
Universe Hopping and meeting Badasses from all over the multiverse Part #1

' I want to cry but you won't let me!!!'

[ Oh come on it wasn't that bad.]


[ Hey you still got a shit ton of shop points I mean look at that 1 billion that's crazy you could buy the speed force with that.]


[ Hey real quick I am currently buying what I need to make and finish your new fusioned skills and upgrading them.]

' I really don't don't fucking care I'm going to take a nap for like ever and you do whatever while I'm out.'

' Why am I falling.'

[ Your arriving in a new universe.]


[ You said I could do whatever and I decided to bring you to this universe because you always wanted to meet this guy also you can leave you are easily the strongest in existence here.]

' Where am....'

Aizen's thoughts stop as he looks up and with his highly enhanced he spots Children climbing up a mountain with a squid in a clear ball.

' Hahhaha yeeeees you are completely forgiven.'

[ I figured, I'm assuming you know when you are?]

' Yes I do.'

[ Good also you have no backstory because you won't be staying long and because this world is full of people with no background anyway.]

' Lovely I always wanted to see Ms.Vich'

[ Me too man me too.]

Aizen sits back in the sand and buys a high class business suit to put on instead of his Shinigmi clothes that came with Aizen's body. After switching to the suit Aizen reappears in the hallway the students sneak onto while Ms.Vich is playing piano.

" Hello young assassins in training." Aizen says as he turns his head and looks at the students and the teacher who failed to notice his presence. Jumping into action immediately, Karasuma stands infront of the class and protects them.

" Please your eyes couldn't keep up with me if I decided to attack you and your merry band you all would die. I am only here now to wish you luck and challenge you all to a fight, tomorrow after the Squid monster is in fighting condition I will show myself and when I do I expect your two best students and the Squid to fight with me all at the same time." Aizen growls out as he turns and vanishes.

' I wonder if the reaper told them that I was extremely dangerous because I have no doubt that his senses noticed.'

[ Hey while we have the time to waste do you with for me to buy a Zanpakuto?]

' No no I was actually wondering if you could make Enma my Zanpakuto?'

[ Yea no issue by the way Enma will now be your soul bound weapon is that ok or do you wish to change your decision.]

' No no I'm ok. Oh and question does this mean I can make my own Zanpakuto ability?!'

[ Yes it does and since you have 1 BILLION shop points you can just do whatever if you want. But big but here and that is, BOTH your Shikai and Bankai have to have a connection and a decent one at that.]

' Oh ok that's cool anyway I will design that later what I want you to do now is buy and absorb the abilities of Kyoka Suigetsu, Ryujin Jakka, Hyorinmaru, and Senbonzakura.'

( Any suggestions on his Zanpakuto abilities?)

[ Ok I bought them and by the way Ryujin Jakka has been boosted massively by your devil fruit, to make it even stronger would you like me to fuse the two?]

' HELL YEA I DO also completely upgrade all of the other abilities to max too.'

[ Got it.]

[ Also a skill was added do to Sternritter L the love ability would you like me to upgrade it to max too?]

' What is it?'

[ Charm.]

' Ahhh fuck it why not.'

[ Thing to note the skill doesn't just make you more charming and attractive it also makes women much much more perceptive to your charms and makes them more sensitive if you catch my drift.]

' Ahh the harem route let me guess the complete evolution of the Love ability also did the same thing but to an even more major degree?'

[ Yes except the Charm skill is for all women but the Love Aura only effects women you find attractive.]

' Ahhh sooooo many women you could have just said basically every woman you will meet when traversing anime and comic book worlds.'

[ I could have but that would have sounded sarcastic and as you know I'm never ever sarcastic.]

' Your a fucking liar.'

[ Bite me.]

' Im going back to bed wake me before they leave.'