
The bastard, the dwarf and the Lycan chapter 8

In the shape of Lycan, William ran freely among the trees; the happiness he felt was immeasurable. For a brief moment, the feeling of hunger had been overcome.

William, while enjoying this feeling, turned away from the camp.

Slightly concerned, he tries to sniff his way.

'It's like cheating, 'William thought.

Somehow it was possible to map their scent; it almost produced a map in his mind. It was such a complex and abstract map that he could feel the place.

With attention to the smells, the map in his mind had been enlarged, and at a great distance, everything was noticeable to him.

From the simplest to the strongest odors, it showed in William's mind a map almost as real as a visual.

He knew that there was a pack of wolves farther north, and for several meters following, only birds lived near, and then slowly small and medium animals emerged.

Tonight's test would be to catch some big animal, like a deer, and test whether their hunger would be alleviated.

It had been too hasty of William to assume that only humans could satisfy his hunger. Even if something about him made him think humans were his prey, maybe other animals could make him control his hunger.

Maybe eating humans was his predatory instinct that made him hunt.

William lived on human food and felt he did not earn more strength—more inhumanly stronger—but not satisfy his hunger, yet something always bothered him.

He felt bad; it was a sense of unfulfillment, as if he were failing.

Choosing a direction, William begins to approach some deer. The poor animals were looking for a safe place to spend the night. They looked around and sniffed the air, trying to know if it was a good idea to be there.

Maybe nothing much happened on other days, but at that moment the luck of these animals was over; they were not prepared to defend themselves from something like a Lycan; well, never would be.

With a sudden fall, William falls on two adult deer, and the sound of breaking bones is heard. The columns in a single attack were broken.

It was a strange, good, but weird feeling about the hunt.

The realization at that moment was immense. William had the feeling of a young wolf who had begun catching his prey.

But unlike a young wolf, a bite from young Lycan was monstrous; large parts of the animals were devoured, even bones fragile against the offensive of his powerful jaw.

One of the animals had been eaten quickly; there were not many.

remains left behind.

William stopped before continuing his next meal; he needed to realize if his 'hunger' had been lessened if his body had strengthened.

Things sometimes tend to go the hard way after all. The 'hunger' had been lessened, but his body was not strengthened. It was just a meal; even if bloody, it gave him nothing but the taste of the hunt.

Preparing to return, William looks at the second animal body. It would be a waste to leave him here, but it would also be if he ate.

Catching the dead animal with one hand, William starts running toward the camp.

Near the place, William leaves the body of the animal on the ground, and next to it is a large tree branch.

He planned to say that in rising the night to relieve himself, he saw a branch fall on the animal, killing it instantly.

Slowly letting his body return to its human appearance, William walks to the tree where his clothes were hidden.

William goes to a guard who was awake and talks about the dead deer. The guard excitedly calls some other guards.


William sat on his horse, slowly eating a delicious piece of meat.

"How long until the wall?" William questions a guard.

"Several days until we reach Black Castle," the guard said.

William looks back at his food.

"Will you become a crow, boy?" The guard asks before William answers, and he continues.

"It would be sad for a boy like you to become a crow; they can't touch a woman; you will regret it for a lifetime," the guard said.

Being interrupted again before he can say anything in response, William looks at a new person participating in the conversation.

"I know a lot of interesting places, so if you have some time, you can enjoy a great experience," Tyrion said as he drank his wine.

Looking at the two men who one morning had begun to worry about his sexual life, to hell, he wouldn't even become a crow.

"Thanks for your intentions, but you must be telling this to Jon; I'm just here to want to see the wall," William replies with a little discomfort.

Tyrion starts to laugh.

"Oh, I see. Even so, I can take you," said Tyrion.

William looks at Jon and asks for help; his cousin stares at him with a smile.

"You're a boy, but you're almost a damn man; you must enjoy the pleasures of life," said Tyrion.

William looks at Tyrion, not knowing what to say. Well, he already had some relationships and doesn't have a problem with his sexual life.

Not in this life, but he knew things, but...

"I appreciate it, but I don't feel like going to a brothel," said William.

"Oh no, what did prostitutes do to you?" Tyrion.

"Nothing, but I just prefer women who aren't prostitutes." William

Tyrion looks at the boy with grace.

"As you know, who do you prefer? I guarantee you haven't touched a woman before." Tyrion.

William was in a brief silence to seek an answer, but it was too late.

"Are you a romantic, man? Do you believe there is real love? Only if you have enough money." Tyrion lets some of the sadness in his life arise.

William looks at this little man and can change the subject.

"I hear you like history," said William.

"There is some truth in that; there are usually only nicer things about me, but yes, I like it," Tyrion responds as he tries to regain his mood.

"Know something about the first men or the dragons." William regrets the last part of his speech; he prefers to know about the first topic.

"The dragons, magnificent creatures, Balerion the Black Dread was Aegon's dragon; it was so big that its shadow could cover an entire city." Tyrion.

"The dragon flames are the hottest thing you can see, said" Tyrion.

'Shit, I touched the favorite subject of a medieval Otaku,' William thought as he agreed with the topics Tyrion spoke.

Suddenly, William thinks of something.

'What would a dwarf lycan look like? '

The time has passed.

It's been a few days since we talked excitedly between Tyrion the Otaku and William.

In a few moments, they should reach Castle Black, and William could smell it in the air. Even though in his human form, their advantages were reduced, they were still maintained to some extent.

William realized that he needed training, not only as a Lycan but also as a human.

Certain advantages always exist while your trumps are hidden. He needed the most advantages, so it was preferable to make the world premiere of Lycan only in Essos, where just across the sea, rumors would arrive in Westeros.

While in Westeros, William acts with caution only at night, and with the right operations, the Lycan opens his jaw. Only when everyone involved could not tell the news should the Lycan appear.

For now, of course.

William looks around and realizes that Jon was nervous and very close to his destination.

"Afraid of not touching a woman, how did they say?" William teases his first in an attempt to change his mood.

Jon looks at him and smiles.

"Don't worry; for sure, in the future, you'll be hugging a whore on each arm in King's Land with your new friend." Jon.

On the trip, Jon and Tyrion had some conversations, especially when Tyrion talked about dragons. Their relationship has softened.

Tyrion had nothing against a bastard in the end.

William, on the other hand, got some goodwill from Tyrion; a simple good relationship could not be said to be friends, but it was a lot better than before.

"Sure, while I'm there, I can pay tribute to you," William replies jokingly.

Jon starts to laugh.

It was almost time to climb the wall.

The future of the Lycans was being drawn, and the first tale about the great Lycan patriarch was ready to be written.

The White Dread, maybe?