
Game Of Thrones: Smut Collection

Mr_Incubus · テレビ
32 Chs

Burn From Within (MayorHaggar)

Chapter 4: A True Dragon (Rhaella/Viserys)


Aerys did not limit his focus to only the families that had rebelled against him. His own family was affected by the curse as well.


Content Warnings/Themes: Mother/son incest


The wrath of Aerys Targaryen had not been limited to the families that had rebelled against him. It could in fact be argued that he had saved the worst cruelty for his own family. His sister turned wife Rhaella was tasked to redeem herself for what he had decided were her repeated failures to birth him more children. His curse would force her to make up for her failures by restarting the Targaryen line after he was gone. With the curse affecting her there was only one male she would be permitted to do that with or even desire to do that with, and that was their lone surviving son Viserys.

The curse would not allow Viserys to breed her until he had grown from a boy into a man, but that had only made it tougher for Rhaella. It had taken hold of her years earlier, preventing her from seeking out the company of any man while she raised Viserys and young Daenerys in Essos. Eventually all three of them had secured sellsword armies and sailed to retake Dragonstone. It had been easier than expected, since Stannis Baratheon had fallen victim to the curse himself. The man with a reputation for stubborn determination had laid down his arms and surrendered without much of a fight. Apparently holding onto his seat had not been as important to him as continuing to sleep with his big-breasted cousin.

The curse had been active within Rhaella for years, not only turning her away from the idea of accepting any male suitors but making sure her body would be in prime position for her son once he was of an age to breed her. The aging process had frozen, if not actually reversed. Her hips were wider, her breasts remained large and firm and constantly refilled with milk that would eventually be used to nurse the as-yet unborn Targaryen heirs. The biggest change of all might have been her fertility. Where previously she had struggled to conceive and then lost eight children either during pregnancy or within a year of their birth, now she was extremely fertile. Any man who would cum inside of her would impregnate her without question. But she didn't want any man. Her body and her womb were only for her son.

It was once they retook Dragonstone that the curse began to drastically change Rhaella's mind. She'd recognized what was happening years earlier, but now it shifted from an intellectual understanding that she was under the hold of the curse to an undeniable need to be bred. She wanted cock, needed a strong, virile man to fuck her, give her his seed and give her the first of many new Targaryen princes and princesses she would birth, but she didn't want just any cock or just any man's seed. Only one man's cock would do, and that cock belonged to her sole surviving son, now a fully grown, strong, handsome man. Being bred by her son was all she could think about, and it became her sole mission in life.

The seduction attempts had started. She was a constant presence at her son's side as he settled into his new role as the King on Dragonstone. Her old dresses and gowns had been discarded and replaced by clothing that would have been more appropriate on a brothel worker than a former (and future) queen. She never missed an opportunity to flaunt her breasts around him, and her hugs were no longer filled with motherly affection but instead with a woman's desire. Now her body lingered, and her hands touched him as much as she could get away with. She knew she was driving him crazy and changing the way he thought about her, but it seemed the curse had not fully affected him yet. That just meant she would need to take even more drastic action and be even more forward. That he continued to resist what he was feeling made her want him even more. It just showed how strong a man her son had become. Strong, virile and just what she needed. Now it was time for her to claim him and take her place at his side, not as his mother but as his lover, his queen, and the mother of his many children.

"Viserys? Are you busy?" She poked her head through the crack in the door of his private bedchamber and saw him hunched over his desk and staring at maps. She didn't need to ask what his purpose was. While all of her recent attention had been on claiming her place at her son's side and in his bed, his had been on figuring out how to reclaim King's Landing and the Iron Throne that Aegon the Conqueror had forged for himself and his heirs to rule from.

"Just trying to decide on the best plan of attack," Viserys said. "But never mind that now. I always have time for you, mother." He turned his chair away from his desk and turned it to face her instead.

"Such a sweet boy," she said, smiling and entering the room. "Would you mind sending your guard away? I'd like to speak with you privately." She didn't actually care whether his guards did or did not know; everyone would find out eventually. She was going to be his queen, after all. But she reasoned that he might be more resistant right now if anyone else was around, so she needed him by himself.

