
Game Of Thrones : The Shield Of Conquest And Domination

One day, Captain America woke up in the world of [Game of Thrones]. His body was much younger, though still muscular, but he had no memories of his past life. What he knew well was how to use his shield and how to crush enemies with it. [ Release Rate: Two chapters a week with a word count of more than 2500 ]

8 Chs



"Don't get me wrong, warrior. I just wanted to give you a little.... help."

"Still, Miss Cadra, you see..."

"No can do. You need to quench your thirst for a good night's sleep, and that rest will give you the stamina you need for tomorrow's fight. So, please, let me help you."

"Miss Cadra, it feels like I'm taking advantage of you. I've always been a kind man, you see."

"That's exactly why, I'm happy, to help kind people like you."

"Even so, this milk must be for your little kid. How can I be evil enough to suc..drink that?"

"I don't have children. My body just started producing milk one day, out of nowhere ...God knows why... maybe so that one day I can help a warrior like you."


"Now, enough with these questions ~ take me inside the hut."

Ignoring his words, Cadra entered the hut, her massive breasts bouncing slightly with each of her movements. Steve also followed her inside, pushing aside the smelly leather curtain at the entrance. The hut was dark, lit only by the soft glow of the moon coming through gaps in the walls.

The unwelcome cold wind also whistled through the cracks, making it all the more chilly inside. The floor was covered with thick, unwashed furs, providing both warmth and discomfort. Cadra sensed the hut's unpleasantness, but her kind and massive heart was reluctant to give up.

After entering the hut, Cadra immediately began searching for something, her eyes scanning every corner of the dark space. She moved quickly but methodically, checking the surface of the hut with her gaze. She peered around the small, sparse interior, but her search was coming up empty.

"Where is it? ... Where could it be? ... Not here either," she murmured to herself, a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Mr. Warrior," Cadra addressed Steve, trying to catch his attention.

"Yes," Steve responded, observing her movements with curiosity.

"Oh, what is your name?" Cadra inquired, shifting her attention to him.

"I am Steve Rogers that being said ....What are you even looking for?" Steve asked, intrigued by Cadra's urgency.

Steve couldn't tear his eyes away from Cadra's massive ass as she bent over, her voluptuous body driving him wild. The way her huge buttocks jiggled with each movement made it impossible for Steve to contain his lust. If only her winter coat was thinner, it would have been a real feast for his eyes.

This was made even more challenging by the string of misfortunes that had plagued him all day. He couldn't even remember who he used to be, and to top it off, he found himself unexpectedly enslaved by these half-primitive people.

"Don't you have something like a bowl, Steve?"

"Why do you even need a bowl, Miss Cadra?"

"So I can give you my milk."

"But I thought, we are going to..."

"Wait, what did you think?"

Hearing Steve's words, Cadra arched an eyebrow, a blend of astonishment and fascination clearly displayed on her face. Being an old driver, she grasped the implication of his remark and couldn't resist a surge of thrill at his audacity. However, as she was here to help him, the kind and noble warrior, she pretended and played dumb.

"I said nothing ...just, I don't have anything like that because I'm a slave. They serve food on the floor, saying that dogs should eat like their kind."

"What? I'm really sorry, Steve."

"No, it's not your fault. I appreciate that you at least intended to help me. I won't forget your kindness, ma'am."

Cadra stood in silent contemplation, carefully weighing her decision. Allowing Steve to draw nourishment and strength directly from her nipples would require skin-to-skin contact, presenting a moral dilemma for Cadra. She worried it could be seen as a betrayal of her husband, Dorra.

On the other hand, if she chose not to help Steve, the kind warrior would struggle without her support. Cadra was torn between her desire to aid Steve in his time of need and her loyalty to her husband.

As she struggled with her decision, Cadra remembered a recent encounter with a tribesman. Just a few days back, she had craved to get fucked hard, but the tribesman ran off after giving her tits a quick squeeze, and that too when she wasn't even naked.

She even acted like she was drunk, feeling completely defenseless, but the bloke didn't take any advantage. After that, she had to masturbate for two hours to get orgasms. Even then, she felt unfulfilled.

Despite Everything.....

Cadra's husband was still the sole bastard who had ever dared to lay his filthy hands on her naked flesh and pound her into oblivion.

