
Gamer of the Seas

After coming back to life, Sky Rouge finds himself with a type of gamer system, the level-up system. Finding himself in an island far from his home, little by little he starts to understand his system, growing stronger than others through killing, leveling up, learning new skills, and clearing dungeons. This is the story of a man with the level-up system about venturing across the seas. Cover made by NitrogenousBeing. (Thanks man) Author of killer of MC's. In Another World With The Crafting System. Patreon and paypal link here: If you guys feel like supporting my hard work. You can read up to 15 advanced chapters on my Patreon. The first five chapters are worth 3.00$ a month. First ten chapters are worth 6.66$ a month + benefits. And all 15 chapters are worth 10.66% a month + benefits. Paypal link: https://paypal.me/DemonGodHiatus?country.x=CA&locale.x=en_US Patreon link: https://www.patreon.com/DemonGodHiatus Discord link: https://discord.gg/XM8r7CXVdZ

DemonGodHiatus · ファンタジー
56 Chs


The baboons began throwing anything they could find at Sky, which were mostly rocks. Sky managed to block some of them with his crappy shield, while others missed.

Sky extended his slime staff. It shot an even bigger, faster, and stronger ball of slime. The shot missed and it splattered everywhere, some of the baboons looked at the slime and began laughing at Sky.

'I need to work on my aim.'

Sky then began spamming his attack over and over again. Some of the baboons who got hit were seriously injured, the slime attack genuinely didn't seem powerful.

{Dealt 27 damage}

{Dealt 27 damage}

{Critical hit! Dealt 54 damage}

{Killed baboon}

{Exp earned: 12}

{Collected baboon tooth, raw baboon meat, 8 shells}

The baboon that died got launched back far and died instantly.

Baboons have either 30, 33, or 36 HP each depending on their battle power. A single attack from Sky's slime staff can put any baboon in a world of pain.

Sky continued shooting slime at the baboons. Seeing that Sky had a powerful weapon some of the baboons began running away, most continued to stay and threw whatever they could at Sky. Sky used his shield to black any objects thrown at him while he spammed his attack.

{Dealt 27 damage}

{Dealt 27 damage}

{Dealt 27 damage}

{Dealt 27 damage}

{Killed baboon}

{Dealt 27 damage}

{Critical hit! Dealt 54 damage}

{Killed baboon}

The beautiful sound and sight of notifications made Sky grin. At first the notifications popping up at times were annoying, but Sky was getting used to it.

Most of the baboons began fleeing but Sky continued raining down slime on the runs who ran away, some began carrying their injured comrades but they were easy targets for Sky. The ones who were hit with his attack were too weak to run.

Once the baboons fled Sky saw there were 13 baboons on the ground, crying, in pain, and scared of Sky. They tried dragging themselves away to safety.


Sky stomped on one of the baboon's heads, killing him instantly.

{Killed baboon}

{Stomp increased to level 2: stomp now does 1.2x damage}

Sky wondered exactly how much damage his {stomp} actually did. Everytime he has killed slimes with {stomp} the system didn't show him how much damage he did like with his attacks, only that he killed it.

{Mana: 83/125}

'Still have a lot of mana to spare. Now what skill should I learn or possibly raise?' Sky looked at the baboons on the ground, pleading for mercy. Whether the baboons were pleading for mercy or not it didn't matter, Sky likes to think they're pleading for mercy.


{Killed baboon}

{Level up}

{HP, mana, and stamina have fully recovered}


{Killed baboon}

{Str increased by 1}



{Level up}

Sky began washing the blood and brain mush off his shoes and feet after stomping every single baboon to death. The reason he stomped on them was because of one, simple reason, it was satisfying to stomp their heads.

{Through a series of actions you have learned a new skill}

{Cleaning: lvl 1: washing off stains off of items will be 5% easier and faster}

"Really? That can also be a skill? Well I have cooking and a music skill so why am I surprised?" Sky got up after rinsing his shoes.