"If you wish," he said, shrugging. His guards nodded and left the room, and she closed and then locked the door behind them. Now it was just the two of them, alone in his bedchamber. It was time for her to make her move. "So what did you need?" he asked, watching her as she walked into the room and towards him.

"It's not about what I need," she said softly. "It's about what you need, and what I'm here to give you."

"Are you going to give me more troops, ships, gold or a less-defended path to King's Landing?" he asked, smiling at her. "Because that's what I need most right now."

"I disagree," she said, shaking her head. "You need all of those things, but there's something you need even more." She slid into his lap, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips. His lips opened up in a gasp, and she took advantage of the chance to shove her tongue into his mouth and turn this into a full-blown make out. He was too surprised to respond at first, but that wasn't a problem as far as she was concerned. He might not be returning her kiss or moving his hands against her, but he wasn't resisting or trying to pull her off of him either. He wasn't doing anything to stop her from kissing him, shoving her tongue down his throat and wiggling against his cock through his breeches, and that was all she required right now.

"Mother…what..??" He looked at her in shock when she pulled her mouth off of his, but she saw the lust in his purple eyes as well. He was confused and fighting against something he'd been told was wrong, but he could feel the attraction as surely as she could. That meant this was going to work. He was going to be hers, and she was going to be his. She just needed to take advantage of this opportunity, while she had him alone and in a daze, and make him see everything she could give him.

"What you need is a good woman at your side," she purred, sliding out of his lap and down onto her knees in front of him. "A woman who can look after you and take care of you, like I've been doing all along, but more than that too." She undid his breeches and began to pull them down his legs, which he did not help with but did not stop either. It was a slow process, trying to tug them down his legs while he sat there stiffly, but she was too determined to let anything stop her now. "You need a woman who can make you happy, warm your bed and give you children." The breeches were down around his ankles, which was good enough for now. She dealt with his underwear next, and that came down much more easily. "You need a queen, and you need a woman who loves you more than anything." She wrapped her hand around his cock, which looked as big and beautiful as she'd always imagined it would be. "Fortunately for you I've been both of those things for longer than you've been alive."

She kissed the tip of his cock and slowly stroked his shaft with her hand, feeling it grow hard in her grip. Once he was fully hard she gave his cockhead a smooch, took it between her lips and began to suck.

Rhaella had done this for his father before, but it had never been something she enjoyed back then. It was different now though, now that it was her beloved's cock between her lips. She was happy to suck on Viserys' cock, happy to show him the love and devotion that he deserved. He was a king, with a king's concerns and a king's responsibilities only recently thrust upon him, and he also had to deal with trying to retake the capital. Her strong man had so much to deal with, but she could help him take his mind off of his duties and give him something to look forward to every night.

She knew how to do this well, how to make a man feel good and bring him pleasure, and she was happy to show Viserys everything that she'd learned. Her lips slid up and down his cock and she shook her head from side to side, moaning and slurping lewdly to let him know just how much she loved being on her knees for him. She'd never shown such passion while sucking a cock, but then she'd never enjoyed sucking a cock either until this very moment. She wasn't trying to make him cum as quickly as she could to get this over with; she was sucking him off because she wanted to, and she wanted to savor it for as long as she could.

Rhaella could tell when Viserys was getting close to finishing inside of her mouth, and she knew she needed to take action. As much as she would have loved to keep sucking his cock until he gave her a mouthful of delicious cum to swallow, she had more pressing things to do. It was his duty to be a good king here on Dragonstone and eventually to retake King's Landing so the Targaryens could be back where they belonged, and it was her duty to give him many sons and daughters to strengthen their line. Since she'd lost eight children either in the birthing bed or soon thereafter while married to Aerys, it seemed only fitting that she give Viserys eight children to replace them. And in order to do that she needed to get started as soon as possible, which meant there was only one proper place for him to shoot his seed. It needed to go straight inside of her.

She regretted having to pull her mouth off of his cock before she could swallow it all like she really wanted, but she knew it was necessary. Viserys' eyes were still clouded over as he struggled to deal with the heavy lust she was heaping on him, and she only made it harder for him to make sense of things when she got up to her feet and stripped out of the loose, low-cut dress she'd worn just for the occasion. She had foregone any smallclothes, knowing what she was here to do and not wanting anything to slow her down once she'd progressed far enough to pull her dress off. She was thankful she'd had that foresight now, because it was simple for her to climb back onto his lap, lower herself onto him and slide his cock inside of her for the first time. At last, he was where he belonged! He was home!

