
A little bite doesn't hurt?- Road to Lorath - 2º Part chapter 11

After a few weeks of travel, William was near Dreadfort. With a letter in hand, he wondered if his plan would work.

It was a slightly risky plan not to say that he was betting on the lottery.

William knew that he needed to find ways to strengthen those loyal to Stark House, but more importantly, it would be a means to weaken his main opponents. No doubt things had to be adjusted first in the North.

And here was the function of the letter William held: a letter that had orders from Lord Stark of Winterfell, a letter that William had a hard time making his uncle write.

It was not the only letter Lord Stark had created, but it was one that William had planned.

It was necessary to remember that Roose Bolton was loyal to Stark House; at least it would be so until he began to conspire with the Freys and Lannister.

With this loyalty in hand, William needed to create a way for the Boltons to not betray the North or a way to fragment Roose's power.

So the letter's function was simple: a direct order from Eddard Stark for the Dreadfort forces to be separated into certain fractions and sent to various places on the pretext of being idealized training to prove the value of the North in the eyes of the King.

It was a simple manipulation; it was to spread the idea that the King was unhappy with the current appearance of the North and had Ned do something about it.

The truth is, only two-fifths of Bolton's total strength would remain with Roose; the rest would be gradually given to truly Stark-loyal people.

William just needed to talk to Roose and demonstrate the need for such acts. It was too early for any doubt about these actions; Roose didn't suspect his hands were being tied.

Entering slowly into Dreadfort, William began to analyze this fort that had a strong history, a place that only collapsed for lack of supplies, a place that was not successfully invaded.

Undoubtedly, it was a rugged place; high and thick-walled walls, several towers, and their merlons had the appearance of stone teeth because of their triangular shape. Such a dark fort, such a Machiavellian appearance.

It was the house of a little monster, the house of a psycho who liked to flay, and the house of Ramsey Bolton.

William had strong memories of Ramsey's deeds; maybe others in his place would shiver at the thought of it, but to William, it didn't matter; Ramsey was just another box that maybe he would open one day to see inside, a snack to eat to pass the time at best.

But still, William wondered if he should let things go for Reek's birth, or should he show some compassion for Theon before he became a descendant?

Looking at the lined-up soldiers and a man who was waiting for him, William tries to focus on the things he should do now.

One of his guards announces it.

"William Corvinus, nephew of Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell, protector of the North, and King's Hand, comes to Dreadfort as Lord Stark's messenger." Guard of the Stark House

Certain acts are unnecessary; often only the message is needed, but at other times, in moments like this, it took someone to explain the questions the message recipient might have. Even if they could not go against their Lord's order, Roose might be suspicious, and William's job was to lessen that fear.

Roose received the letter and slowly read it. A slight frown appeared briefly on his face. With a look at William, Roose began to think.

And then he spoke.

"The Boltons follow your Lord's orders." Roose Bolton speaks in a low voice, trying to force others who need to listen to him to pay attention.

"At the King's orders, the North will do some military training for 2-3 years, after which time the soldiers will return to their Lords," William said.

Things turned out to be weird. Roose was just looking at William with a weird look, and William, not wanting to talk more than necessary, was silent, waiting for Bolton to say something.

That way, things ended.

William was sitting at the dining table next to the Bolton and was feeling uncomfortable. Things were very straightforward, and no problem happened.

Perhaps because there is no smell of war in the air, the Boltons would not suspect, after all, who conspires against each other. The Stark are the least likely to do something like this.

The best would be that, and the worst—well, William didn't know yet.

Another day.

William was already on the road again; the encounter with the Bolton was strange, but it was fast; now he just had to go to White Harbor and then be on his way to King's Landing.

In White Harbor, things would be simpler. Manderly House was loyal to the Starks; only a few adjustments should be made. The letter was easily delivered, and William was invited to spend a few days there; politely, William declined and said he was on his way to King's Landing to see his uncle and cousins.

Wyman Manderly promised that he would fulfill Ned's orders to the best of his ability and be waiting for new orders.

And then William continued his journey.

A few days later, looking at the walls of King's Landing, William had finally reached his last place before traveling out of Westeros.