
Against All Odds

Five minutes was all that was left for the remaining teams that had survived till now, they other teams were thrilled but Neo was worried. He suspected that the stage would only get harder from here on and he was right. The screams of the Entry Aenists from the other teams could be heard by everyone, the aggressive man beasts devoured them one by one.

"Look out!" Vanessa exclaimed pointing her right finger forward as three man beasts attempted to grab and devour them. They moved swiftly and evaded the hands of the man beast, Vanessa used her ability which she referred to as [Radiant Flare] to blast a hole in the forehead of one of the beast.

Xenos used his ability [Beast Nova] to take on the features of an orangutan which was a highly strong and powerful muscle, in order words super strength. He punched the head of the man beast right off it's body. Finally Neo used his ability [Electric Burst] to fire a blue beam of electricity and blast a hole through the last remaining man-beast chest and they all fell dead to the ground.

[Vanessa has defeated an A Rank beast]

[Xenos has defeated an A Rank beast]

[You have defeated an A Rank beast]

[You have gained 100XP]

[You have levelled up]

[level 1>3]

The system displayed the notifications from their accomplishment, Neo could feel himself growing in strength as he levelled up but it was far from over.


They had less than five minutes to survive but it became only worse for them. The largest beast among all the beasts present in the city approached the trio, with each step it took the ground was shakened by it's massive weight. The beast had three eyes and a red body with sharp teeth, it was 25 feet tall and the largest creature that reigned terror upon the teams.

"I guess this is our final challenge for this stage." Neo spoke with no intentions of running away even with victory around the corner in mere minutes.

"I think me and you are going to get along just fine." Xenos smiled standing besides Neo was they stared down at the monster. Vanessa wasn't going to back down as well, if anyone stood a chance against what was in front of them it was her or so she believed.

"Let's do this." She spoke as all three of them dashed forward at the massive beast.

"So what's the plan?" Xenos asked to make sure they weren't just rushing to their permanent death.

Back when he was still on earth, Neo usually formulated several strategies when gaming so he decided to treat this stage as a game. This particular fight reminded him of a quest he played back on earth when he was practicing for the W.G.O tournament.

"We'll attack from every angle probing for weaknesses, you know the saying. The bigger they are, they harder they fall." Neo replied to Xenos question, Vanessa was a bit shocked that he had the ability to think that far given how his brain had been operating since the beginning.

"Not bad." She complemented his strategy as they approached the beast.

"Uh guys!" Xenos exclaimed as they all looked up at the large beast, it's eyes turned red and it swiftly emitted a red beam of energy from it's eyes towards the three of them.

Alarmed, they all jumped off the way as the creature tore a huge hole into the ground with it's laser beam.

"Oh oh Yes!" Xenos exclaimed in excitement, he envisioned gaining the beasts abilities when he defeated and wondered how cool it would be in his collection.


As Neo saw the time left for the first stage he glanced upwards at the creature, there was no time left so he had to defeat it quickly. He closed his eyes and activated his skill [The Assassins Instincts]

His hair casted a shadow over his eyes and his face became completely expressionless. Swiftly he moved in a way that caught up Xenos and Vanessa off guard. His movements were extraordinary and his footsteps were not audible enough.

Neo ran up the body of the beast and attacked it swiftly, he delivered powerful barrage of kicks and blows on it's body which was difficult even for the eyes of Xenos and Vanessa to follow.

"How is he doing this?" Vanessa was lost in her thoughts as he watched Neo do what was supposed to be impossible, his movements was swift, sharp and precise. Even the beast couldn't touch him as it tried to throw him of his body but Neo just evaded every attack it threw at him.

"Just who the hell is he?" Xenos asked out loud as he was taken aback by what they both witnessed.

After several attempts on the hands and legs of the creature Neo reached its neck and delivered a swift kick to the back of its neck. The creature stumbled forward reacting to the damage inflicted on him.

Vanessa and Xenos eyes spread wide a bit after noticing the creatures reaction to Neo's kick on its neck.

"His neck!" Xenos exclaimed.

"That must be his weak spot!" Vanessa exclaimed as well as Neo backflipped down to the ground behind the beast, his skill was deactivated as he smiled staring at the back of its neck.


The system displayed the time limit remaining for the first stage and the trio moved swiftly.

Vanessa ran behind the creature and jumped above it before using her skill [Radiant Flare] to fire a beam of light towards the back of its neck. His skin cracked showing it had a tough skin to protect its neck.


Xenos used his ability [Beast Nova] to manifest the wings of an eagle on his back and flew high up into the sky, utilizing the laws of gravity he dispersed the wings and descended swiftly towards the creatures neck, he took on the features of an orangutan which was mostly super strength and punched the same spot Vanessa's solar flare had hit. It's skin shattered and the beast roared displaying it's pain.


Neo ran up the back of the creature towards its neck as time was not on their side, arriving at its shoulder he attempted building the electric burst but the beast quickly stretched it's arms sideways disrupting Neo's movements, he lost his balance and fell off the creatures shoulder.
