


Roger and George were still waiting on the ship.

"Hey, Roger, don't you think everyone is taking too long to clear the portal?"

"They probably already cleared it, they're most likely gathering all the monster carcasses and all that."

"Hey, what do you think of the new guy?"

"I don't like him."

"Why? He seemed decent."

"I don't know, he just seems like a bit of a loser, like he was desperate or something."

"Oh. Kinda lucky no other ship is coming through the portal."

"Most people don't want to go around here because there are better portals to be explored. We're just here because we are desperate for money and weapons. And also it's near the Warlord's territory so no one wants to accidentally make enemies of him."

"Right, the Warlord… Ow! What the!" George turned around because he felt a shock hit his back.

They saw a little bird made out of lightning flying around them.

"A bird made out of lightning?" Roger squinted his eyes.

"There aren't any monsters like that in this portal." George rubbed the back area where the bird shot his lightning at him.

"I think it's a summon. Weird, only summons come out of red scrolls or above. I don't remember the captain having a summ-"


A figure moved quickly and slashed the throats of both men at once. Their heads fell into the water while their bodies plopped on the ship.

{Stealth strike! Fatal hit!}

{Killed Roger Myers}

{Received, 2,833 exp, 2,012 shells}

{Killed George Love}

{Received 1,754 exp, 1,600 shells}

They were roughly the same level but the experience was different, it was the difference of their stats with Roger's being higher than George's.

{Level up}

{Level 33}

{Stat points: 30}

{Exp: 3183/3200}

{1-handed sword level up: level 4: Deal 40% increased damage when using a sword. 15% higher critical chance and damage}

"Almost forgot about them." Sky wiped the blood on his sword using the clothes of the two dead men.

{You have killed the entire crew}

{Would you like to own the {Megalen ship}?}

{Note: You can disown any ships you don't want}

"I don't see why not. I'll own the ship. Gimme."

{Megalen ship now belongs to Sky Rouge}

The insignia on the flag that belonged to the previous crew was now blank.

{Able to access ship controls}

{Able to form a crew}

{Would you like to form a party/crew/group?}


{Insert name:}

There was a keyboard in front of Sky.

"Hmmm… how about this." Sky typed the first name that came to his mind.

{Dungeon slayer: group has been formed}

The insignia on the flag was now filled with a different insignia: it looked like a huge black swirl, like a whirlpool.

{Your are now rank: Captain}

{Unable to access captain's manual controls, exp share controls, loot share controls. Requires one additional member to the party in order to access all functions listed}

"Access ship controls."

{Ship controls}

{The ship is yours to command}

{Map: you are able to see a map around you}

{Auto sail: off: the ship is able to steer itself without anyone at the helm: the destination can be pointed at the map}

{Auto fight: off: when engaged in combat, ship is able to shoot cannons, mortars, harpoons, and any other weapons installed by itself}

{Repairs: able to see the ship's damage and know how to fix it}

"Oh… wait, can I use this ship to get to Peeves? Map."

A map appeared in front of Sky. He scrolled over to where Peeves is at.

"There it is. Auto sail here." Sky touched the map.

{Unable to travel to location. Location is too far and too dangerous}

Sky covered his eyes with his hand. It was too good to be true.

He then clicked on a nearby island, perhaps if he were to make stops at every island he could reach Peeves without needing to wait five days.

{Cannot cross here: player too low level}

Suddenly a red line appeared between him and Peeves.

{Area belongs to pirate Warlord}

{Recommended to travel around the area}

Sky looked at the map where he was. The entire red line was owned by some pirate warlord.

'What? Since when?' Sky hadn't heard of this.

A pirate warlord does own that part of the sea, but he only lets certain groups cross his territory if they pay a fee such as Harbot's.

The reason no one mentioned this to Sky is because it was common knowledge in their area, it would be weird if no one knew about him if they lived near the area.

