
Game Of Thrones: House Dustin

How the hell did it come to this?! - A young man is reincarnated in the Game of Thrones world as an only son to House Dustin in the North but there is always more to every story. This is a small side project that I thought about. This is strictly for fun so dont expect correct dates and all that stuff investigated. I will just write what I want. Can't guarantee stable updates. Again. It's for fun and I have another story for now. Don't even know if I will follow the canon or not. I didn't watch or read GOT except FF's so don't get angry if I make mistake. EDIT- This is strictly for fun. If you are a person who can not understand what’s written above and expect accuracy and whole background, save us both some time and don’t read it. Every review stating how unrealistic it is will be deleted. Go feed your ego elsewhere. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. The author of the fan fiction does not, in any way, profit from the story and all creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator(s). Anything used in the FF belongs to their owners. This is strictly for fun. The cover doesn't belong to me. The owner can contact me and I will take it down.

EnderPL · テレビ
109 Chs

Dorne again

Sorry guys the next few chaps will probably be of lower quality. Don't feel like writing anything heavy.

Proofread by: Akisu.

"Do we know where she is now?" the soft, woman's voice asked the only other person in the dark room.

"We do. She left The Twins a fortnight ago and should be arriving at Riverrun shortly." the tall, lean man looked at the woman and placed his hands on hers. "You know it has to be done... we put too much into preparations to just let it go like that..." he hugged her to gently placate the hesitating woman.

His eyes cold and calculating as he was playing different scenarios in his head all the time.

"I-I know... but still she's..." the woman's shaky voice was full of doubt so the man had to put this piece on the board at it's place.

"We talked about it my love, for the last few years we were putting everything in place just for this day right? You alone were the one who took the first step by placing your people there..." his tone cautious to not push too hard as the woman placed her head in his chest.

"You're right!" like with a wave of a magic wand the demeanor of the woman changed. "It was supposed to be different! All of it was supposed to..." her voice trailed on as the tall man kissed her. Not from affection, no. He was worried someone might be listening to their conversation.

It might look like a sight of love or devotion, yet looking at his open, cold, beastly eyes void of any humane feelings, it indicated something else.

Underneath them there was nothing, no feelings of love or in fact any other emotions.


"Prince Oberyn." a man in a black, beautiful armor bowed down slightly, acknowledging the Prince's superior position.

"You yellow cloaks are always so formal! Or should it be black cloaks now Ser Ralf? Stop with the useless, pompous etiquette and tell me what news you bring of my dear nephew! It's been a year since we last saw him here and that miser Arthur and Bryce came when we were not here!" Oberyn wasn't as patient as his brother Doran, so when he heard that there was a messenger from the boy he loved, like he was one of his own, he moved swiftly with Ellaria to greet the man.

"My love, I'm sure Ser Rolf is tired after his trip." she reminded him with her look to control his excitement.

"Oh come on my dear! We are all family here!" he stood up and walked around the man, watching the black finely made armor. "That's a piece of fine craftsmanship Ser Rolf! Young Brendan changes the armor of his men like it's nothing, how much do you guys earn to spend this lavishly?" Oberyn laughed loudly.

"It's a promotion my Prince. I'm a Praetorian now, after the battle our Lord ordered the creation of our order for his family's safety." Ser Rolf proudly puffed out his chest.

"Father!" three young girls shouted while storming through the door followed by another beautiful Lady that looked like a succubus incarnate.

When they saw the knight in black and the standard Dustin legionnaires behind him in neat rows they were assured that the news they heard were true.

Ellaria looked at them and lovingly smiled. "Obara, Nymeria, Tyene... Princess Arianne." she was surprised to see the last person here.

Arianne never met Lord Dustin as she was with her father and brother at that time, yet the chirping of her cousins couldn't escape her notice and it intrigued her a lot how a boy could achieve such feats.

"We heard there are news of Brendan! Is that true?" Tyene was the closest to the boy when he was here, but the other two didn't lag far behind.

"Haha Ser Rolf was just about to tell us about my nephews deeds! Come! Let's feast together! Men! Bring our guest to eat and rest as our customs dictate."

the hall got empty leaving only Ser Rolf and the Dornish royalty.

