
Game System in MHA

What happens when a man who has only known War and Death dies and finds himself reincarnated in a world full of Heroes and Villians?

Unholy_Student · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Chapter 4: A Month Passes

A month passed since I arrived in this world and in this time I haven't started anything else since I last did that battle.

And, I have found it to be extremely difficult to earn money, I am a warrior through and through, the only way I know how to make money is through fighting, and I don't have the necessary strength to fight others in this world.

So far the only way I have been able to survive this month is from teaching Midoriya and getting a free meal out of it.

At this rate, I will continue to be homeless and may even eventually starve...

As much as I hate it I need help...

And help apparently found me.

Walking along the streets in the city I was looking for anything worth salvaging for money.

Everyone gave me strange gazes as they looked upon my weak and malnourished figure wearing rags.


Before long a sickly man with a frail body and blond hair noticed the near-starving boy and raised his eyebrow with surprise.

"Why is such a young child living on the streets? Have the local police not been doing their jobs?" The sickly man asked himself before pulling out his phone.

Soon the person on the other side picked up, "Hey, what's up?" they asked.

"Found a young boy around 10 years old living on the streets, he appears to be starving and in bad health with barely any clothes to cover himself," The sickly man replied looking at the young boy who was looking through trash for any valuables.

"Sigh, what do you want me to do about it, Toshinori?" The voice asked with a sigh.

"Get him a home, I fear he may not be able to survive on the streets much longer if he has no one to take care of him," Toshinori told the other voice.

"Fine," The voice on the other side replied.

"Thanks, Midnight," Toshinori thanked the woman.

"Please All-Might, call me Nemuri," The woman told Toshinori.

After talking for a short while the man hung up and looked at the boy for a few minutes.

To the man's surprise, the boy suddenly whipped his head towards him as if he noticed his gaze.

The boy looked at the man for a few moments before escaping into the alleyway.

The man just looked at the boy escaping with a baffled expression, "I am not that scary am I?" he asked himself.


With my increased perception and my instincts, I found that someone within the crowd of people was watching for minutes and I was only able to locate him after a minute of searching, once I found him I saw that he was a frail and sickly man, but I was not going to take my chances, for all I know he could be extremely strong, so I immediately escaped.

Once I was a safe distance away from the man who I deemed as a threat I breathed a sigh of relief but suddenly froze when I found someone else to be in the alleyway with me.

"My, oh my, you are quite young now arent you?" A seductive voice rang out in the alley.

A felt a huge amount of threat emanating from my senses when I looked at the woman wearing casual clothing before me holding a red purse and looking at me with a smile.

I glared at the woman and glanced for an escape route.

"Now, now, why are you in such a hurry to leave? Don't tell me you find little old me to be so scary?" She asked.

Crouching down on the ground I discreetly grabbed a rock from the ground and looked at the woman who was still smiling at me.

"Who are you?" I asked defensively, drawing her attention away from what I was doing.

"My name is Nemuri, a Pro-hero," She introduced herself.

"How did you find me? What do you want?" I asked getting ready to escape.

"Through a friend, and you will soon find out," She told me.

Hearing that as a threat I threw the rock directly towards the woman's face, but she quickly raised her arms in defense causing barely any damage to her!

She frowned and noticed that I was about to escape!

Suddenly pulling out a whip I found myself tripping as the whip wrapped around my leg!

"Just go to sleep," She told me as a strange gas was emitted from her bare skin!

Feeling strange fatigue begin spreading across my body I fought to keep my eyes open and notice a sharp piece of glass on the ground next to me.

Reaching out I grabbed the glass shard and with a swift movement, I stabbed the shard into my leg, awakening me from my daze.

She gasped in surprise from my sudden self-harm and started completely wrapping me with her whip.

"What are you doing, you fool?!" She shouted in anger as I struggled in a futile attempt to escape causing more blood to pump out of my body.

Before long I passed out from the blood loss and the gas working together in knocking me out.

Looking at me the woman sighed and called a number on her phone.

Word Count: 876

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