But deep down, she couldn't help but question why his cock wasn't able to satisfy her desires even though he plays roughly when having sex.

Because of his incompetence, many times she had fantasized about the day she'd betray him by getting plowed by another man.

Just when she thought about it, a surge of enlightenment washed over her. After carefully considering the pros and cons, Cadra reached her conclusion and said,

"I can't overlook your suffering, warrior, so I will help you, but I have one condition that is very important to me."

Steve was feeling increasingly thirsty, his mouth was dry, and he knew he couldn't afford dehydration, especially with the upcoming fight.

He wouldn't mind accepting any condition Cadra set if it meant he could quench his thirst, especially looking at her plump mounds. Even his technologically advanced pants were barely holding his caged dragon from soaring in the sky.

With more than 2,000 people dying worldwide each day from dehydration, he swiftly decided to seek help to rehydrate his body. His intentions were pure, free of any lustful thoughts. After all,  He was a true gentleman worthy of trust, thus he vowed to repay her kindness tenfold in the future.

With urgency and hope in his voice, Steve said,

"Alright, ma'am, I'll accept anything if it helps me get through this."

"Then you'll need to call me 'Mother' when you suck on my nipples. That way, I can convince myself I'm just caring for a child in need and not cheating on my husband or anything."

"But, ma'am... Cadra..."

"Don't get me wrong, Steve. I'm usually quite reserved since I take pride in being a loyal woman... But it's just that I think you deserve some kindness. Otherwise, letting another man touch me..."

"Another man, aren't I your son, mommy?"

Hearing him call her "mommy," a sly and wicked grin spread across her face. Hastily she reached for the buttons of her tunic, her fiery red hair cascading around her face as she teasingly undid each button with sinful intent. With every button that popped open, the tension in the hut skyrocketed, the fabric of her winter coat straining as if begging to be ripped apart.

Her breasts were massive, barely contained by the tunic, and with each button undone, they threatened to burst open. When the final button surrendered, the tunic burst open, revealing the heavenly scene. Her alabaster skin was sprinkled with tiny and little to no red hairs as it was the natural charm since wildling women don't wax their skin.

As the winter coat still hung from her shoulder, she wasn't exposed entirely, while still allowing him a clear view of her voluptuous figure.


Cadra sat on the fur rug, her back leaning against the weathered wall of the hut. Her legs were lustfully spread, creating a welcoming space on her lap. The moonlight gently illuminated her red nipples while casting a soft glow on her thick thighs, snugly encased in tight pants that accentuated every curve.

With smile, she spoke,

"My son... why don't you enjoy your treat while resting on mommy's lap?"


Upon hearing Cadra's words, Steve forgot all his reasons. Even though he had no memories, he knew such an opportunity was rare. He quickly removed his coat, revealing his chiseled physique. Eager to embrace the moment, he bent over and gently laid his head on her soft and plump thighs, enjoying the warmth and comfort she offered.

However, there was a problem; due to the enormous size of her breasts over his head, he felt suffocated. Seeing this, she hastily lifted her left mound, which was looming over his head.

"Son, help yourself and squeeze me dry... Since my nipples are inverted, if you want any milk, you'll have to suck them properly, sweetie."

"Yes, mommy... I understand."

Steve's pulse quickened as he gazed at Cadra, her voluptuous form bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight. Her fiery red hair cascaded over her shoulders, highlighting the mature beauty of her wildling features. His eyes, for the first time, locked with hers through the inviting canal of cleavage formed by her ample breasts as his head was resting on her lap.

Now that Cadra had already given him permission, there was no need for hesitation. Thus, Steve's hand moved with a gentle yet eager touch as he reached out to grope one of her generous breasts, feeling its weight and softness beneath as his fingers sank into her flesh. His touch sent a shiver through her body.

Soon enough, he opened his mouth wide like a lion devouring its prey and then he guided her rosy inverted nipple alongside the whole red areola inside his own mouth and started sucking it while exploring mischievously with his tongue.

The warmth of her skin and the texture of her flesh against his lips ignited a wave of desire within him. His other hand also cradled her breast, exploring its curves once again as he began to suckle.

As the first stream of sweet, warm milk flowed into his mouth, Steve closed his eyes in bliss. The taste was rich and soothing, far beyond his expectations. The faint, intoxicating scent of her bodily odor mingled with the milk, drawing him further into the moment.