If Sky were to go around the area it'll take more than a month to reach Peeves.

"That damn warlord… guess I'll have to wait the five days."

Using the map again, he didn't see it at first but he could not only see islands and territories, but also ships, and even portals.

In the map there are a bunch of dots. The player, him, is a blue dot on the map. The ship he owns is just a figure of a blue icon ship.

The other ships were colored green ship icons indicating its overall strength.

There are some portals icons which are a bunch of green or red swirls. It seemed that the color ranks also represented a ships and crew' difficulty. The color ranks go from green, green+, red, red+, purple, purple+, black, black+.

Some islands had names and different colors on them like Peeves was green, Harbot's kingdom is red: and he Warlord's territory is red+.

Sky clicked on one of the ships to see what it did.

{Would you like to engage in combat with {Green: ship:}?}


{Did not engage combat with ship}

Sky clicked on one of the green portals.

{Would you like to enter the green dungeon?}

{Time until destination: 30:12}

"Not yet."

Sky touched the corpses of the men and transformed them into cards. There are two bloodstains on the deck of his ship.

{Card transformation level up: level 7: able to transform objects into cards within a 25 meter radius}


Sky touched the deck of the boat, and it disappeared. Sky fell on the water. On his hand is a card of the ship he commands now.

"This. Is. The. Best. Thing. Ever! Activate."

The card transformed back into a ship.

"Okay, auto sail on!"

The ship moved by itself, the sails were let down, the helm was moving, Sky was grinning from ear to ear.

"I LOVE THIS SYSTEM!" Sky felt like a little kid who saw something amazing.

The ship exited the portal and moved to a specific location.

"Oh yeah… I need to use this." Sky took out the green scroll he got from completing his quest.

He didn't get any additional scrolls or items, but a lot of money. In green portals it was common to not receive items or scrolls.

The boss was a giant sea terror, it wasn't tough, it did have a weak skill, but no phases or weapons.

{Identified green scroll using {Dead language: level 2} }

{Green scroll: a stat will increase}

{15+ dex}


{Dex: 27}

"Lucky. Wait, I have 32 strength thanks to the shirt, and 27 dex, and I have 30 unused stats…"

Sky added 13 points to dex, and 8 points to strength, leaving him with 9 stat points.

{Str: 20+20}

{Dex: 40}

Sky took out the trident from his inventory and he is able to use it.

"YES!" Sky started slashing the air.

'400 damage, plus 40 from strength, plus 40 from dex, and plus 80 from int, that's 560 damage in total.'

Sky felt he didn't have to buy the katana anymore.

{Triple water slice}

Sky swung his trident and three water slices shot out of the trident, the triple water slices traveled further and felt stronger than his ordinary water slice ability, as well as his slime staff's attack.

'Wonder how much damage it does but I already know it's already my strongest weapon, it does over 100 ability damage but it also has a C-grade in int which is also my highest stat. I have to test it out on someone.'

Sky checked the captains quarters, there was nothing except about 500 shells, some maps, and some torn up wanted posters.

{Mind: 32}

Sky decided to play his remaining points in mind. He has 500 mana, but water slice takes up 27 mana per use, if he can't replenish his mana fast enough he won't be able to use mana attacks as much as he wants.

Four days later...

Sky would then end up clearing green portals for four days in total. Not once did he get another green scroll or a decent weapon or armor, he didn't even find a secret entrance or secret boss, but he did receive an abundance of shells and exp.

{Trident mastery: lvl 5: 50% damage increase with tridents. 50% swimming speed increased. 10% higher chance and damage in critical hits}

{Mana mastery: lvl 5: 50% mana regen when standing still}

{Summoner mastery: lvl 3: 30% increase in summon damage: Able to summon 3 minions at the same time}

{Lightning bird: lvl 4: damage 50. HP: 250}

{Heal: lvl 4: Heals 150 HP}

{Through fighting non-stop you have earned 2+ str, 2+ dex}

{Str: 42}

{Dex: 42}

{Through using mana indefinitely 3+ int}

{Int: 83}

{Mana 515/515}

{Slowness: lvl 3: Slows opponents by 15%}

{Sense: lvl 5: able to locate even well hidden enemies}

Sky even figured out what the C-grade meant for int scaling.