{Level 8}

{Exp 33/250}

{Stat points: 10}

{Raw baboon meat: 16}

{Baboon tooth: 14}

Not every baboon Sky killed gave him items, but every one of them did always give him money and exp.


{Through a series of actions a new quest has been created}

{Baboons all over the island have heard of your horrible actions against their kind, they are enraged and have began planning to take down the human responsible for killing their comrades}

{Kill the remaining baboons: 0/256}

{Mission failure: none}

{Rewards: {Mmm Monke} title, 1000 exp}

"A title? What? Monke?" Sky clicked on the title that the reward will give him.

{Mmm Monke}

{Title will provide the benefits when equipped}

{25% damage increase when fighting monkey type enemies. 30% damage resistance increase when fighting monkey type enemies. 40% speed increase when fighting monkey type enemies}

"So… in other words I have to kill over 250 baboons, so I can earn a reward right at the end that will make my battles easier against monkeys… you know what, I'm gonna do it, I need the levels and food anyway."

Before Sky did anything, he had an idea.

{Int: 35}

{Mana 175/175}

Sky invested his remaining stat points into his Int stat.

"With my intelligence at 35 which is 37 damage. This way I can one shot baboons since the strongest ones I've seen only have 36 HP." Sky smiled that he found a way to make his killings easier.

{Due to making a smart choice 1 Mind has been added}

"Oh, is that how it works? Now my mana regen is slightly higher.." Sky was understanding more and more about this system of his.

Sky entered the jungle once again this time using a sword instead of a shield. Sky felt weird using a weapon on his left hand since he is right handed.

Sky began looking for baboons who could be hiding. He also relied on his hearing, and his bloodlust skill to locate the baboons.

{Through a series of actions a new skill has been learned}

{Sensing: lvl 1: able to sense living beings from a 20 meter radius}

Sky all of a sudden could feel nearby creatures. He felt some squirrels behind him on the ground fighting for nuts, some ants in a line carrying food on his right side, and a family of birds nest up on a tree above him that he didn't see.

'This is weird how I can sense those animals around me even if I can't see them. It feels like I have eyes everywhere.' Sky would have to get used to the feeling, but the skill would greatly help him in finding baboons.

Sky could walk more confidently around the jungle with his new skill. He also collected any food he could find as food did provide him HP because it can't generate during combat.

'Found some.' Sky smiled as he sensed a few baboons nearby swinging around. Sky shot some unsuspecting baboons out of the trees.

{Stealth strike! You killed lvl 4 baboon}

{You killed baboon}

{You killed baboon}

The baboons are screaming and making noise to alert others that they found the human. Sky didn't care, he began spamming his attack.

A few baboons circled and jumped at Sky. Sky managed to shoot a few of them, some got close to Sky and managed to get a few hits on him. Using his sword he managed to slash some of the baboons.

When he got too outnumbered Sky would run, with his boots he was faster than before.

{You killed baboon}

{You killed baboon}

{Received 2 damage}

{You killed baboon}

Sky knew as long as they didn't use their canine teeth he would be safe, their biting is what caused the most damage.

For the next few hours Sky would shoot, slash, run, heal, hide, rest, chase, then repeat. Their numbers were fearsome.

Sky ran to recover his mana and HP by eating while running. And if he was lucky he could hide to rest.

Once he was back to full mana he continued chasing down baboons.

Sky repeated this for 3 days straight. Along the way he got new skills and got stronger. Every day killing baboons became an easier task. But the third day was difficult.

The following are what Sky had earned during his hunt for baboons.