Cadra wasn't a mother, and there were no children to drink her milk. This left her with the task of releasing it herself every day. But today, she hadn't found the time, leaving her breasts heavy and full of milky substance.

Because of this, even the slightest touch of her own fabric had sent jolts of aching pain through her body, making her desperate for relief. But even then, out of a kind heart, she decided to help Steve.

"Aaaahh...Oh god... you're hurting mommy... can't you go slower? Don't grope me this  roughly, sweetie."

"Mommy said I should squeeze her dry... son is only following mommy's words."

'Damn it, what's so great about my milk? My husband never liked my tits, saying I look like a cow. Why is this boy so enthusiastic? Hearing him calling me mother makes me want to do something sinful with him.'


'He looks like a virgin, though. Why is he so talented?'

As Steve's lips were still wrapped around her rosy nipple and his tongue teased them like a venomous snake, the sudden pressure sent a wave of sharp discomfort through her sensitive flesh. But he did not stop sucking her flesh; the warmth of his mouth and the gentle strokes of his tongue blended pain with pleasure, creating an intoxicating sensation she had never known.

Cadra's fingers clenched the fur on the floor, her grip tightening as she tried to focus. Her other hand instinctively guided Steve's head closer to her breast, seeking more of the sensual touch he offered.

After a while, she felt a little horny and hoisted her right boob with the other hand and began sucking on her own nipple. Her breaths became shallow, drawn out by the sensual pleasure coursing through her.

Her eyes rolled back as she looked at the moon from the cracks of the ceiling above; her eyes had slight tears.

Now she had surrendered herself to the rhythm of his touch, losing herself in the feel of his lips against her skin. Because of this, her vagina started to twitch uncontrollably, and she dirtied her panty with a slight orgasm.

Just as she thought she had reached her limit, Steve's excitement got the best of him, and he intentionally bit her nipple. The sharp bite sent a shockwave through Cadra's body, causing her to gasp sharply.


She gasped, her voice loud and breathless.

"It's hurting me, son... Do it slowly or I won't talk with you anymore."

Steve paused momentarily, then replied with an innocent smile,

"I can't help it, you're so delicious, mother. I wanna eat you... pooch."

"Eueenngg...Geeaahnh.. Aaaauung," Cadra cried in ecstasy, the sweet agony of the moment was evident in her voice.

The moonlight filtered gently through the cracks in the dark hut, casting a soft glow that lightened the scene within.

If one were near the hut, one could hear the rhythmic sound of "poooochhhh poooochhhh" that filled the air as Steve indulged in a luxurious feast, savoring each drop of the rich, sweet heavenly nectar as it flowed smoothly down his throat.

At this time, the whole tribe was unaware that the virtuous and kind wife of the tribal chief was being violated by the stranger she had just met in the morning.

Strangely, she was enjoying it.

One hour later...

Cadra glanced down at Steve, noticing his stillness. His tongue had stopped suckling on her breasts, and his hands no longer wanted to squeeze her flesh. He appeared to have fallen asleep, as his breathing was slow and even.

A combination of relief and disappointment washed over her as she realized their moment had ended.

Relief, because she had to go back before her husband returned from the hunt.

Disappointment, because she was craving for more.

And the beautiful thought of him stretching her cunt with his shaft and taking their passion to new heights had already been shattered, so she couldn't help but feel sad.

"Hehe... You were so eager earlier... Now, what happened, sweety?"

"If you hadn't fallen asleep, I might have done something with you that I've never even done with my husband. What a pity."

After Steve fell asleep, Cadra took a moment to admire his peaceful expression and chiseled physique. She leaned over to clean the milk from his chest, which had unintentionally spilled while she caressed her other breast.

At first, she hesitated, wondering whether to use her hand and risk waking him. Instead, she chose the gentle and kinder approach, using her soft tongue to trail even softly across his manly chest , ensuring he remained in his slumber state.

Once she placed his head on the soft, rounded fur pillow, Cadra slowly removed her tunic, revealing her snow-white skin.

Her body was terrifyingly sinful, seeming like it was crafted by the gods to drive men to lust and destroy them. Unfortunately, Steve had already fallen asleep, missing the provocative sight of the wild woman with her sweat-drenched body, hairy armpits leaning toward him.

