
Game Of Thrones: Lord of the Sea

L0rds2278 · テレビ
4 Chs

The Rebellion (1)

It has been 2 months since gaining my unit, and I must say that it has been growing quite well. We just recently got our spears and we began training in formations. The first 2 months were mainly formations. They have learned our basic legion formation. It's essentially where the first row uses a sword to clash with the first row, using the large shield to defend and the agile sword to get in cuts. The 2nd and third row would use spears to push back the enemy frontlines to give the first line more space. They would also gain kills here and there.

However there are currently 1 person who has stood out like a sore thumb. Aurion Longwaters, son of two bastards. He is currently 6,10 and still growing. He also has a brother. He's 2 years younger but already 6,2. The brother is named Laenor.

We saved both of them during our recruitment. Because both got into the unit their two salaries are enough to keep their family afloat. Before they were struggling and their little sister was about to die. But luckily she was saved, due to this they both have undying loyalty to both me and House Velaryon.

Aurion is currently apart of the Commando unit as the Sergeant (2nd in command) while his younger brother is being trained to join the Sea Guard.

The unit was already doing quite well, we have currently a full Platoon and a squad.

I recently got a raven from my father in Kings Landing that Rhaegar had kidnapped Lyanna. The Stark Father and Heir duo was making their way down to Kings Landing.

My Father had given the order to return all Escort and Trading Cogs. We had also began recruiting soliders to fill the Cogs bring transformed to warfare. The 4 Galleys had also been called to High Tide and they are currently being equipped with new weapons.

I was currently on my way down to the Blacksmith again. I went straight through the blacksmith and into the Master's office. He was sitting there reading some blueprints.

"Greetings, Master Blacksmith" I said, he quickly looked up before standing up and greeting me.

"Greetings, Young Master. What can I do for you today?"

"As you may see the realm is about to be thrown into battle and therefore my father has given me another 500 Gold Coins to equip my army." I said. I then slid three blueprints over to the Master.

"These are three different blueprint. One for my leather armor, one for the Spangen Helmet and one for the sword." I said

He looked at the blueprints before going silent while reading them for about 5 minutes.

It will cost around 750 Gold Dragons to equip your entire unit with these. However as I do not wanna risk anything during this war I will give you 10 extra sets of each. It will take around 2 months to finish the armor, another 3 months for the swords and another 4 for the helmet. Luckily we can make them at the same time but it will still be around 6 months to finish them all." He said.

"Very well, in 2 months I shall pick up the leather armor and give you 375 gold coins, half the pay and then later give you the reset upon getting the sword and helmet."

"Sounds good." He said

As he said that I stood up, turned around and left the Blacksmith. However I did not walk back to High Tide, instead I continued into the market district and into another building.

I had recently bought this building for 80 Gold Dragons alongside the equipment inside. I am planning on making a brewery. Mainly for Wine and Beer. My father owned a small beer and wine workshop in my previous life and therefore knew the receipte. These Wines and Beers I was producing would be both much sweeter than the current one but also a few would be much stronger. I had recruited an experienced brewer from the Arbor and he had just arrived. As I entered I saw him sitting at a desk going over a few stuff with his five current workers.

Once he saw me stood up before ushering his workers away.

"Greetings, Young Master."

"Greetings Edmund Flowers, please sit down." We then both sat down.

"How is it going with the business?"

"I have already set up contact with a few merchants that often travel through here. I have also talked with a landlord to buy a shop in the Hull."

"Good, I have finally completed writing down the recepite for the Beer and Wines. These are the basics I want you to sell first at a relatively low price and I will later give you more advanced once I get them ready."

"Thank you, Young Master." He said as he began reading and checking out the recepites. He then began asking a lot of questions which I happily answered. 1 hour later we went our own way as he had to talk with his workers and a few merchants.

I returned to High Tide by horse and I began doing some paperwork required of the heir and current castellan of High Tide. Ever since my father left 1 month ago I had been slowly taking on the duties of my Father. The Maester was also helping me and doing most the stuff and only leaving the easy and non consequential work to me.

-[ Timeskip 7 months ]-

I was currently in the courtyard watching my unit fight against each other in a 2v2 between squads. Squad 1 and 3 against 2 and 4. They had two lines of 10 in their formation and they were using wooden sword and spears. They had been fighting for 3 hours and they were beginning to tire. However due to the formation it was easier for the first row than it would be in a Phalanax.

