
The five themes of red portals

Sky got his entire family to join his crew and left them confused. He won't ever plan on taking them with him on his journey, but he does plan on using this function to call them.

Right now he was standing on his ship with Mr. J and his crew who were about to explain his experience on the Land of the Dead.Jericho might be from the same place but she doesn't have the same knowledge regarding portals.

"Before I start I gotta know something, where did you get this ship?" Mr. J was shocked to see a ship appear out of a card.

"I stole it from the same guys who wanted to enslave Jericho."

"Well… if you had said you stole it from some random people I wouldn't have batted an eye either way. Because this world isn't kind, you are going to have to do some questionable things to survive."

Jericho and Sky looked at each other, they both knew Sky had done some 'questionable things' this past month and a half.

"Seems you're not too unfamiliar with it." Mr. J noticed their look and chuckled. "That's fine, it's good you're willing to do whatever it takes to survive because that is all that matters. I was worried you would be too kind since your mother is very overprotective of you."

"What have you done that was 'questionable'?" Jay asked.

"A lot of stuff. I'll just leave it at that. SO! Red portals are very common in the Land of the Dead but everybody knows that already. What you guys don't know is what kind of portals they are: Green portals have a total of three types of easy to clear portals. Red portals have five unique portals, and I am about to list them and tell you what I learned.

"FIRST! The hardest one you can face is a pure jungle themed portal, it's known as the most difficult to clear because of its poison! There are giant man-eating plants there who are not poisonous, but camouflage well with their environment. If you see a small, cute, blue-ish toad DO NOT TOUCH IT FOR GOD'S SAKE! Its poison will kill you in a matter of hours and it hurts very much. Speaking of poison do not eat anything or touch anything that looks poisonous because it most likely is. Luckily all you need is some antidote which is kinda affordable. But the toughest enemy to face there are giants. They're basically hairy, strong, humans that are over 8 feet tall. They all carry clubs as weapons, and yes most of the enemies in red portals have weapons. You won't be able to tell the sex between these giants since they all look the same. And do I sound like a racist in saying that? Yes, but it's true."

"What about the boss?" Jay asked.

"The boss is a flower-boss monster. It always looks like a tall, sexy lady, but this lady uses her whips made out of poison that kills you. She shoots blades of grass that are as tough as iron so avoid those. Use fireball, she isn't that tough kill but she is fast and agile. If you set her on fire, set her more on fire until she is nothing but ash.

Now the second toughest portal, some people say this portal is harder than the first and I agree with them. It's a swamp portal where the whole area is covered in fog. You have these lizards who can use weapons and shields and are large in numbers. Honestly I do not have much advice for them so just use long range attacks and climb the trees. There is also this swamp monster, avoid him since it regenerates quicker than you can kill him, it's also slow so it's hardly a problem but make sure it doesn't touch you or it will eat you. The boss is a giant, ordinary crocodile. It is insanely fast, so dodge at the last minute so it collides with the wall and slams its head. Other than that I pray you make it out of that portal."

Jericho looked at Sky. They cleared that portal already and it was indeed tough.

The third red portal: It is a mountain portal, the problem with mountains is that it is always cold and that is the toughest foe in the portal, the cold. The monsters are yeti's and they are durable, but if you use fireball on them they are not a threat as they hate and are basically allergic to fire. They are hairy fuckers so their fur easily catches on fire. Now that I think about it, make sure to learn fireball before entering a red portal. It costs a small fortune but it's worth it if it'll save your life. Those are the only monsters in that portal. The boss is a giant ice-statue also known as an ice-golem. Use fireball to melt its body and destroy its core, the core is always located on its chest and it is its main source of power as well as its weakness.

The fourth portal: You need to be able to swim in this but the enemies are not tough. You spawn on a deserted island that is small. You have to kill the sharks swimming in the ocean as quickly as possible. The boss door doesn't exist because the boss is already on that island with you. Once you enter the portal the giant sand-shark will appear. The sand-shark can swim in the water and in the sand which is why you should kill those ordinary sharks quickly, the boss doesn't usually spawn until five or ten minutes after you enter, making it the only portal without a boss door. The boss itself isn't strong, or fast, just sneaky and hard to kill when it merges with the sand. Make sure to use lightning bolt on the sharks and the boss, or if you're lucky use the lightning bird summons, both of which are red scroll abilities.

