
Game Of Thrones: The Shadow Wolf

Another Wolf Is Present In Westeros, A Wolf That Is Largely Unknown To The World Other Than The Lords. But, He Is Coming Out Of The Shadows As His Family Is In Danger Again.

EdwinVarghese · 書籍·文学
13 Chs

Chapter 1:- Eddard "Ned" Stark: The Quiet Wolf

"You shouldn't have trusted me." That's what Littlefinger told me while holding a knife to my throat.

As I was incarcerated in the black cells under the Red Keep, I heard "You have seen better days my Lord."

Looking at the man, Varys, I said "Another visit. Seems like you're my last friend"

"No no. Many still love you." Then he gave me water, as he continued "Sansa came to court this morning, to plead for your life."

As he was saying that I drank the water, after taking a mouthful I said "On her knees begging for me, hmmm, did you laugh with the others?"

"You do wrong my Lord, your blood is the last thing I want." Varys said.

Sighing I asked him "I don't know what you want. I've given up trying to guess."

Looking at me he said "When I was a little boy, before they cut my balls off with a hot knife, I travelled with a group of actors through the free cities." Pausing there he continued "They taught me that each man has a role to play. The same is true for the court, I'm the master of the Whispers, my role is to be sly, obsequious and without scruples. I'm a good actor, my Lord."

Chuckling at that I asked "Can you free me from this pit?"

"I could. But will I? No." Varys replied.

A small chuckle came from me.

"As I have said, I'm no hero."

Looking at him I asked "What do you want? Tell me. No riddles, no stories, tell me what do you want?"

Getting on one knee so that he could look eye to eye he said "Peace. Did you know that your son is marching to the South with Northern Men? Loyal lad, fighting for his father's freedom."

When I heard that I was baffled "Robb? He's just a boy."

"Boy's have been conquers before, but the man giving Cersei sleepless nights is the Kings-.. the late King's Brother." He corrected himself before continuing "Lord Stannis has the best claim to the Throne, he is a proven battle commander and he is utterly without mercy.

"Stannis Baratheon is Robert's true heir. The Throne is his by right." I said.

"Tsk tsk. Sansa pleaded so sweetly for your life, it would be a shame to throw it away. Cersi is no fool. She knows a tame wolf is more useful to her than a dead one."

Hearing that I looked at him and asked "You want me to serve the woman who murdered my King, who butchered my men, who crippled my son?"

"I want you to serve the realm!" He raised his voice, then he continued "Tell the Queen you will confess your vile treason, tell your son to lay down his sword and proclaim Joffrey as the true heir." Then still looking at me he said "Cersi knows you as a man of honour. If you give her the peace she needs and promise to carry her secrets to your grave. I believe she will allow you to take the Black and live out your days on the Wall with your brother and your bastard son."

"Hmmm... You think my life is some precious thing to me? That I would trade my honour for a few more years of. .. Of what?" Turning away from him I said "You grew up with actors. You have their craft and you learned it well. But I grew up with soldiers. I learned how to die a long time ago."

"Pity. Such a pity." Saying that he slowly turned to leave but he suddenly turned around and asked "What of your daughter's life, My Lord? Is that a precious thing to you?"

I didn't say anything as he went out of the pit with the only light source which he bought with him.

As he was gone I started to think. Is it wise to be adamant on my honour and have my daughter's death? No.

"So I don't have a choice now huh?" I asked out loud.

"You do." I heard a familiar voice.

I quickly turned around and saw a man with a wolf locket.

Seeing that a small smile formed on my face as I asked "What made you come all the way here?"

"You were falsely accused of a crime. That's all I need." He replied.

I didn't know what to say, but I can't stay silent either. So I said "Whatever happens to me, make sure my daughter's are safe."

"That won't do Ned." He said.

That surprised me as he loved both of them dearly when they were born. So what changed?


"Because, I told you before leaving Westeros that if house Stark faces another extinction level crisis, I'll be taking the lead." He told me.

"Ah... Now I remember. After father and Brandon died, you did tell me that." Sighing I asked "So what is it?"

"I don't want a war. Not another one before everyone is healed up." I heard a sigh coming from him "So do as Varys said." Hearing that I wanted to protest at first, but as I have told Ben many times, never believe what a man says before 'but'.

"But, if they are going to back off of the deal, then the North will not be involved in any matters concerning the South. And I'll make sure that Tywin Lannister understands that."

"You're still not telling me what you're up to." I said.

"You don't have to worry. Arya is being monitored by my men, so is Sansa. When the time is right they will be spirited away from King's Landing to the North."

I nodded at that, as I know how formidable his troops are. So I asked him "What about Robb?"

"I have sent him a letter, advising him not to pass the twins and just stay out with constant vigilance." Then looking at me he said "You don't have to worry, I have sent my best men to Winterfell in order to look after Brandon and Rickon. Half the men are in King's Landing and the other half are with Robb, even though he doesn't know that they are with him."

"So you made sure that there won't be any losses to the North?" I asked him.

"Yes. So I'll be going now."

After that I didn't hear anything else, so I concluded that he left.




🚫🚫🚫🚫 Chapter 1 End 🚫🚫🚫🚫