Viserys agreed. A change came over him the moment he penetrated her. Both of their fates were sealed then and there. She'd already been claimed by the curse long ago, and now Viserys was powerless to resist it too. He had been passive and resistant until now, but it was like the beast (make that the dragon) inside of him had come to life as soon as he felt his cock slide into his mother's tight cunt. She didn't have the opportunity to ride him; he didn't give her the time to. He grabbed her full arse with both hands, stood up from his chair and carried her over to his bed, bouncing her on his cock along the way.

There was nothing gentle in his actions, from the way he slammed her down on his bed to the way he got on top of her and thrust his cock into her. She wouldn't have had it any other way. It had been years since she'd been with a man, and this was the first time she'd ever wanted to be fucked. There had been no love between her and Aerys, before or during their marriage, and sex with him had been an unpleasant obligation. Sex with Viserys was something else entirely. She wanted this, wanted to be with him and be fucked by him. He was hers, first her boy and now her man, her lover, her king.

She didn't want him to slow down or take it easy on her though. She wasn't interested in having him make love to her. She wanted him to fuck her and fuck her hard, and he was clearly feeling the same way. He slammed his cock inside of her harder than Aerys ever had, with all of his intensity but a skill and a size that her former husband would never have been able to dream of. His cock felt incredible driving inside of Rhaella, hitting deeper than anything she'd ever felt before. She had never enjoyed sex before today, but she knew she would never be able to get enough of it after this. She was hooked, but not just any man or just any cock would do. Only her son turned lover would ever be able to make her feel like this.

Viserys seemed to feel the same way. He was thrusting into her desperately, fucking her as hard as he could and doing everything possible to claim her. His mouth went to her breasts while he was fucking her, and he sucked at the special milk she produced just for him. It was all for him, all of it. Her body, from her head down to her toes, was his to do with as he pleased. It was a pleasure for her to get fucked by him, and it would be an honor to birth his children.

Despite the children she'd already had, both those who had made it and those who had not, her cunt was incredibly snug around him. That was the magic of the curse at work once again, keeping her tight and making sure it felt as wonderful as it could for him. Her cunt was as tight as it had been when she was a maiden, but without any of the pain that had accompanied that experience. She felt nothing but pure pleasure from having her son fucking her, and it was obvious that it was just as irresistible for him.

"I'm going to breed you, mother," he said, pulling his mouth away from her breast long enough to speak to her. "I'm going to fill you with my seed, and you're going to give me children to rebuild the Targaryen dynasty. Many, many children. But it starts tonight."

"Yes!" she moaned. She wrapped her legs around him and panted against his ear. "Do it, Viserys! Breed me, my king!"

He would have had a fight on his hands if he'd tried to pull out of her or spend his seed anywhere but inside of her cunt where it belonged, but they were on the same page here. Now that he'd given in and embraced the inevitability of the curse, they both knew that they had a job to do today and they weren't going to stop until it was done.

Viserys thrust into her over and over, driving his hips into her and rocking her sexy body back and forth on his bed. It was the biggest and most comfortable bed on Dragonstone, because of course he'd taken Stannis' former chambers for himself once the castle was theirs, but even this bed struggled to withstand the pounding he was giving her. Rhaella had no trouble handling it though. She would definitely admit it was exhausting, especially since it had been so long since she had even been touched by a man and then she'd jumped straight into this, but it was exhilarating at the same time. She had never felt so alive, so loved or so appreciated. Viserys had accepted what she had already known; that she was for him, and he was for her. They were meant for this, to fuck and breed and rebuild the Targaryen line, and no one other than her was fit to bear his children.

He was fucking her hard, not concerned in the least with trying to hold on or prolong this, either to make it good for her or to relish his first time. The greatest pleasure to be found by either of them would come from fulfilling what the curse demanded of them. Everything either of them did was in pursuit of that one goal, and so even as Rhaella's body shook and she shouted out in the first orgasm she'd ever had from anything other than her own touch, her true focus was elsewhere.

"Do it!" she pleaded. "Cum in me, Viserys! Breed me, my king!"