"So, What is the boy up to now? Last he said he was going to form a sell-sword company in the disputed lands and yet we never heard any of it." the people at the table drank the fine Dornish wine and ate from the table filled with snacks.

"You're right Prince and that we did... but further east." Ser Rolf subconsciously touched the scar on his cheek, we got our first contract fairly quickly, probably because it wasn't the most lucrative one, but for us? It was just perfect." he drunk the chilled wine.

"How was my nephew?" the girls looked at the man with expectations waiting for the thrilling odyssey that was about to come. That was before they looked at the man that was now clearly saddened.

"It was hell Prince Oberyn..." he looked at his cup and started to swing the wine in it in circles remembering the first charge.

The faces of people changed not expecting this answer.

"Don't get me wrong Prince. I was bloodied before in multiple battles, even before Robert's rebellion with other houses or bandits, I fought in the Battle of the Bells, at the Trident, I even fought with Ser Baristan during the chaos, before we were separated with young Lord's father and the Northern lords and I stormed the Dragonstone without a question but this..." he trailed off making the atmosphere less joyful.

Oberyn was surprised as well, he could feel that the man is a seasoned warrior, so for him to be this shaken...

"What happened Ser Rolf? Is Brendan alright?" the three girls nervously gripped their hands, the usual squabble between them a thing of the past.

"The beginning was as expected, we signed the contract then left with 25 hundred cavalry to our destination. The infantry was to join us later, yet just as we arrived there came word that our employers city is being sacked by 10 000 Dothraki." everyone's eyes became large hearing him.

"It's a shame you failed your first contract, but that happens all the time. When I was with the Second Sons things like this hap..." Oberyn wanted to comfort the knight when he heard him continue.

"We charged them, the Lord leading at the tip of the spear..." no one could believe his words at the beginning, yet no one doubted him after looking at his expression. "He rode like the wind... 7 name days. Well, almost 8 name days old boy... His stallion like the Warrior from the seven reincarnated led our outnumbered men to clash with that force. You were on a battlefield Prince, you know why everyone fear Dothraki." Oberyn nodded with a still gaping mouth. "We cut our way from their back, but soon were surrounded and the lord disappeared from our sight. I could only see Ser Arthur, Bryce and Dame Noya frantically searching for him just like us, and found him we did..." his fists clenched.

"Our Lord was fighting for hours alone, and even managed to cut through to their Khal and his blood riders. When we arrived. He killed them all... alone."

"Impossible!" Princess Arianne shouted, her feelings still strongly affected by the man's tale.

"Aye Princess, I know what you mean! I wouldn't believe it either if not for seeing it with my own eyes! I really wouldn't believe it!A 7 name days old boy covered in blood, taking on men few times his size! I know!" Ser Rolf breathed heavily, catching on his outburst he calmed down.

"I'm sorry Princess, it's like an old lady's tale, I do know that, but ask any of my brothers or sisters and they will confirm it." he sat down again after his outburst and apology. "He couldn't kill the Khal normally in combat so you know what he did?" Rolf looked at Oberyn. "When they were charging each other he slammed his body into him. His small body into a man close to your guard commander in build!" he didn't even know if he himself would be able to do so.

"Areo?" Obara said imagining the battle. "Wow."

"Aye, wow young Lady. His shoulder couldn't move and he was bleeding each second loosing consciousness while his stallion protected him kicking and biting anyone who came closer. When he came back to himself, even in such a state his Lordship killed few more men until the Dothraki surrendered..."

he was calmer now, but opposite him the Dornish royal family was trembling from excitement.

"Marvelous! Splendid!" Oberyn shouted as his blood boiled wanting to experience an epic battle like that.

"Aye, but thats not the end." Ser Rolf continued his story.

Even without exaggeration it sounded like a fairytale.

"What do you mean he went with only a hundred against 60000?"

"Like charged charged?"

"Defended whole day?"

"Ser Gerold lead the attack at night?"

They asked their questions in awe, even Oberyn and Ellaria felt like it was a story about Ser Arthur from his youth.

"Wait, wait. You said he was wounded?" Nymeria broke from the story's illusion.