{Through a series of events you have learned a new skill}

{1-handed sword mastery: lvl 1: 10% more damage when using 1-handed swords}

{Sense skill level up: Sense lvl 3: can detect beings up to a 50 meter radius}

{Through the continuous use of mana 4 Int has been added}

{By continuously running Spd has increased by 5}

{Sprint skill level up: sprint lvl 5: run 20% faster}

{Through a series of actions you have learned a new skill}

{Mana mastery: lvl 4: reg mana 40% faster when standing still}

{Through a series of actions you have learned a new skill}

{Shield bash: lvl 1: 12% increase in damage when bashing others with a shield}

{Through a series of actions you have learned a new skill}

{Shield block: lvl 1: 10% more effective in blocking damage when using a shield}

{Through a series of actions you have learned a new skill}

{Dagger mastery: lvl 3: 15% increase in damage, 30% increase in hand movement speed when using a dagger, successful stealth strikes with daggers increase damage by 200%}

{Quest: kill remaining baboons: 254/256}

{Level 16}

{Exp: 475/550}

{HP: 55/220}

{Mana: 3/195}

{Stat points: 40}

{Str: 7}

{Dex: 7}

{Spd: 12+5}

{INT: 39}

{Mind: 12}

{Vig: 12}

"Only two more… and I'm done." Sky said, gasping for air. He was on his hands and knees as blood and sweat trickled down from his body.

There was a baboon barely alive right in front of him, Sky spared his life for two reasons. The other baboon Sky had no idea where it was.

During the three days he broke his crappy sword and shield which is why his sword and shield skills were still at level 1. He had no choice but to rely on his fine dagger, he much preferred a sword but beggars can't be choosers.

Sky took out some cooked baboon meat and began filling his HP.

The first two days were easy. He had killed about 80-90 baboons during those two days. But on the third day all the baboons attacked Sky at once, leaving him to fend off about 150 baboons at once, they circled him and cut off his escape leaving him no choice but to fight.

Sky was close to using his remaining stat points around halfway during the fight, but he managed to win.

Sky realized something in the first two days of hunting baboons, it was clear that by the large number of skills the system gave him it wanted him to pick a type of fighting style.

He could be a magic type, a fighting type, a speed type, a tank type, a long range type, and whatever else there was.

The most points he has invested on is INT, but stomping enemies and slashing them was a bit more fun to use.

Sky nearly ran out of mana which meant that magic is not always reliable, but it was very powerful and efficient. But his sword broke even if it was a crappy weapon, but he didn't have to worry about running out of mana, the bad part was having to be close to enemies and worrying about his weapon breaking.

"I think I'm getting used to this, killing that is." Sky looked around the entire area around him. There was nothing but blood, corpses, and slime.

Slime will disappear slowly after a few hours after being exposed to the heat of the sun.

"Hey, what type of fighting style do you think I should go with?" Sky asked the motionless baboon with 2 HP left. He just wanted Sky to kill him already.

"Yeah, tough choice, isn't it? I really wanna be both but that would mean I would have to invest points in Int, and Str, and maybe Mind. Not only that but I haven't even given the other fighting styles a chance, I mean being an archer would be cool, or a magic archer. Or how about an archer swordsman? But I already invested so much in Int, not that I had much of a choice because of you all. Hmm, so many choices, which one is the best one?"

Sky was left pondering heavily on possibly his biggest decision in life.

For the next ten minutes, Sky decided to limit his options to a magic-swordsman or simply a magic type. He did feel that leaving out magic would be a horrible decision, especially when there are skills that require Int such as [Stomp}

"You know what, before I kill you I want to test out a few things on you, it's why you're still alive." Sky dragged the baboon by its wrist and took it to the waterfall.

The baboon began screaming but very softly, it had no more energy left to fight back.

"I didn't get a chance to test them out during these past few days."

Sky left the baboon at the edge of the waterfall. He took out a piece of cooked baboon meat and force fed the baboon.

"Swallow it! This could've been someone you know." Sky said, menacingly.

The baboon, struggling at first to prevent eating baboon meat, eventually swallowed the meat in disgust after being forced.


{HP: 2/33}

"Damn. Didn't work."

{Water slice}

{Fatal hit! Decapitated baboon}

Sky finally used this skill. It was better than he had hoped. Every time he used it there was a pressurized are of water shot being out of his two fingers, it was slower than the slime staff attack and weaker, but it was sharp enough to cut off the baboon's head and arm.

