King! The Strongest Hero in One Punch Man. Only...he's a fake. Hot air. My boi weak as dirt. BUUT, What happens when someone else takes the reins? The New King immediately seeks Power with no reservations. He wants to put some respect on his name. But more than that, he just wants to survive Boros, Garou and Saitama if he ever decides to destroy the world. 20 more chapters at
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"Are you okay?" Bang asked, gently grasping my arms with visible concern as he checked me over.
**Martial Arts Master**
**Title:** Silver Fang
**Species:** Human
**Health:** 768,931/862,425
**Mana:** 0/0
I had managed to inflict nearly 100,000 damage with that last punch—more than I had ever done in a single strike. Judging by his movements, it seemed like I might have cracked a rib or two, though he showed no signs of pain as he examined me.
"I'm fine," I said, trying to reassure him. "I will be in a bit." I added, seeing his skeptical expression. "That was an incredible punch," I admitted sincerely. While I wasn't planning to fight him again until I had at least seen his stats, I couldn't help but admire his well-placed blow.
"I should have held back more," Bang said, his tone laced with self-reproach. "I knew how strong you were, but when you surprised me with that last attack, I 'panicked' and lashed out." The word 'panicked' dripped with disdain, and I could tell he would be working to correct that issue.
"It's not an issue," I said truthfully. "It's actually shown me how far I still have to go." I flexed my body, feeling the omnipresent pain and the gradual effectiveness of the healing process. "It's been a pleasure," I finished, giving him a respectful bow. He returned the gesture before walking off, leaving me to my own devices. Some medical workers and other staff tried to stop me as I entered the waiting room, but I easily evaded them using my stealth skills and headed home.
**7 Years Later**
Sometimes, I envied monsters. In a world obsessed with superficial values like religion and money, it was fascinating to see beings that abandoned everything else to pursue a single, perfect goal. Sure, this often led to grotesque mutations and an antagonistic stance towards humanity, but it was hard not to respect their unwavering dedication to their purpose.
"I am the greatest brewer in the world!" bellowed the enormous, walking cask as streams of pressurized alcohol tore through the surrounding buildings. "You have never tasted something so delectable, so refreshing. Acknowledge my superiority!"
I dodged the liquid beer bullets, silently admiring his dedication. He had sacrificed everything—his appearance, his future, his family—to perfect his twisted obsession. And despite his monstrous form and absurdity, he seemed genuinely happy. 'I wonder if I'll feel that content when I finally get to fight Saitama,' I mused, pushing the thought aside. 'To live is to have goals, dreams, desires, and happiness. Compared to the grey humans fleeing in panic, this monster was the most alive being in the area, indulging in its current joy at the cost of its future.'
"I won't forget you," I said aloud before activating Absolute Spin Style and tearing him to pieces with a flurry of attacks. As I licked the brown liquid from my hands, I couldn't help but admit, "That really was delicious." I glanced at the remains of my foe before turning away. This year had seen a sharp increase in monster appearances, but humans had managed to rationalize it as a temporary anomaly. At fourteen, nearly fifteen, my parents deemed me old enough to be left alone during the holidays, and I had taken the opportunity to travel and hunt these Mysterious Beings.
So far, my encounters had been underwhelming. None of the monsters I'd faced were much stronger than wolves or tigers, all of which paled in comparison to the dungeon monsters I'd battled. In fact, only a month ago, I'd unlocked a special psychic dungeon filled with creatures that demonstrated just how lacking my psychic abilities were. And by "creatures," I meant Pokémon, and by "lacking," I meant Mewtwo dropped a fucking mountain on me.
A tingle on the back of my neck, a subtle shift in the wind, and a change in luck were all the warning I got before I spun around and caught a kunai that had been flung at my back. Examining the weapon, I noted it was a kunai—primarily used for climbing and stabbing, according to my internet research. 'Looks like I'm about to get a crash course in ninja tactics,' I thought as three shadows emerged on the opposite street.
"I believe you dropped this," I said, twirling the kunai around my finger as I observed them.
**Darkness Shadow**
**Species:** Human
**Health:** 12,365/12,365
**Mana:** 0/0
**STR:** 6,821
**VIT:** 5,651
**DEX:** 7,320
**INT:** 4,501
**WIS:** 3,215
**LUK:** 1,622
**Martial Arts Style:** Shadow Assassination Style
The other two ninjas were named Thunderbolt Lightning and Pelagic Ocean—a testament to their village's poor naming conventions. Their stats were high but not quite at the top level of the world's strongest. If Sweet Mask weren't guarding the gate, they might scrape into S-Class, but I couldn't afford to underestimate them.
"Did you drop this?" I asked calmly as I approached them casually. Despite my approach, they didn't retreat, indicating either excellent training or genuine confidence.
"You have interfered with our mission to neutralize the rampaging monster," one of the ninjas said quietly. "To cover up the failure, your death is required."
"I can pinky swear if you—" I started, but they were already spreading out in a perfectly coordinated formation. I sighed and dropped my gaze, feeling their focus shift to my perceived moment of vulnerability as they lunged.
Two ninjas came from each side, attempting to block my escape routes while the third volleyed kunai at me. Contrary to the webcomics I'd read, these ninjas were clearly working together. They might even be on the cusp of S-Class, so I had to take them seriously. I leapt into the air, only to find them adjusting their attacks to exploit my vulnerability.
Fortunately, they underestimated my abilities. I sensed the subtle shift in the atmosphere and kicked downwards with full force, causing a shockwave that shattered the ground and sent waves of dust into the air.
With the nearby streets now empty, I made a silent vow not to cause unnecessary destruction. I caught a glimpse of a shadow in the dust and launched forward, twisting my hands in a specific style that harnessed the power of Absolute Spin. My attacks, amplified by this power, tore through one of the ninjas with ease.
When my stats reached 2,000 in all six categories, I had unlocked the skill Power of Body and Mind. This skill integrated all my previous abilities and provided me with a comprehensive understanding of physical and psychic power. I now knew how to fully utilize my muscles, maintain balance, and how the mind intersected with physical reality.
Using this knowledge, I swiftly dispatched one ninja with a single punch. Despite the gore, he stumbled backward. I aimed for his head, intending to finish him off, but a new threat emerged. I sensed an attack aimed at my back and had to adjust my defense quickly. My fist clashed with a short sword wielded by another ninja, and I had to dodge a barrage of weapons from my blind spot.
The ninja with the sword attacked again, and I formed an orange sword from one of my cufflinks, slicing through his weapon and then his flesh. Using my other cufflink, I fired an orange spear of energy at him, but he dodged, only to be hit by his comrade's body. I moved in to kick him, but a dart forced me to stop.
Turning, I saw the first, heavily injured ninja with a blow dart. I regretted not targeting his lungs earlier. I caught several darts, their poison likely irritating but manageable. Using my psychic powers, I snapped the dart in two.
The other ninja, having freed himself, was pierced by another orange spear from my Shun Shun Rika. As he staggered, I moved in and kicked him in the head, hearing a satisfying *crack*. The last ninja was dragged to me with my telekinesis. He would certainly die, but I wouldn't save him. He had killed many and would likely kill more if allowed to live. It was regrettable that he had been shaped by the Ninja Village, but it was beyond my ability to save him. I didn't ask for the location of his home; instead, I extracted the information from his mind using my psychic powers before granting him the release of death.