Meanwhile, closeness with a younger man like Steve, who wasn't even her husband, stirred a thrill within her, contrasting sharply with her usual reserved demeanor on weekdays.

Hovering over him, she sensually licked his chest, relishing the warmth of his salty skin mingled with the sweetness of her own milk. The sour taste sent a surge of desire through her.

As she leaned in, her breasts brushed against his nose, while her face was not far from  his belly-button, creating a thrillingly intimate and lustful connection between them.

As she continued to clean him, Cadra noticed something significantly creepy peeking out from Steve's pants. It was his dragon; this sight of him so aroused caused her breath to catch, her heart started racing with anticipation.

Looking at the sight before her, Cadra's desire and lust intensified. Standing up, she felt the cold breeze brush against her exposed skin, causing her to shiver as she was completely topless.

Hastily, she removed the rest of her clothes, revealing her red vertical lips in the soft moonlight. Her vagina twitched rhythmically, releasing warm love juice that dripped steadily onto the frozen ground.

She Approached...

With careful hands, she unbuckled his pants with great difficulty. Suddenly, his shaft sprang free, nearly slapping against her lewd face as she leaned in. Its sheer size and nearness took her breath away. After the super soldier serum, his dick also underwent evolution from a puny prick to a majestic dragon of twelve inches - it had come a long way.

Though startled, Cadra couldn't deny the pull of desire she felt. As even her proud husband seemed pale compared to this monstrous catastrophe.

"I'm sorry, honey, but I want you to relax. So... don't wake up cause mommy's gonna rape you now"

The sheer size of his cock was overwhelming, its girth thicker than her forearm. The length seemed to rival the height of the ancestors' mountain where they burn bodies. It was the sight that left her breathless, and she felt a fierce, twitching heat between her legs as desire surged through her.

Soon enough, she eagerly grasped his shaft, though its immense size made it difficult to hold completely. Her index fingers settled on the back of its head, while her thumbs teased the sensitive tip, slick with precum.

Gulp! Gulp!

Leaning in, she opened her mouth and gave him a slow, indulgent lick. Her tongue trailed over the head of his shaft, savoring the taste of his arousal. By her sudden action, he twitched momentarily but remained in a deep sleep, likely due to exhaustion.

'You were keeping something this incredible from me, thinking you could slip away by falling asleep. How naive! Don't you know wildling women are known rapists when it comes to the handsome men?'

She thought as she gazed at his chiseled physique and boyish face overflowing with cuteness; a surge of lust washed over her. Now she wanted nothing more than to thoroughly violate him.

Not wanting to waste any time, she positioned herself over him, aligning his massive shaft with her already soaked vagina. The warmth of his skin against hers sent a thrill through her, and as she eased herself onto him, she felt a wave of satisfaction and closeness.

Soon her thick buttocks collided with his thighs, and her womb was kissed by his huge cock. Because of it, she was immediately overwhelmed by a sharp, intense pain. His shaft was far larger and fatter than she had thought, stretching her beyond her limits.

The place where her husband couldn't reach was torn apart in a moment. She winced as she felt a sting of pain and noticed the unmistakable warmth of blood; she felt like she had lost her virginity once again.

Despite the immense pain she felt, Cadra didn't want to scream and risk waking Steve. She bit her lip and tried to hold back her voice, determined to endure the discomfort quietly.

"Aeeeeeggammnn" she screamed in her mind.

However, the unexpected discomfort startled her, and she hastily stood up, unable to continue. She could feel the blood oozing from her intimate core, and she was terrified. Plopping back to the ground, she quickly searched for her clothes, desperate to cover herself and escape the situation.

Cadra dressed hastily, her hands trembling as she pulled on her clothing. She took one last look at Steve, still asleep and unaware of the blood-soaked aftermath. His shaft remained erect, untouched by her departure.

With her clothes on, she ran from the hut, blue-balling Steve.

She deeply regretted that she had underestimated her enemy. Now, there were droplets of tears streaming from her eyes; her red hair was disheveled.

It was this day she felt as if her whole body was sweating all over despite the frozen cold atmosphere of the North.


[ Chapter Size :- 3354 ]

[A/N: Man, I don't know why I wrote this weird shitty chapter, but anyway, I've fucked up my whole plot progression now. I can't help but blame myself for this.]
