On top of ruins, humanity remains. In the edges of this world, portals rise. Order or chaos, decision of few people. Life or death, priced by jewels. “When disaster strikes,” some say, “will is the only weapon in the face of danger.” ‘Hypocrite.’ “Don't let the sorrow of the times,” some say, “become your sorrow.” ‘Cretin.’ “I will let my sorrow,” others say, “to be the sorrow of the time.” ‘Selfish.’ ... Presence my hypocrite, cretin, and selfish story. “No more victims nor predators,” I said, “because today, I rule.” ********************************** How the story is actually like: System: “By playing videogames, you're gonna obtain abilities from those games, did you understand?” MC: "Gotcha." ... A year later. System: "How the **** did you created a hundred sixty seven new abilities without my help!!!" MC: "Ehe." System: "Ehe Te Nandayo!!!!!" ********************************** (Please bear the first 5 chapters)
I feel lonely sometime, you know…