"Yes Lady Nymeria... on the first day the Lord, after saving the men that were dragged, was attacked and in the chaos rolled down the slope before we could get to him." he couldn't say his Lord miscalculated. "After the battle we counted fourteen men killed by his dagger as he climbed up, but before we rescued him three arrows struck his body." remembering the whole thing like it had happened just yesterday, he still felt fear for his Lord's wellbeing.

It surely wasn't the effect of Reina's magic that compelled him to unwavering loyalty...

"Enough of the sad stories!" Ser Rolf slammed the table waking everyone from their thoughts.

"Young Lord hasn't forgotten about you ladies! Men! Enter!"

The doors opened and the legionnaires entered bearing heavy chests.

Ser Rolf came to the first one.

"The Lord really wished to be here to wish you all the best, but apologizes as his duty called." he opened the first, long chest and took out a long object covered in leather.

"For Prince Oberyn!" he unwinded the cover showing a beautiful red spear. "Goldenheart wood with... a Valyrian steel blade..." most of the gifts that were presented were either claimed from the defeated Dothraki, bandits or slavers that tried their luck in attacking New Lhazar.

Oberyn, and of course Obara were mesmerized by it's beauty, their house didn't have any Valyrian steel weapons up till today, so it was a welcomed and expensive gift.

Oberyn stood up and closed the distance not taking his eyes off from the gift.

The perfectly incorporated engravings showing red vipers circling around its shaft made his heart beat faster.

He didn't know that normally Brendan wouldn't give out something like this, but he just really liked Oberyn's character in the series and as a simple man, he appreciated the connection he had to his closest people.

Oberyn made a few moves with the spear that was like an extension of his hands, the feeling like it was magically a part of his body was overwhelmingly addictive.

"Now, Lady Ellaria... please forgive me for what I'm about to do, my Lord ordered every sequence of it." the Knight did as his lord specifically instructed.

Came up to her with red face, knelt on one knee and looked up at the curious, smiling woman.

His arms held up a box for her to open and when she did the room gasped.

"T-this..." Ellaria couldn't believe it.

Inside a box was the most beautiful piece of jewelry, a diamond, snow white colored crown with all kinds of precious stones imbedded in it.

"For the most beautiful queen in his heart, the most beautiful crown." he was a man of war, making him say such cheesy lines was so embarrassing for him, yet he did so without complaining.

Lady Ellaria gently grabbed the object and placed it on her head giggling like a little girl.

It was so hard to see this woman's truest side and up till now only her family sometimes could see it.

"Fiu fiu." Oberyn whistled. "Looks like I have competition..." Oberyn smiled.

Ser Rolf turned to him. "Young Lord knew you would say something like that Prince so he asked me to tell you that you never had a chance." the hall, including Oberyn burst out in laughter.

"Lady Obara." Rolf came up to the next chest and took out a brown leather armor with engravings on it.

"This armor is made specifically for you sisters, the leather used is wyvern hide processed by the best Neverwinter craftsman. It's lighter and more flexible than normal ones and will not hinder your movement. It can withstand arrows and sword slashes from normal iron swords without a problem, castle tempered steel will damage it but will not go through easily. Valyrian steel unfortunately will."

Obara came up and took it quickly, it already felt soft but sturdy in her hands and she couldn't wait to test it.

"And of course..." he took out a smaller, white spear. "A weirwood spear."

It looked so magical that, Obara could only look at it for a moment not knowing how to react.

"And..." he whistled, grabbed Obara's arm extending it and a moment later a young eagle came in through the window and landed there brushing his head on her body.

She was a crude girl, not ladylike her sisters were, but the boy knew her so well. She didn't want to admit it, but the boy grew on her.

"Lady Nymeria." The girl tried to play it cool, but everyone knew her and could see the signs of her excitement.

"The same type of armor like Lady Obara and..." he came up to a box with holes and opened it.

There was a momentary silence before a loud "mrau" filled the room and Ser Rolf picked up an albino Shadowcat.

This animal was so rare that any lord would kill to have one to add to their prestige and protection as the animal would grow to the size of sand steeds and Brendan actually did.

The unlucky slavers that were coming back to Meereen after destroying some merchants caravan, they didn't stand a chance against his Tribal warriors.

Nymeria grabbed the animal directly from Ser Rolf's hands and started hugging it.

