
Game Of Thrones: True Threat From The North

a young lord, 15 years old, his name Anoriaon FearStark, an off shoot branch of the Starks, the young lord of Throcatore castle and his uncle Ser Ianñ will show the othe houses if the north why the first word of their name is Fear. the young lord gets visons and a small fraction if a distant gods power and memories, will he use this knowledge and power to good use? or will he lead a conquest across the continent of Westoros. how will the Lord who wields helberds react to his dangerous surroundings? 2 chapters every 3 days

slingingcocaine · テレビ
3 Chs

Chapter 1, Shadow of war

I'm writing this for myself so I don't care about criticism I'd you give me criticism I couldn't care less.


A light smoke rose over a little peice of the lower eastern part of the wolfswood. It was a controlled forest fire, some men were clearing out a part of the forest and their was to much brush and the stumps from the trees were in the way of a new castle.

Three hundred and forty two years later a boy, only 15 namedays old, his name, Anoriaon FearStark the first. The FearStarks are an offshoot of the Starks, just like the Karstarks. Unlike the Karstarks the beginning of their name wasn't a person real name, it was a nickname because that stark was an unmerciless man, in battle or in a tourney, but only in battle. Some say he was the most honorable man out of battle, he didn't want war

He turned 15 namedays old today. He was pretty good with a sword and other simple weapons like axes, spears, and bows. But where he really excelled was a Halbred, one of his fore fathers from centuries ago but still after the original FearStark, he was a great Smither, one of few in Westoros who knew how to rework Valyrain steel. His ancestor made a halberd from Valyrain steel and it is now the house weapon, passed down for generations, now it belongs to the little lord.

His father died a few years after Robert's rebellion and his mother died in childbirth. His parental figure was the house measter and his uncle on his father's side.

Anoriaon woke up, he removed the covers from off his body. He only had a pair of brown pants on. He walked over to a small balcony, through one if the two doors.

The Grey drapes flew in the cold air so did Anoriaon's semi long hair. "Such a beautiful day for the north" he said, then he leaned his elbows down on the stoney ledge.

He had black curly hair like some of his distant relatives, the Starks. He looked down on his castle, it was no where near as inpreganble as winterfell but it could hold out.

(Author here, I will show you the first banner of house FearStark in the comments)

There were many buildings, most of which were for military purposes or storage, there was a bustling village outside of the castle walls.

A little over a thousand people lived in Anoriaon's lands, which was a castle, the town surrounding it, a village a few miles south, and a village a few miles north west.

The people loved him, the lands were rich and the soil fertile. The castle had guards who talked merrily while holding their halbreds.

Anoriaon didn't know why the house sigil was a tree, it looked like a godswood tree but his uncle told him it was just a regular tree on the banners, it's should be a halberd.

The guards wields them the lords personal guards wields them and the lord wields one. He didn't want to change it, the house sigil had been on banners for centuries before he was born.

He heard his door open and close with a klink and turned to see his uncle, his black haired tall and muscular uncle said "looking sharp nephew, growing a bit of beard, I've just recived a raven, here it is, a bit dreadful the information"

He walked over to Anoriaon and handed him a small piece of parchment rolled up with a broken wax seal.

Anoriaon unrolled the scroll breaking off a bit of the dried wax. It read 'my father, Eddard Stark has been taken prisoner under false bouts of treason, I call forth my bannermen to march down to save my father from that horrible tyrant we call king, We gather at winterfell, Robb Stark of Winterfell'

"OH dear, I can tell you haven't told the populace, they are merry, sound the horn, I have an announcement to make in the town square" sighed the young lord, he went to his wardrobe and put on a Grey shirt.

His uncle walked out the door. Then the young lord fell to the ground and Gaines a burst of knowledge.

'I grant you a power, a power of a god, that God is me, but I am on my death bed and I found one to carry on my will, young one, I had a goal to free myself from these wretched higher gods who wanted to sacrifice me, I ran to a dark god but that was worse, I evaded capture after the dark god was defeated, but he still kept his grip on me after his imprisonment, he changed me for the worse, I have realized that in my final days, so I sent this message from another world, if you got this, that means I have been sent for the same jail as my master'

Anoriaon thought 'that truly is a sad story' he opened his eyes, it didn't seem like a minute had passed. He finished buttoning his shirt then heard a loud horn echoing through out the town.

He walked out of his bedroom and down the stone hallways occasionally looking out the archer holes. He passed a few soldier wearing steel helms with a small fin on top and loose sides that were usually tied together with the small ropes on the bottom of each side.

It was a helmet unlike the common helmats in the north. the had halberds and shields with the house sigil on them.

Anoriaon didn't know what to make of the vison he got and the words of someone who claimed to be a god. He just ignored it, must have been a day dream, or so he thought, hohohohoho.

He continued walking throughout the castle stoney insides and then through the secondary gates, then through the first gate which was much sturdier. He walked through the town.

His subjects greeted him while they did their tasks, little did they know, they would be giving their sons and husband's a last goodbye really soon.

He made it to the stage in the town square, it was usually for merry gatherings. So when the people of town saw their lord on the stage they thought it would be a merry announcement.

They gathered fast. Then Anoriaon's voice, which sounded different, more dangerous sounding. He meant business, his commading voice truly dhowdd that "My subjects, our leige lord, Eddard Stark has been captured by king Geoffrey, a miserable tyrant who needs a bit of cunt in his life, acting lord of winterfell has called the banners, any man between the ages of 17 and 40 shall report to the castle for their amour and weapon"

The crowds started to dissipate, they murmured as the men walked to the castle. Most knew their fates, some had even fought in the last two major wars in Westoros.

The little lord walked through the the crowds, it gave the men a little hope knowing their lord would most likely fight beside them.

He was a good lord, for now.