A D-grade int scaling scales with int. If Sky has 80 int, it does 80 int damage.

But C-grade int scaling was better. Instead of dealing 80 int damage, it doubles and does 160 int damage.

{Level 43}

{Stat points: 50}

Sky would also hold up on using his 50 stat points in case he needed it to use it in an emergency situation.

But lately he's been wanting to spend his stat points despite telling himself not to.

"I want to spend my stat points… but what if I need them? No, I just need to spend 8 on str and dex to reach 50 stats each, that way I can receive something amazing from them… but what if I use it all on int instead?"

Sky has been having this mental battle with himself for the last 24 hours.

'There's also one day left. One more day and I can get on that boat to see my parents in about a month. The mail hasn't even arrived yet at Peeves.'

{Entered green dungeon}

Sky got up from his ship, but to his surprise he saw another ship already there. The ship was bigger than his and it had four people standing on the deck.

'Damn, it's already taken.' In order not to cause trouble Sky would sometimes wait by the gate because he can't leave. Once the dungeon was cleared he could go.

He didn't want to cause trouble because it might interfere with him being able to reach his parents.


All of a sudden the other ship shot a cannon at Sky's ship catching him by surprise.

{HP: 18,200/20,000}

{Auto fight: on}

Sky's ship began turning around to aim its cannons at him.

"It's on! Summon lightning bird!" Sky yelled as he dove in the water towards them. Three lightning birds flew towards the ship.

Meanwhile, on the other ship.

"YOU IDIOT!" A fat man smacked a young man on the head as hard as he could.


"Now we have to fight a battle we didn't have to fight!" The fat man grabbed a hold of the younger man's neck.




"OW!" The fat man yelled in pain. He saw three little lightning birds shooting him with lightning.



The ship shot cannons at them. They saw nobody steering the boat, or aiming the cannons.

"GHOST SHIP!" Someone yelled. It made sense at the moment.

Out of the water a man climbed the ship, he jumped high with a trident on hand.

{Triple water slice}

{Killed Cruise Petty}

{Received 1221 exp, 999 shells}

{Killed Timmy Tool}

{Received 888 exp, 432 shells}

The fat man and the young man were sliced perfectly into three slices.

"Wait, we are part of-"

Sky stabbed the other two men with his trident, receiving more exp and shells.

{Exp: 3832/5200}

"Not even enough to level up. Hm?" Sky took a look at them, they had an insignia that he recognized.

"Oh… shit. They're part of the Warlord's crew." Sky closed his eyes in frustration, the only one he didn't want to mess with and he killed some of his crew.

"Well they shot first, but I don't think he'll understand… Well, now that I'm here." Sky touched the deck of the boat and transformed it into a card.

{Mana cost: 360}

{Cannot command ship after crew is dead, or ship has been in your possession for 24 hours}

'That's way more mana than my boat uses, then again it makes sense considering its size and weight.'

Sky quickly realized that the rest of the crew would be back after hearing the cannons firing. The best he could do was hide the evidence, and sail away. Some abilities would be able to identify him by looking at the scene of the crime, and chances are that the Warlord has a few of those abilities at his disposal.

He quickly made it to his ship and transformed it into a card, which costs 90 mana only. Sky swam at the edge of the dungeon, waiting for someone to arrive. To his surprise no one appeared.

Sky heaved a sigh of relief. It meant that the rest of the crew were fighting the boss.

Once the boss has been defeated a portal will show up leading outside of the portal.

Sky looked around to see if there was any evidence people could use against him. As far as he could tell nothing. The triple water slices could not make a dent on a dungeon's layout since dungeon's are indestructible.

