man picked up a huge boulder swiftly and threw it into the smoke yelling. "Come out!"

As the smoke cleared, three children were seen on their knees coughing due to inhaling the black smoke. They all screamed the instant they saw their immediate death via a huge boulder.

"Oh no!" Stephanie yelled.


A blinding light rendered everyone unable to see, the boulder was instantly shattered to pieces. As the blinding light died down, Vanessa was spotted standing in front of the three children with light particles surrounding her hands.

"I don't know who you are, but I am only going to say this once…Stand down." Her facial expression displayed intensity and seriousness.

"Go Vanessa." Neo spoke smiling softly; he was still a bit weakened so he wasn't sure if he would have been able to save the children.

"I don't know who you are, but get out of my way or die!" The large man shouted with a thunderous voice.

"So be it." Vanessa said softly before joining her hands together and firing a concentrated beam of light at him.

"Radiant Flare!" Vanessa yelled utilizing one of her most powerful spell which has won her so many battles.

It looked like it was all over for him; the [Radiant Flare] spell detonated on contact with the large man's chest and sent out a blast covering a 10meter radius which reduced everything within it to ashes.

"A-amazing!" Stephanie yelled.

"That's Vanessa for you." Neo said smiling.

Vanessa scoffed turning around and getting on her right knee to console the kids. "Are you alright?" She asked.

Before she could get an answer, chuckling sounds emerged from the smoke that was created from Vanessa's spell.

"Tickles." A voice as well came from it.

Vanessa's eyes were a bit widened as she turned to face him, the large man was unfazed by her spell. Although his shirt was torn apart he received no damage in anyway.

Another tattoo was visible on the chest of the large man, it was of a fanged serpent. As soon as Stephanie saw this she fell to the ground in fear.

"What is it?!" Neo asked out of concern to her sudden reaction.

"T-that mark…there's no doubt!" She yelled.

Her eyes wavered on realization of what they were actually up against. The large man smiled before rotating his neck creating a faint popping sound in it.


He took off with explosive force which utterly destroyed the ground beneath his right feet digging a two meter crater in it.

"He's fast!" Vanessa exclaimed with shock.

"Vanessa!" Neo exclaimed, it was obvious Vanessa was not able to follow his speed in this slightest.

"You're through!" The large man yelled smiling maniacally as he sent his fists down at the head of Vanessa who couldn't even react to his movements.

A large cloud of dust emerged in the area Vanessa was in as It appeared the damage had been done.