After 30 more minutes Laenor managed to pierce through one of the weaker chains in their formation and he quickly used that opportunity to take out 2 troops before being pushed back by the 2nd line. However that one breach was enough for his team to win 10 minutes after. I applauded the formation that won and inspired the losers that there were always a next time.

Just as I ordered them to take the day off except the squad who didn't fight, a messenger came to me and told me that my father had arrived.

I was quite shocked as he was supposed to be at King's Landing. I ordered the remaining squad to practice while I followed the messenger.

After five minutes of walking I arrived at his office.

"Greetings, Father" I said as I entered the office.

"Greetings, Son. How is the training of your troops going?"

"It is going quite well, Father. Even though they are between the ages of 12-17, due to their unity and discipline I wouldn't doubt that they could fight against a grown formation of the same size."

"That is indeed good, what about your business?"

"It is going quite well. We currently have a profit of 300 Golden Coins and it is expected to reach 500 at the end of the next month."

"Very good, very good. As you may have realised the realm is currently at war. The King is burning more and more people by the minute and the rebels are growing. As such we need to increase our own troops. We currently have 2.5k stationed troops. I plan on recruiting another 500. And as such I will give you another 120 troops. However these will be young men instead of children. Between the age of 18-25. You will also be given 200 monthly and an additional 2k Golden Dragons to armor your new troops."

"Understood Father, I will not disappoint you."

I said that before leaving. Thinking over this I realised how problematic and good this would be. Firstly I can't train the two units together as I do not believe grown men will listen or fight alongside kids. At the same time my father basically gave me the ability to buy armor for all these troops. I also decided to upgrade their armor to Gothic Half Armor, steel braces and Medieval Pauldrons ( Picture in comments )

The armor upgrade would make the price of each go to 10 Dragon Coins with a total of 1040 for it. I now understood why people usually couldn't maintain a large standing army with armor.

I quickly left for the blacksmith as I wanted to order it as quickly as possible. I immediately went into his office.

"Hello again, Master Blacksmith"

"Greetings, Young Master" he said as we both sat down.

"I am here for another round of equipment, I need 140 of everything I previously ordered except the armor. I want you to make 180 Gothic Half Armor, Steel Braces and Steel Pauldrons"

"Damn, Young Lord. You come with more and more orders….. Well the total will be 3k Golden Dragons and I should be able to finish it by the 11th moon next year." He said

"Very good, thank you we're much. Please finish the Shield and Spear first, then sword and helmet and lastly armor" I said as I stood up, shook his hand and left again.

I quickly went back to my office and called Jon and Aurane Waters. 7 minutes later they arrived.

"Alright so, we've been given new troops. 120 grown men. With these troops we should be able to form a Company. However we cannot mix these two groups yet." I said.

"Damn, our forces always growing…." Aurane said

"It makes sense to split them, I doubt the grown men would take the younger guys serious and even less fight with them." Jon said.

"Yeah, luckily our first batch has began to finish their training. They mainly need experience." I said before turning to Aurane.

"I want you to take the old troops to one of the cogs and begin training them in fighting on the water. Jon you will focus on training the new people about our formations, structure and basics. Once Aurane has taught the first batch more about naval combat he will shift his focus on the 2nd batch while we appoint one from the 1st batch as a Captain to command them."

"Understood!" They both said.

"Yeah, also before you leave. We will get new armor. Mainly metal half plates, they will greatly enhance our protection so begin training the troops on walking with heavier armor." I said. I then signaled for the both of them to leave.

I turned to a paper on my desk. It was a letter from Edmund.

"I contacted a merchant from King's Landing, he took out beer and wine to Kings Landing and it was all sold out within the first month. We gained 200 Gold Coins from just that. I have also increased our creation capacity so we can sell more, I did this by using the 200 to buy a new house and hire new workers." I finished reading the letter before I took out another that was hid under my desk.

"My Lord, I have began talking with merchants. We currently have 20 merchants under our payroll. They will give us information and we'll pay them. I have also gotten one of my men to get into Dragonstone, they are currently apart of the keep guards." This person was Victor Hill, he was originally apart of the first batch however I quickly found out his skills in spying one day when he managed to sneak out of our camp to go and feed his brother. His brother was sick and blind and they had lived in the suburbs before he joined my unit. I quickly gave him the duty of spymaster and in return his brother is being held within High Tide.

I then walked out of my office and into my fathers.

"Father, would it be possible for you to teach me a bit about Naval warfare and KL politics?" I asked as my father was in fact quite the intelligent man.

"Very well, I shall take time to teach my heir about his future duties" He said as I sat down and he began teaching me.