And the last portal, the fifth one. This one is very easy to clear but also the grossest one. You immediately find yourself in a room with food on the fridge, a bed, some books, a working bathroom. That room is always the creepiest to me whenever I went inside, I do not know why but I always got that feeling. In this portal it will soon be infested with bugs, especially flies. Use fireball and wind manipulation to make a natural bug repellent and burn all of those fuckers away. You better kill the swarm of bugs quickly because if you don't the boss gets stronger. The boss is called the Lord of Flies, it commands the flies and uses the flies as a source of strength. The boss itself are the insects, the more insects you kill the weaker the boss gets. You have about a minute after the bugs are out before the Lord of the Flies comes out."

"Question, in this 'room' can't you leave it?" Sky asked.

"It is recommended to leave the room. But you will always see a white world outside the room, literally nothing else exists in that portal aside from that room, the bugs, and the exterminators who enter the portal. If you go too far away from the room, you will not be able to find yourself back, and eventually the portal will disappear and you along with it. SO STAY CLOSE TO THE ROOM!"

Everybody nodded and paid close attention.

"Now, about the red portals there is something else, the irregularities. Irregular portals always appear above red portals. Once you enter an irregular portal you'll know because you cannot leave it, the sun and moon turn red, and the water always tastes like salt water even fresh water that you brought. If you find yourself in one, throw all logic out! Time will always be slowed down by 1/10 so what do you do if you find yourself in an irregular portal? Observe everything you see! Especially the monsters. Anything can happen in an irregular portal, enemies will be multiplied, or they'll always explode if killed, or something there are multiple bosses instead of one, or there could be quicksand, or all abilities cost twice the amount of mana, these are some of the things I experienced as an exterminator."

Jericho remembered her dad telling her some of his experiences like that.

"What about purple dungeons?" Sky asked.


"I mean portals. What about purple portals?"

"If you find yourself in a purple portal, which I hope you don't… DO NOT PROCEED! I have never gone to a purple portal. Here's why: There are 3 unique portal themes in green portals, and there are 5 unique themes for red portals… but do you know how many unique portal themes purple portals have?"

"There is none." Jericho said.

"Exactly. There is no limit to the number of portal themes a purple portal has. Unlike the other portals, purple portals last a month instead of a week, that's because all purple portals have one thing in common."

"They're all basically giant worlds." Jericho said.

"Indeed. In every other portal it's relatively small, you have a clear path and know what you're doing. But in a purple portal it's practically a new world. I heard from others who went inside purple portals and made it out alive that they spawned underwater, some found ancient city structures that were destroyed and that belonged to an advanced race of humans, another one is one where you find yourself in a mega underground maze. The possibilities are endless, Sky, so make sure you never enter a purple portal."

"I understand." Sky said. 

They had learned a lot from him.

"And that's all I have to say about red portals. Anything else you guys want to know?"

"What are the odds of finding an irregular portal?"

"About a one-in-ten chance."

"And how did you know the island we were on was going to be destroyed?" Sky asked.

Mr. J closed his eyes as if he knew this answer was coming, but wasn't prepared for it.

"Sky, can I tell you tomorrow to prepare myself first? Trust me you'll understand why. I don't wanna tell you, but if you're going to the Land of the Dead you will need to know, all of you will."

They looked at each other, what did he mean by that?

"Okay. One more question: I killed a man who was from the Land of the Dead, but he was able to manipulate his mana and protected himself from my sneak attack. Do you know how he did it?" 

"Oh? Haven't heard that in a while. Yeah, it's easy but you will need a lot of mana to control it. Observe."

Mr. J held his fingers together, everyone leaned closer to see.

They saw a blue light form between his fingers.

"People call this "manipulating mana" and it can be used to protect yourself from attacks, as well as attack others with it. I've seen some people practice this ability to the point their mana becomes harder than iron. I can barely control it because I haven't been practicing."

Mr. J let go of his mana and it disappeared.

"Can you teach me?"

"I can. I said it's easy but it requires some practice. Do all of you want to try it or just Sky?"

"I'm gonna pass. I still do not have a lot of mana." Jay sat down to see how Sky did.

"I'll go after Sky." Jericho sat beside Jay.

"Okay, Sky put your hands together like I am."

Sky did as instructed.

"Now imagine it. Feel your mana, control it so it travels to your hands. Now when you feel it slowly control it and connect the mana in both hands. Now breathe slowly, concentrate, and feel it. Let it flow."

Sky took a deep breath and concentrated hard.

{You are being taught a new skill "manipulating mana"}

{Learning from someone will increase the skill speed progress rate by 100% until it reaches the same level as the teacher}

{Detected that the teacher's skill level for "manipulating mana" is at the same level as the player. The speed for the progress of said skill will remain unaffected}


{Player can learn teachable skills from others and even progress faster if being taught}

'Wait, if I can learn from others like that, can I teach others as well and have them catch up to my level in skills?'


'But I taught Jericho how to use her dagger and I didn't get this notification.'

