
Arthur XVI


Arianne liked the statue.

It was eight feet tall, a bit above life-size, and was the work Aerin Halnos, one of the best sculptors in Bravos who I had brought over the narrow sea in comics ion for it. Cut from a solid block of Red Dragonglass, it depicted Nymeria standing atop the banners of the Dornish houses she had conquered after marrying into the Martells. Though to me, it looked more like Brittania's traditional depictions, what with the Greek helmet.

Arianne started fawning over it the moment she saw it, even as it was gently lowered from the Sword down onto the docks, ready to be carted up to the castle Sunspear.

"Its… she's so beautiful." Arianne said, her hand tracing the line of the warrior queen's raised spear. "I wouldn't expect a Baratheon to come with such a gift."

"It is my opinion that all of my family have quite different personalities. Though you are correct that my Uncle's or father would not bring such a gift."

Ariane gave me a flat look before going back to feeling up the carefully smoothed stone. "That's what I meant, Arthur."

"My siblings are quite nice, I'm sure you'll like them."

"Is that a confirmation of our betrothal I hear?"

"Maybe" I scratched at the fleshy side of my chin. "Is still have to visit the arbor so as not to offend, but after today I think we could be happy together." It was honest truth, but it had Arianne blushing like a schoolgirl.

"Well, can't let-" she turned to say, stepping towards me, but a shout from the docks broke the moment. A shadow passed over me.

I turned to find myself being charged by a Bald man in flowing red robes, a burning dagger clutched in his hand, and his eyes mad with fury.

'Shit.' I thought, stepping back, but he was quicker kicking my feet out below me, and sending me crashing to the stone below. He raised his dagger, and that blazing fire was all I could see in the whole world, coming down towards me.

"Now you die Demon."

Spittle flew from the man's lips, and I watched the scene in the slow-motion that a sudden surge of adrenaline brings on. I would be lying if I said that I did not cower before that death.

Then, with a loud crack, he was thrown back away from me. He dropped the dagger and clutched at his stomach instead as if choking.

I propped myself up on my elbows and spotted a plume of smoke from the deck of the Sword above.

'Whoever that man is, I'm getting him a promotion.'

I turned towards the downed man. Who still clutched at his stomach, but now glared at me with hatred in his eyes. "You think you can defeat me with your thunderous sorcery, Demon! I name thee Demon! You will never defeat those who stand in R'hllor's light."

As he spoke, I reached to my own side, fumbling for the tiny pistol I kept in my pocket, raising it with a shaking hand, I took aim at his right eye, which still blazed with hate, even as a different color of red was soaking into his robes.

I had no idea why the Rhlorrite was calling me a demon, nor indeed why he had chosen to attack me.

All I knew was that this man had tried to kill me, murder me on a dock before my own ship,

I pulled back the hammer with my thumb

He had tried to take me from behind without warning or honor, and kill me in front of Arianne, far, so far away from my home.

I pulled the trigger.

It wasn't all that dramatic honestly, the recoil kicked my hand back and his eyeball exploded, but the bullet didn't get through the other side of his skull, and he didn't immediately collapse or anything. Indeed, he even managed to choke out some ominous final words just to fuck with me.

"I go to Rhlor."

Seriously, fuck him.


I'd just killed a man.

The exhaustion that ran through my body was almost palpable, even as Ariane ran over, holding my shoulder up with her hands. She had a look of confusion on her face as well, though it was hard for me to tell through the heady surge of gunsmoke and adrenaline.

"Arthur! Are you alright? What was that?"

I leaned back, letting the girl hold me as I sighed, trying to calm my breathing.

"This?" I said, holding up the pistol, "Is a miniature cannon, like a crossbow but small and loud." I waved my hand up towards the deck. "my man up there has a rifle, like this one but bigger. Thank the seven he used it." my eyes turned to the dead man lying a few feet away, his eyes now glazed over as his head sat in a slowly forming pool of blood. "And him..? I don't… I don't know him, he was just on me and then, well, I don't know. He shouted something about Rhlor."

"I heard it," Ariane said, holding me to her bosom. "He called you a demon, perhaps because of the scars, I don't know. The disciples of the Red God have been growing anxious as of late, but nothing like this. I'm just glad you're alright."

"Yeah…" I said, wondering if that was really true or not. I had just killed a man, albeit in quite hot blood. I knew damn well I'd feel guilty for it later.

Still, at least I was alive, and I saw several of the men hurrying down the gangplank on the other end of the ship to come to my aid. I would be safe again in but a moment.
