
94 - Wedding

The rest of the week went without a hitch, from Monday to Thursday I just went about my normal routine without worrying about releasing a new song so quickly since the song All Of Me was doing very well on the channel.

It was better to let this song do well first and let MeTube continue to promote it than to release another song that could negatively affect the relevance of this song on the channel.

The only thing I focused on was recording episode 3 of the channel's vlog, which I had finished editing on Wednesday and planned to post on Friday, according to the channel's normal schedule.

My skills had gained a few more points by adding up what my status page had looked like since I had last looked at it.


| Character Status


| Name: Noah Black

| Title: Endurance, Tuned Ear.

| Level: 01


| HP: 150/150

| MP: 140/140