{You have only taught Jericho Haydie for less than two minutes in total. You need to teach others longer than that to achieve progress}

'Ah, I see.'

"That's it, Sky! You're doing it!" Mr. J was gleefully happy to see some progress so fast.

Sky looked down and noticed a small bit of mana between his fingers, it was no different from the size of a piece of strong.

*Le gasp!* Sky gasped from pure shock and joy.

{You have learned a new skill}

{Mana manipulation: lvl 1: can control mana with much difficulty}

{Mana cost: depends}

Jay and Jericho got closer to Sky, it was difficult to see his mana.

"It's thin but you can definitely see it." Jericho said.

"Way to go, Cap."

Sky extended the length of his mana. He could extend it long like a long piece of wet noodle, but he couldn't control it as he wished.

{Mana cost: 1.8/s}

"You're a fast learner, Sky. It seems you have a talent for controlling your mana." Mr. J was proud of Sky.

'I don't have a talent for it because I have something better, a system.' Sky thought.

"Can you also teach me, Mr. J?" Jericho asked.

"I will, but don't be discouraged if you can't do it as quickly as Sky. I don't think I've seen anyone learn it that fast."

Sometime later…

Sky would steadily practice controlling his mana. Behind him was Mr. J guiding Jericho to control her mana.

{Mana manipulation: lvl 2: can control mana which some difficulty}

The mana did not have the appearance of a wet noodle but a thick rope. He could somewhat control his mana now.

"Practice makes perfect. Anyways… Access chat: Jasmine Rouge, Ben Rouge."

Sky's mom and father were discussing someone in their room when they heard a *bleep* noise in their heads.

"Did you hear that?"

"Of course I did."

"Mom, dad, can you hear me?" 

Ben and Jasmine stood up.

"Sky? Where are you?"

"And why can we hear you in our head?"

"It's something I learned. I can call you two from anywhere in the world."

"So this is what you meant when you said you had a way to talk to us. I just didn't expect this." Jasmine said, surprised.

"I called you two to accompany me to buy a house with the million shells I have. You can choose anything, but first you need to pay off that loan. How much was it anyway?"

"Okay, we'll go house hunting. And the loan is 30,000 shells." Jasmine said.

"Perfect, we'll pay off the loan and go look for a house big enough to fit everyone."

Sometime later in another location…

The Caribbean finished getting all the information he needed about the purple scroll from the fishman.

"So, men." He turned to face his men. "I have some bad news: the purple scroll is as good as gone. This fishman did not know where it was. I mean he could've just said that in the beginning and I would've let him live."

Everybody else smirked.

"Good news is we'll make some money out of the slaves we just got so it's not a total waste of time. I mean we got rid of the world of some dangerous fishmen plaguing the Land of the Free, that's one win for humanity."

"Sir, are you going to let him live?" The young man pointed at Dei who was on his knees, without arms and without the will to live anymore.

"He's been through so much already. He lost everything he ever loved and cared for. I say we leave him alone."

The Caribbean men moved to their ship.

Dei's mind had gone blank. He couldn't feel anything, no pain, no anger, nothing.

"Did you really think I was gonna let you go that easily?" A voice came from behind Dei.

Before he noticed, Dei fell on his stomach and was unable to get up. The man had cut off Dei's legs and healed them instantly.

"Now you're just a piece of meat who can only wait for certain death. This island will be your funeral. So long."

A human can last three days without water and seven days without food. A fishmen can last ten days without water and twelve days without food.

Dei planted his face on the sand and started crying. What can he possibly do in his state without arms or legs?

"There's nothing I can do."


Sky would spend the remainder of this day on this island with his parents.

The first hour Sky made sure his dad paid off the loan before it became a huge problem. Then they went house hunting.

In Peeves it is known as a very expensive island to live in almost as much as it would cost to live in Harbot's. 

Sky and his family found a house that was better than the apartment and could fit in about seven people.

It had a large lawn on the back large enough to fit a boat. That spot is what made Sky buy the house since he had a plan.

Problem was the pricing. It costs 900,000 shells to buy it. Sky didn't expect it to cost this much but it did.

The remaining 100,000 shells were still left to his parents who were against it but Sky insisted and was adamant to make them keep it. They could use it to buy food, furniture and other necessities.

They immediately moved their belongings from their apartment to their new house, there wasn't much to move to begin with.

Sky noticed his mom's health was improving as she began to eat again. In the end he spent the entire day with his parents as he always had, which made it even harder to leave.

This will be the last chapter I will post in a while. When I post chapter 30 I will have an additional 15 advanced chapters you can check on my patron. The link is on the book’s description.


And have a happy new year.

DemonGodHiatuscreators' thoughts