
Game of Thrones: Magnus' Quest Through the Multiverse

In a boundless expanse of countless dimensions, where realities intertwine and possibilities are endless, Magnus, a determined and enigmatic traveler, embarks on an extraordinary odyssey. Armed with his trusty system Jarvis, he navigates the vast and treacherous multiverse. As Magnus traverses the realms, he encounters a kaleidoscope of worlds teeming with diverse civilizations, each with its own customs, wonders, and perils. Along the way, he forges unlikely alliances, forming bonds with formidable allies, and even enigmatic entities who straddle the line between friend and foe. (Starts in Game of Thrones, worlds after are up to you guys)

InkDweller · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Chapter 3

'A King huh?' Magnus thought. Alone lying in the bed which he had been given. He was thinking back to what Jarvis had said earlier.


[Desire to rule has been found in the user, the system is being updated to a conquerors system. New functions have been unlocked, would user like to see them?]

'Conquerors system?' Although slightly drunk from the drinking in which he had been partaking himself, Magnus could still make out what Jarvis was saying. His inner confusion was interrupted when the Inn master came and wrapped his arm around his shoulder.

"Descended from a King! Shall I call you your grace and kiss your feet now eh Magnus?" Darrel exclaimed as he laughed. Magnus himself also laughed and responded,

"My people care not for such formalities, besides, what is a King with no people? I have not a Kingdom, how can I be a King? Just call me Magnus friend." Darrel seemed to like that response.

"Aye, good on you and your people for that. Piss on those haughty Targaryens and their arrogance. The people starve while they feast in their castle, boasting about dragon blood." Darrel spit onto the floor before continuing, "The dragons died over a century ago, and now a Mad King rules, burning people for nothing but fun. Quite the King if you ask me eh Magnus?" He then raised his cup and yelled out, "To Magnus! Skal!" The entire room exclaimed Skal before drinking again.

"Copying my people's traditions now are you Darrel?" Magnus said before laughing merrily, and saying, "You should've seen our feasts, ah good old Dag, used to be able to outdrink the whole room and still have room for seconds." Magnus' words were accompanied by a far-off look in his eyes, seemingly reminiscing. He was quite the actor as everyone who heard him believed every word he said.

"This Dag seems like quite the character, what happened to him?" Harrion asked, now joining in on the conversation. Magnus sighed, before smiling and responding,

"He now feasts among the Gods, good man died in the war against those blasted French, took down a dozen men before falling though." His words were followed by a laugh before he continued, "No matter, today I shall outdrink even Dag! Skal!"


When the festivities were over, and Magnus retired to his room, he thought back to what Jarvis said. 'Hey Jarvis, what did you mean by desire to rule?'

[I can feel users' emotions, and I am able to adapt and change with users' inner desires. I sensed the desire to rule, and I am now updated to assist you in such. Would user like to see my updated features?]

The image of Magnus sitting on a throne, with a bejeweled crown on his head seemed to overtake his thoughts. He found himself liking such an image, 'Yes please Jarvis.'

[User statistics





Magnus looked intrigued, before asking Jarvis to explain what the new functions are.

[Territory: I can map out users kingdom or territory, including the average loyalty of your people, prosperity levels, income, and population.

Building: What is a kingdom without people, these people need homes, jobs, infrastructure, etc.) I can help user build these things. All user must do is provide gold in order to do such.]

'Would people not be confused and even scared when buildings pop up out of nowhere?' Magnus asked.

[These buildings will be built from scratch, I will provide user with blueprints. It is up to the user to find someone to build said buildings. The buildings will be built much faster than normal, however]

'And for the territory, why is it grayed out right now?' He had an inkling as to why, he just wanted to confirm.

[User has no territory to manage. I analyzed users conversations, and the governmental system in the area is speculated to be akin to feudal Europe. I recommend in order to gain territory, the user should start by being made a noble.]

'To think that just a few days ago, I was working my average 9-5, living an average life. And now here I am, in a new world, accompanied by a system that is now telling me that I am destined to become a king. This world is truly interesting.' Magnus smiled, before letting sleep take him.