'After this I'm laying low for the day. I seriously cannot have this mess up my plan to go to my parents.'

{Mana: 65/515}

'I don't like that at all.' Sky decided it was the best time to use his stat points, in case something goes wrong.

{Mind: 50}

{Mind has reached 50}

{New skill learned}

{Mana absorption: Any mana attacks from enemies that are weaker than the player's Mind stat can be absorbed and turned into mana}

{Mana regen has increased by 50%)

(Mana mastery only regenerates mana if standing still)

{Mana regen: 75/m} (50 + 50% = 75) (with mana mastery lvl 5: = 100 if standing still)

{Stat points: 32}

'I knew I should've done this from the beginning…' Sky wanted to punch his younger self.

He then placed the rest into dex.

{Dex: 50}

{Dex has reached 50}

{Skill cooldowns have decreased by 25%}

{Aim has increased by 25%}

{Learned new skill}

{Evasion: lvl 1: able to dodge enemy attack 5% of the time}


{Stat points: 24}

{Str: 22+20}

'Hmmm…' Sky didn't know if he should use the rest into his str. His shirt gave him 20+ str so even if uses all his stat points in strength it won't be enough to reach the 50 mark.

'Just one more point and Vig can reach 50 stat points… wait, what if I first increase my int to 100? Would it also give me new skills?'

Sky decided to test his luck and placed 17 points into int.

{Stat points: 7}

{Mana: 600/600}

{Int: 100}

{Int has reached 100}

{Learned new skill: telekinesis: lvl 1: able to move things with your mind}

{Scales with Int D-grade}

{200+ mana added} (300 total)

{Mana: 800/800}

{Mana damage increased! 20% → 30%}

{Decreased mana cost! 10% → 20%}

{Mana cost: 8/s}

'I really… I REALLY should have done this from the beginning. Sometimes I wonder if my int and mind is actually increasing my ability to think and not my mana.'

Using all his remaining stats he placed them into Vig.

{Vig: 32}

{HP: 670}

'Back to the problem at hand… is it a good idea to leave the rest of the crew alive?' Sky thought. If he is able to kill them and leave their bodies inside the dungeon once it disappears, nobody will ever be able to recover their bodies.

'No… sometimes running away is the better option… sometimes.'

At that moment a portal appeared in place of the wall.

'And there's my cue to leave.'

Sky swam out of the portal, took out one of his motorboats and drove straight to the kingdom.

Minutes later about 20 men came out of the room with their spoils, although their spoils were tucked away in their pockets.

One stood out from the rest, an old man wearing a black typical viking helmet. He also carried a comically large, two-handed, red sword over his shoulder. His face had a serious look, with a thick beard that was braided that reached his stomach.

He was the captain of the crew.


Everyone stepped dead on their tracks to see something important had disappeared.

"Where's the ship?" The old man asked.

Nobody could say anything because nobody knew the answer to his question.

"The fat bastard took it!" The old man guessed.

There is nobody in the area who would want to mess with the Warlord, and there is also no one skilled or strong enough to take him on. There was also no sign of a battle, the only explanation to all this someone betrayed them and took the ship.

Luckily they came prepared.

They all grabbed a card from their pockets and tossed it in the water. The cards transformed into rowboats. There were just enough for the entire crew to get out of the portal safely.

"The fat bastard couldn't have gone far. Once we get back to base, search for the boat! No one steals from him!"

"Yes Captain!"


Sky made it back to the Harbot's kingdom. He went straight to his room, took a shower, and laid on his bed.

He's been coming back here every day before night falls, Sky has even been to most of the places in the kingdom.

Although the fact that he had killed men and stole from the Warlord made him feel nervous.

"Man… I need to lie low for today until the ship arrives to take me away. It's been a while since I've done nothing."

Sky took a look at the amount of shells he's collected.