"It will listen only to you and guard you to the death, our Lord made sure of that just like Lady Obara's eagle."

The Martell's heard a lot about Brendan's affinity with animals from Ellia, Ashara and little Rhae, they just treated it as a joke, but today...

"These two custom made daggers are the best our craftsman could make." he opened the box and one milky white and one night black blade were revealed. "Dragon bone grips, perfectly balanced, Basilisks hide for the grip and sheaths." he handed them to her and she loved them.

"Lady Tyene... Our Lord spent countless days and nights wondering what to get you so..." he grabbed the hissing snake from another box gently trying not to harm it at all, he saw how his Lord played with it before they left and even some other praetorians and even children did.

The black snake slid over Rolf's hand up to his palm where its small body circled around itself, it used its tongue to check the surrounding and when Tyene wanted to get closer Oberyn stopped her.

"Ser Rolf this..." even Oberyn that was called the Red Viper was afraid.

"Yes, Prince Oberyn. This little boy is the deadliest snake known in our world. Supposedly many slaves died hunting for it in Sothoryos and yet it is gentle as a child thanks to our Lord." they couldn't say if Ser Rolf was stupid, crazy or just wholeheartedly believed in his Lord, but when they saw how the snake nuzzled to him as he scratched it's throat they were stunned.

"Look, this is your new Lady, you will protect her and kill everyone she tells you to just like Lord said alright?" the knight waited as the small but deadly creature extended his tongue and neck to Tyene. "Come closer my Lady." Ser Rolf waited patiently and as Oberyn hesitated the girl believed in the boy that she fell in love with at first sight and without hesitation moved.

Before Oberyn could do anything to stop his daughter she already came up and did as the knight said.

The small black snake touched her extended hand with his tongue and hissed happily making the rest of the peoples hearts stop for a beat when it slid on her palm and under her sleeve just for it's head to pop up on her shoulder as it gently nuzzled to her cheek.

They couldn't believe their eyes and Oberyns thoughts ran wild imagining the possibilities.

Ser Rolf was smart so he added. "It's impossible Prince Oberyn, we thought about it as well but it takes too much, the Lord almost died preparing the three... He couldn't even make the next one for his mother." just remembering his Lordship shouts from the pain he experienced during the ritual to save his life brought back the chill to his spine and blood drained from his face.

"Now for the rest!" he pushed through the uncomfortable feeling with an exaggerated fake smile, but his previous reaction did not escape their eyes making the girls hearts feel warm.

"Here are books about poison from the free cities of Volantys, Gulf of Grief, Yi Ti and Asshai. Everything that could be bought for gold." the chests were filled to the brim and even Ellaria and Oberyn felt a peng of jealousy.

Tyene's eyes almost had stars in them and even the little snake felt his mistress's enthusiasm.

"Now Princess Arianne." the knight smiled. Please follow me outside.

When the last person, Arianne left the hall she stopped in her tracks.

Her eyes drifted to the most beautiful silver mare she ever saw. No one who looked at it once could take their eyes away from the pure horse.

She was sure that wherever she went on it she would be in the center of attention. She loved it at first sight.

"The purest, gentlest and most mesmerizing one from a few hundred thousand, personally picked by our Lordship." Ser Rolf looked as the Princess brushed the silver mane of her gift.

"Please thank Lord Brendan in my stead. Tell him I love his gift." they all agreed with Arianne's assessment.

"The gifts or the "rest" were delivered as we spoke yet there is more." He clapped his hands and a large group of men and women came out.

Each more beautiful then the previous one.

"For Lady Ellaria and Prince Oberyn to "partake". The best of the best from every city our merchant fleet visits. From Yi Ti to Ib from North to South even the Island of Naath. They were promised freedom and young Lord gave his word. They know the agreement." the people knelt in front of the couple as the people in question giggled.

"Last but not least, the most valuable gift." he took out a sealed letter with Brendan's seal on it. "For yours and Prince Doran's eyes only for now Prince Oberyn."

The hotheaded Prince just opened it and started reading and with each word his face changed in amazement and his hands started to shake.

He didn't wait, he couldn't wait. It was just too important of an issue.

The Prince grabbed Ser Rolf's arm and hastened his step dragging the man in the direction of his brother Doran's solar.