Magnus got up bright and early with a slight headache. But he didn't let that stop him from continuing to work towards bettering his stats. He started by doing pushups and sit-ups, as many as he possibly could.

[+1 Strength]

[+1 Stamina]

[+1 Strength]

'I could get addicted to this.' He could feel the muscles in his body growing, he was able to do more and more pushups compared to before. He did notice that he did not gain as much as he did yesterday, but this was to be expected. Jarvis did say that it would slow down with time.

Magnus began to think about last night. Jarvis said he must become a noble, and he agreed. How would he become a noble though? 'It can't be easy, if it were then everyone would be a noble.' He kept thinking before he remembered a detail from last night's conversation.

"Piss on those haughty Targaryens and their arrogance." He now had a starting point. The people seemed to be very upset with the current monarchy. If he played his cards right, he could incite a rebellion against this mad king, stick with a powerful noble, and become one of his lords. It was a daring plan, but the only one he could see possibly working. 'I don't really see another way besides taking part in a war. I don't think there is a war going on currently, if there was I would not be welcomed like I have. Military merit seems to be the best way to become a noble, and with my new system, it is possible.'

[+3 Wisdom]

[+2 Intellect]

Magnus smiled before asking, 'Jarvis, is there any way to increase my skills with cold weapons using the system? The people here fight using swords and armor, I have no skill with these things.'

[User can upgrade the system, and gain a skills function.]

'And how do I do that?'

[Once user has three stats that break 25, the system will be automatically upgraded. After 100 it will be upgraded again, then 1,000 and so on]

'I see. Seems I have all the more reason to increase my stats.' Magnus thought before exiting his room. He ran into Darrel sitting at the counter, he looked in horrible shape. "Hahaha, seems you couldn't take the festivities eh friend?" Darrel looked up, and gave a small smile upon noticing Magnus.

"Magnus. You can really hold your drink, and you seem perfectly fine now. What's your secret? You could make a fortune simply through winning drinking contests." He laughed, and Magnus chuckled with him.

"Perhaps Darrel. I am here to thank you for letting me stay the night, and I also wanted to ask how I could earn my keep. I won't intrude on your kindness and generosity any longer" Darrel smiled and responded,

"That's what I like about you Magnus, you got respect and responsibility. Surprising that you're a noble, most of the ones here are haughty. Besides the Starks, good bunch they are. You got any skills that are notable?" Magnus committed the name Stark to memory, before responding.

"I can read and write, I can fight, I can-"

"If you can read and write Magnus then you can easily get a living at Rillseat. Our local lord always has a need for men who can read and write. The maester there needs help processing stuff. That's if you can bear such a boring job." He laughed before looking intrigued and asking, "Don't you come from across the Sunset Sea? How can you speak our language, let alone read and write it?" This also confused Magnus, he was confused about how these people spoke English, he also caught a glimpse of some writing earlier and it seemed just like normal English to him.

"I do not know why, but you lot speak the same language our people did. Perhaps we are more connected than we thought? No matter, I would rather have a more active job, but I won't complain. I shall go see your local lord then, what is his name?" Darrel smiled once again and responded.

"Lord Rodrick Ryswell, he rules from the Rillseat, just under 2 kilometers north of here. Easily walkable, and it shouldn't take longer than half an hour to get there."

"Thank you for the information, and Darrel, know I will repay this debt to you and your village one day for taking me in." Magnus stuck his arm out before continuing, "You and everyone who resides in this village have my gratitude."

"Haha! Lad you already paid it back with your stories, a bards tongue you have." Nevertheless, Darrel outstretched his arm and grabbed Magnus' own. "Go, know you can always call us a friend."

"Not going to leave without saying goodbye are you Magnus?" Harrion entered the Inn at just that moment, before moving towards Magnus and similarly outstretching his arm. "Come back and visit won't you, I need to hear more of your stories."

Magnus laughed and grabbed his arm before saying, "Of course friend." After this, Magnus left the inn. 'Jarvis, can you map the Rillseat like Darrel said?'

[Location: Rillseat, distance 1.6 kilometers, ETA: 19 minutes]

'Well, here we go.'