{Shells: 85,201}

'To make this amount of money in four days is astounding! I don't think even my parents' shop could fork up such an amount.'

Sky smiled to see the amount of money in his disposal, even if 20,000 of that money was given to him by his mom. So he decided to go on a bit of a spending spree.

Sky never went back to the scroll shop, there was never anything good there. Most of the scrolls that can raise his stats are not only expensive but give him between 1-2 stats and they were all for Dex and Mind only.

He even found a slave shop once. He wasn't interested in the slightest. They're not only expensive ranging from 50,000-500,000 per slave, but they're useless to him.

To keep the slaves from overpowering the master they're weakened to the point they only have 1 mana, 10 HP, and 10 stamina, and all of their stats are either 0 or 1.

Sky doesn't see the benefit of owning a slave. Not only are they weak but he has to protect them, possibly help them raise their level, and maybe they might betray him?

Sky also no longer needed to buy the katana from the weapon's shop, he had a better weapon for no price.

After seeing that there was absolutely nothing to buy, Sky decided to eat at a restaurant.

Night came and Sky was bored. Lying in his room he had nothing else to do.

For fun he decided to turn the bed into a card, then into a bed again, and so forth.

'This is so boring!' Sky thought.

He wanted to fight, he wanted to kill, he wanted to stab something, he wanted to level up and grind money and items.

Before he realized it the sun was up and shining through his window.

'Morning already? Sweet!'

Sky didn't get to level up his card transformation despite literally using it the entire night. Sky ran outside the hotel and dashed towards the shipyard.

There he already saw the man with a chart book and eating a piece of bread.


"Hm?" The short man turned around.

"What do you want?"

"The boat to Peeves, is it here yet?"

"Oh, you're the Peeves guy. Hold on." The man placed the bread in his mouth and started skimming through his chart book.

"Yep, he'll be arriving in a few hours. Once it arrives you'll have to pay a fee of 300 shells."

Sky felt happy and sat beside the edge of the shipyard while kicking his feet in the air.

The short man ignored Sky since he wasn't doing anything wrong.

A few hours passed and Sky noticed some ships with the Warlord's flags on them. He usually saw one or two a day, but now he sees a few every hour that goes by.

One of the Warlord's ships arrived at the shipyard. Everyone kept their distance from them. Many men could be seen exiting the ship.

'Just act natural.' Sky thought but made sure to keep his senses high on alert. He knew they were looking for him, but as long as they didn't know it was him who took their ship and killed their men he'll be okay.

The Warlord's men were talking to everybody about something. Out of the corner of his eye Sky saw the men showing everybody posters of someone, from the distance he was in he couldn't see the photo in the picture.


The ship to Peeves arrived at the shipyard on time. It was one of the biggest steamships Sky had seen, it carried not only cannons but motors as well on the deck.

At the same time another ship was docking. Sky recognized it was a slave ship because it started to unload slave children. Sky had seen this happen a few times already.

People began unloading the cargo from the ship and loading some stuff as well.

"Woo-hoo." Sky said softly.

"Here's your ship, kid. That'll be 300 shells."

Sky handed him a gold shell which equals 300 shells exactly.

"Money's good. Make sure to keep out of the staff's way, pack your own food, and you should be fine. I'll let them know about you so they don't think you're a stowaway."

The tiny men talked to one of the staff members, they seemed like good old pals by the manner they spoke.

'Hm?' Sky noticed someone secretly entering the ship by swimming to the boat, climbing it, then the figure managed to secretly enter through one of the open windows where no one was looking.

'Huh, one of the slave kids escaped from the ship... Not my problem.' Sky thought.

After a while the ship was ready to leave and Sky was on the ship. One of the staff members even gave Sky a ticket to show proof he can be on the ship.

"This is your room. Stay out of our way. Also the food is not for you so hope you packed some food." The staff member who was talking to the short man gave Sky a key leading to a room then left immediately.