After a few more hard, deep thrusts, that's exactly what he did. He pushed his big cock as deeply inside of her as it could reach and began to cum inside of her. A massive amount of seed shot out of his cock and into her cunt, making its way to her fertile womb. With how she felt and how much seed he gave her, there was not a doubt in her mind that he was impregnating her then and there. He came and just kept cumming, and all the while he took a long suck of her breast and the special, sweet, delicious milk she'd been producing.

That should have been that. He'd finished cumming; he'd spent himself inside of her and undoubtedly gotten her pregnant with the first of many princes and princesses she would give him. But that was not the end of the night for either of them, not even close. Her cunt wasn't designed just to make him cum once, milk him of a single dose of his seed and that would be the end of it. The curse (or maybe it should be renamed a blessing instead, because she certainly felt blessed by it) made sure that she could get as much of his seed as he could possibly give her. Even after he'd finished cumming, his cock did not go down for even a minute. Her cunt worked hard to keep him aroused, and after just a few seconds' pause he got right back to thrusting his hips and fucking her with his cock all over again.

"Yes, Viserys!" she moaned. "Keep going! Give me more! Give me more!"

"I'll never stop," he promised. He pulled his head away from her breast to look into her eyes, and she gasped at what she saw in his eyes. "I'll never stop fucking you. I'll fuck you all night until my seed has taken root, and I'll keep fucking you all day, every day." She saw the fire of the dragon within him. Not the impotent rage of his father, who had fancied himself a dragon but lost everything, lost in his madness and powerless to stop his enemies from rising up and putting his empire to the torch. But Viserys was no mummer's dragon. He was a Targaryen through and through, and he would take the Iron Throne back and rebuild the dynasty through fire and blood.

With Aerys she would have dreaded the thought of going again immediately after being fucked, but from Viserys she welcomed it. She would never be able to get enough of his big cock or his demanding thrusts, and she would not consider her day complete until he'd given her as much of his seed as he could.

Viserys forced his cock back and forth inside of her even harder than he had the first time, somehow gaining stamina his second time around and relentlessly fucking her until he'd given her a second load of seed that was at least as big as the first, if not bigger. But still he wasn't done. Her cunt kept him hard, and he made the most of it. He pulled his erect cock out of her for the first time, but that was only so he could roll her over onto her belly and thrust right back into her, this time fucking her from the back.

His hips were a blur as he fucked into her from above, and she yelped into his pillow with every thrust. It was a good yelp though, the yelp of a woman getting the fucking she had needed for years, for all of her life. Finally she had found the man who could take care of her outside the bedchamber and fuck her rotten inside of it. She had found her dragon.

Giving her his seed for the third time wasn't the end either. They went on for hours and hours, Viserys making good on his promise and continuing to fuck her all night. It became a blur for her, a haze of being moved to different positions and fucked in whatever way Viserys felt like fucking her. He fucked her from behind while she got down on all fours like a bitch; he pulled her on top of him, put his hands on her hips and bounced her on his cock. Then he took it further, carrying her off of the bed and bouncing her on his cock for a bit before pinning her against the wall and slamming into her. He bent her over his chair and took her while squeezing her breasts, and he fucked her against the door. Throughout it all, he gave her load after load after load of seed.

They ended where it all began, or at least what he'd been focusing on before she came in. He brushed the maps off of his desk, threw her down on top of it and slammed back into her one more time. His conquest of King's Landing would have to wait for another day, because right now he had other things on his mind, namely impregnating his mother turned lover.

Rhaella was only semi-conscious by the end, her head hanging off of the desk limply and her hands hanging onto the edge while he fucked her. She was as exhausted as she could ever remember being, but she wouldn't dream of asking him to stop. She was right where she wanted to be, and as long as he could keep going she would always be there to take it.

She could only manage a quiet, pathetic little groan as he came inside of her one final time. She was barely alert enough to realize he had scooped her up into his arms, taken her back to his bed and brought her under the sheets with him. He snuggled into her from behind, his finally flaccid cock pressed against the small of her back as they both fell asleep almost instantly. Their bodies had been worked and worked hard, and now they needed their rest. Especially since they had more of the same ahead of them as soon as they woke up in the morning.