{Collected raw baboon meat, 5 shells, 12 exp}

"Hmm, guess feeding others meat doesn't work like it healing medicine like it does for me. And also the water slice skill is not bad, but leveling it up wouldn't hurt either."


{A mini-boss has been triggered}

{Mini-boss has appeared}

"A mini-boss?" Sky did not like that name 'boss' he still hates the little green goblin who stabbed him. But the rewards it provided were good.


Sky turned around while equipping his weapons. Behind him was the mini-boss.

{Big baboon} {mini-boss}

{HP 360/360}

{Mana: 65/65}

{Stats: Str: 15. Dex: 12. Spd: 30. Int: 13. Mind: 8: Vig: 26}

'30 speed? Seriously?' Sky slowly backed away safely into the water. With that speed he couldn't run away. Its size was roughly about Sky's height, but with larger, sharper claws and teeth.

The big baboon stared at Sky. It noticed the other baboon dead and horribly disfigured.

It began breathing heavily and screaming at Sky in anger.

"Screw it!" Sky placed all remaining 40 points in Int, he knew if he didn't do this now he'll die.

{Int 79}

{Your Int has gone over 50}


Sky felt a surge of power from his body.

The mini-boss felt it and it backed away ever so slightly.

{Increased max mana by 100}

{Mana: 495/495}

{Skills consume 10% less mana}

{Mana related attacks damage increased by 20%} (applies to base damage only)

'Perfect.' Sky shot at the big baboon with his slime staff. It was a bit bigger but Sky could feel a difference in its speed and power.

The big baboon ran around Sky dodging his attacks by jumping and making weird random moves. The behavior it was displaying is something Sky hadn't seen even after killing over 200 baboons.

{Dealt 96.8 damage}

(79+ 20%= 94.8 base damage) (94.8+2=96.8)

That is by the far greatest damage Sky had ever dealt in one shot.

Even if the baboon dodges many of Sky's attacks, one is bound to hit.

'Three more shots and it's dead.' Sky continued spamming his attack while keeping his distance. With nearly 500 mana and a 10% decrease in mana consumption Sky felt that he had infinite mana.


Sky stopped shooting. His body felt as if he was frozen.

{Big baboon has used {Howl} on the player}

{Fear: is in effect: player has been paralyzed}

'What the fuck? Does it actually have skills as well?' Sky couldn't believe it, since when can monsters use skills? Is it because a mini-boss is able to use skills?

Sky was ignorant of the matter of monsters, only higher level monsters use weapons and skills. The area where Sky lived no such monsters exist because they were all weak. The boss in front of him was an exception by the system.

The baboon grabbed a large rock and it rushed towards Sky. Because Sky was in a body of water the baboon couldn't move as fast as it wanted to.

'MOVE! GODDAMMIT MOVE' Sky was shouting at himself in his mind.

{Fear is gone}

Sky shot another shot at the baboon, the baboon threw the rock at Sky once he got close enough. The rock hit Sky in the face, his attack hit the baboon's chest.

{Dealt 96.8 damage}

{Received critical hit: 36 damage}

{You have been temporarily disoriented}

Sky saw the world spinning and couldn't focus properly, he dropped his weapons unconsciously. He couldn't even sense or hear the baboon.

The big baboon felt weak. That was the second time he got hit, and his health is now less than half.

But the rush of adrenaline made him not feel as much pain and it charged at Sky.

Sky could barely hear the baboon, and it was coming right at him.

Left with no choice Sky used his two fingers and started to randomly flick it randomly around him.

{Water slice}

{Water slice}

{Water slice}

The baboon saw one of the water slices head his way but couldn't dodge it.

{Dealt 12 damage}

The water slice attack made a large open wound on the baboon's arm as he protected his face, it was like being cut by a sharp knife.

Because Sky received the 20% increase in mana related attacks the water slice 10 base damage attack increased to 12.

The skill unfortunately did not scale with Sky's Int stats, it had to be leveled up to increase its damage output.