There were barely any rooms, then again the ship is not a cruise ship. The room Sky got was for passengers only.

Before Sky entered the room, he stopped as he felt something. He sat on his bed.

Below him, under his bed is a dirty little kid with a shiv. He stayed still, not moving in the slightest afraid that Sky would catch him. Very quickly Sky reached down and grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bed.

"What do you think you're doing under my bed with a shiv?" Sky grabbed the shiv from his hand and placed it inside his inventory.

The kid struggled to get out of Sky's grip. Sky let go of him and he fell on the ground.

"What's wrong? Speak up?" Sky said, towering over the kid.

"W…a…ter." He spoke softly.




{Identify level up: level 5: can now see the skill names and skill levels of others}

{Jericho Haydie}

{HP: 150/150}

{Mana: 30}

{Stats: Str: 4. Dex: 8. Spd: 6. Int: 6. Mind: 7. Vig: 5}

{Skill: Magnetism: lvl 1: able to control metal objects}

{Skill: Swimming: lvl 2. Hiding: lvl 1}

'Magnetism? That's a rare skill you can rarely find even in purple scrolls!' Sky looked at the kid.

He had spent a bit of time in the library the past four days, during that time he had read books about skills: what they do, how rare they are, how much they go for, etc.

Sky took out a glass water bottle from his inventory and gave it to the kid. The kid's eyes shined as he quickly swallowed the water.

"Ah… thank you." He dropped the glass water bottle on the floor.

"Yeah... What were you doing underneath my bed?"

"I… was hiding from the Warlord's men."

"Does it have something to do with the fact you know magnetism?"

"How did you know?"

"I just do. How old are you?"

"Um... Thirteen."

"You look younger. So I guess the reason I've been seeing a bunch of the Warlord's people is because of you?"

"Yeah, they're looking for me. I just need to hide."

'Oh thank god! I thought they were after me. I mean they still might be but if their focus is on this little kid I'll be fine.'

"That'll be difficult. This ship is headed straight through the Warlord's territory."

"No… seriously?"

Fear could be seen on her eyes. No matter what she did it seemed like she was doomed to fall on the Warlord's hands.

"Yep. Good luck though. Please leave my room."

Sky had a smile on his face as he lied on his bed.

"I know it's selfish but... can I… stay here?"

"Why? So when the Warlord's men find you here with me I'll also take the blame?"

"No, well when you put it like that... but I have nowhere else to hide. And I'm... so tired of running and hiding."

Sky took Jericho's wrist and forced her out his room.

"Listen, Jericho, I don't want to get into any trouble especially with the Warlord, I also want to leave this place as soon as possible. So goodbye." Sky slammed the door on Jericho's face.

Sky lay on his bed. He could still sense Jericho outside the door.

'He's probably hoping I'd take pity on him or something.'

Sky felt smug.

'Still, that ability, magnetism, from what I heard it's really powerful if one can use it properly.' Sky thought, greed flashed through his eyes, his greed went away as quickly as it came. He did not want to get himself caught up in something that will get him in trouble.

But to sense him outside the door alone made him remember the times when he was invited to his classmates' houses as a kid, only to be left outside because he was the victim of a prank.

(Author's note: Sky believes Jericho is a boy)

'No, don't feel bad for the kid, I need to get home to my parents. How come I can't turn this stupid sense skill off?'

After realizing that Sky wasn't going to help, Jericho hid in the next room which was vacant.

Sky could sense him still and it bothered him. Still Sky was able to sleep after being unable to the night before.


Sky woke up when the boat stopped.


{Unable to access map: player needs to be on a claimed ship to access ship controls}


Sky didn't know where he was. He could sense Jericho was in the other room, hiding under behind a piece of furniture.

Then he sensed six men running towards his area.

One of them kicked open his door and two began searching the room while the others checked the other rooms. Sky realized what was happening and did not take action.

