
Game of Thrones: Corvin Blackwood

Instead of finding himself in the body of a powerful Stag or a hungry Wolf, he is a Raven. Read how Corvin Blackwood, first of his name tries to survive in the world of Game of Thrones all the while playing the game. It cant be that hard right?

xLucqs · 書籍·文学
12 Chs

Another Update

So when I said I wasn't going to drop this story I wasn't lying, but as I have tried to rewrite this story I realise it has to contain lot's of elements and lore from the books, I mean even House Blackwood is almost exclusively a book only house. Many other parts of the story contain book only characters and events as well, so it's very crucial.

The problem is...I haven't read the books. All my knowledge from the books is solely from the wiki, fanfiction or YouTube videos, so as I'm writing the story I realise it will be incomplete and missing important details I haven't read. I don't want a story with OOC people, false information, or a lack of information, and I'm sure you don't too.

So, I'm gonna try and start reading the books this week, and hopefully I will eventually come back to this fic once I've finished them. In the meantime I may make another GoT fic, show only, dont take my word for it though.

Sorry if you guys were looking excited to reading this, I was really looking forward to writing the story I planned.

Thanks for reading.