{You are no longer disoriented}

Sky stopped spamming his water slice attack to take a moment to see where the baboon was.

Using this opportunity the baboon jumped up high.

'It's up!' Sky felt its presence and bloodlust. He wanted to shoot it down, but he didn't know where his slime staff was, he didn't even notice he had dropped it until now.

Sky spammed {water slice} using both arms instead as he had no time to look around for his weapon.

{Dealt 12 damage}

{Dealt 12 damage}

The baboon could feel the intense pain of those attacks, but it wasn't going to give up, once he reached Sky it was game over. With his long claws and limbs he reached for Sky.

Sky jumped out of the way as he continued spamming {water slice} as much as he could. The baboon tried to fight back, but it was getting weaker and more susceptible to Sky's attacks.

{Dealt 12 damage}

{Water slice skill increase by 1}

{Water slice: lvl 2: 15 damage. Requires a nearby body of water}

{Dealt 18 damage}

{Big baboon is bleeding heavily: loses 3 HP per second}


In a last ditch effort it used its fear skill again.

{Player is paralyzed by fear}

'Not again!' Sky tried moving but it was no use. How can he possibly dodge that attack?

The big baboon tried hurrying towards Sky to kill him. But he got slower, his vision was blurring, he couldn't feel anything anymore, everything was turning silent, as if every second that was going by he was getting worse.

{Dealt 3 damage by bleeding effect}

{Dealt 3 damage by bleeding effect}

{Dealt 3 damage by bleeding effect}


The big baboon had numerous cuts and injuries after suffering from Sky's attacks, it would've been weird if he wasn't bleeding to death.

{Player is no longer paralyzed}

Sky felt a relief to move and to see the mini-boss was dying.

{Big baboon has been felled}

{Exp earned: 550}

{Collected: 1231 shells, 9x baboon meat, green sea scroll, baboon claws}

{Quest: complete}

{Earned 1000 exp}

{Earned title: Mmm monke}

{Say: Equip {title name} to equip the title you want to equip}

{New system slot has been added! Title list}

{Leveled up}

{Leveled up}

{Leveled up}

{Exp: 237/700}

Sky stood over the big baboon's body. He wasn't even angry this time.

"If it weren't because I invested those points into my Int I would've most likely died. Anyways, OOHHH another green sea scroll? I need another attack type skill. Activate."

{Mind has increased by 11}

{Mind 23}

"Huh? What? Wait, what? Why didn't I get another skill?" Sky was absolutely confused, he knew it was a sea scroll, but instead his Mind stat increased.

While it is true that sea scrolls do give skills it wasn't the only thing that sea scrolls gave.

What Sky didn't know is that people sought sea scrolls not only because of the skills it might contain, sea scrolls also increase a person's overall power permanently. It is one of the best methods a person can grow stronger without the use of training or drug enhancements.

Sea scrolls are the only way for non-system users to 'level up' in this world, and there was no limit to much one person can consume scrolls.

A green scroll can only give Sky 1-15 random stat points. Naturally a higher grade sea scroll will give him more unless he gets an ability.

"I'll find out later. Anyways, baboon claws?" Will examined the new item he got from killing the mini-boss.

{Baboon claws: green}

{Damage 15: Requires 12 dex}

{A pair of hairy gloves with long, sharp claws of a powerful baboon}

"Hmm… well it is better than my crappy sword and dagger already. Can't I just equip it without having the required stats?"

Sky tried putting on the gloves, nothing happened, but once Sky tried using it they slipped out of his hands. Sky tried placing them on again and used it but they slipped again. He can hold on to them but the second he tries using them as a weapon they'll slip out of his hand.

"So it wasn't a coincidence the first time."

Sky looked at his stats. On the bottom right of the screen there was a new word sticking out, {Title list} it was the hidden reward he got from the system.

"Okay, now I can leave the island now that I have food and grown a bit stronger… wait, I also need water, and I have no idea how to collect water!"

There was a waterfall that was clean enough to drink, but Sky had no way to collect water.