The men were working under the Warlord.

"Hey, have you seen a kid?" One of the men asked Sky directly.

{Skill {eye of truth} is being used on the player}

"Of course I have! I mean have you seen how many kids are in Harbot's?"

'Can't bring myself to give him away. Still, it's only a matter of time before he's found out.' Sky thought.

"No, on the ship! It's a little girl, wearing rags."

'I thought she was a boy...'

"Oh, you're talking about slave children! I've seen a few here and there, poor children am I right?"

"Holy, crap, you're dumb."

"Thank you." Sky smiled, which only managed to anger the man in front of him.

"We found her!" Someone shouted.

"Let me go!" Jericho started screaming, yelling, kicking, but she stood no chance against six men.

"Let's go." The men proceeded to leave.

Sky looked outside the window. He did his best to ignore the sounds of Jericho screaming.


"Shut up kid!" *SLAP*

'You've seen worse, Sky. The kid means nothing to you, you just met her. Just do nothing, say nothing, and you'll be able to see mom and dad again.'

Sky began looking through his inventory to get his mind off the girl.

'Look how much money I have. :D'

Jericho managed to bite one of the hands of the men, punched the other one in the groin before running away... all for a few seconds before another one started pulling her by her hair.

"AAAAHH!" Jericho cried but continued to struggle. She did claw her nails on the man's hand.

"Damn kid! Do you wanna die?"

"I just want to see my mom again!" There was anger in her eyes but she kept resisting.

Sky flinched, he couldn't help but clench his fist.

"HA! You want your mommy?"

Sky couldn't help but clench his fists as hard as he could, but he tried his best to ignore the sounds.

'Little girl... why did you have to say that?' Sky closed his eyes tighter than ever before. He took out his trident from his inventory and exited the room.

He could still see the men taking her away.

'I am going to hate myself for this for probably EVERY. GODDAMN! DAY!'

{Telekinesis: lvl 1: scales with int D-grade}

The six men found themselves pushed against the wall by an invisible force. Jericho found herself being pulled gently towards Sky.

Sky caught her and placed her behind him.

"I swear if you make me regret doing this for even one second you're going to regret it!" Sky pointed and looked at her with anger in his eyes.

Jericho simply nodded a few times.

"What the hell?"

Sky looked at the men.


Sky scoffed. The men's stats were low.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

{Killed 6 men at once}

{Level up: 321/5400}

{Level 44}

Sky cracked their necks using telekinesis. It was much easier than he thought, and it didn't leave as much of a mess behind.

He pulled their bodies and transformed them into cards and hid them in his inventory.

"As for you." Sky looked at Jericho, she couldn't help but back away slightly out of fear and tripped on the rug. She just saw Sky kill six men at once by doing nothing.

"You don't think I also want to see my parents? Now because of my idiocy I probably won't be able to see them for a long time!"

Sky took a deep breath and calmed down.

"I'm mad at myself. Where's your mom?" Sky helped her up and talked to her at eye level.

"Home. She's back home."

"Where's home? What's the name of your island?"


"Winkad?" Sky had never heard of such a place.

"It's an island about five months from here."

"Five months?! Are you serious?!"

"Probably more."

Sky pinched the upper part of his nose and thought about it.

"Let's leave. But first wear this." Sky took some of his clothes and placed them on top of her ragged clothes. Wearing his clothes made her look baggy.

"Better…" Sky forced her to wear the hoodie the shirt came with to cover her face.

Sky took her outside of the boat while tightly holding her wrist.

Leaving the boat they noticed they were on an island. The entire island had the flags and symbols of the Warlord. There was a lot of machinery, a lot of slaves, weapons, and much more, it appeared more crowded than Harbot's.

There were a bunch of flags everywhere with the Warlord's insignia on it.

"Oh no! We're at the Warlord's island!" Jericho said.

'No wonder.'

{Emergency quest created}

{Leave the island}