
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · ファンタジー
71 Chs

[7] Eldham

Logging back into 'Game of Kings,' I found myself exactly where I had left off, standing beside Elara in the heart of Lyrinthia. The virtual sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the village. Elara was already prepping a pair of donkeys for our journey to Eldham.

"Morning, Wang. Hope you're ready for a little road trip," Elara greeted me, her tone a mix of cheerfulness and urgency.

I nodded, eyeing the donkeys with a mix of amusement and skepticism. "We're riding these to Eldham? Not exactly the most majestic steeds."

Elara laughed, a hearty, genuine sound. "What, you were expecting warhorses? These stubborn bastards are sturdy and reliable – perfect for a diplomatic mission. Plus, they don't eat as much."

I shrugged, accepting the logic as I approached my donkey. "Fair enough. So, what's the game plan for when we get to Eldham?"

As we started our journey, the donkeys plodding along at a steady pace, Elara laid out the strategy. "First, we keep a low profile. Eldham is a giant compared to us, and we don't want to draw unnecessary attention. We get in, renew our protectorate status, and get the hell out."

I nodded, taking in the scenery as we rode. "And if things go sideways?"

Elara glanced at me, her eyes serious. "If things go sideways, you follow my lead. Remember, you're there as my bodyguard, not a one-man army. We're playing it smart, not hard."

The landscape gradually changed as we neared Eldham, the quaint village scenery giving way to more imposing structures and busier roads.

"We're entering Eldham territory now," Elara announced, her demeanor shifting to one of heightened alertness. "Stay sharp and stick close."

As we approached the gates of Eldham, the sheer size and scope of the nation became apparent. Towering walls, bustling marketplaces, and patrols of heavily armed guards – it was a stark contrast to the humble environment of Lyrinthia.

"Shit, this place is massive," I whispered, keeping my voice low.

Elara nodded, "Yeah, and they're not shy about flaunting it. But remember, we're not here to gawk. We're here for Lyrinthia."

Passing through the gates, we garnered a few curious glances, but nothing out of the ordinary. It seemed our low-key approach was working.

As we navigated through the streets of Eldham, heading towards the administrative district, Elara leaned over to me. "Remember, let me do the talking. Your job is to look intimidating and keep your eyes open."

"Got it. Look tough, stay alert," I affirmed, mentally preparing myself for the task ahead.


The market of Eldham was a bustling hub of activity, a stark contrast to the more subdued marketplace of Lyrinthia. The streets were crowded, with vendors shouting over one another to sell their wares, and citizens of all classes mingled in the throng. The air was thick with the aromas of street food and the clamor of commerce. Elara and I navigated through the crowd, our donkeys drawing occasional curious glances, but mostly we blended into the sea of people.

The architecture of Eldham was impressive – grand stone buildings with intricate carvings, wide, cobblestone streets, and statues commemorating past leaders and heroes of the city-state. The wealth and power of Eldham were evident in every facet of its construction, a visual testament to its status as a city-state.

As we moved deeper into the heart of Eldham, the crowd began to thin, and the nature of the shops changed. The simple stalls of the outer market gave way to high-end boutiques and craftsmen's workshops, showcasing fine jewelry, luxurious fabrics, and expertly crafted weapons and armor. The clientele here was markedly different as well – well-dressed, speaking in hushed, confident tones, and accompanied by guards or servants.

Elara's demeanor was focused and alert, her eyes scanning the surroundings as we progressed. She maintained a brisk pace, clearly intent on reaching our destination without delay. I followed suit, staying close and keeping an eye on our surroundings.

Finally, we reached the city manor, a formidable structure standing at the heart of Eldham. It was surrounded by a high wall, with guards stationed at the entrance. The building itself was an architectural marvel, with tall spires, stained glass windows, and elaborate stonework. It exuded an aura of authority and history.

Approaching the entrance, Elara dismounted with a practiced ease, handing the reins of her donkey to a stablehand who appeared to take care of the visitors' mounts. I followed her lead, feeling a surge of anticipation as we prepared to enter the heart of Eldham's power.

At the entrance, two guards in polished armor scrutinized us. "State your business," one of them demanded, his tone authoritative but not unfriendly.

"We're here to meet with the city's administrators. We represent the village of Lyrinthia," Elara replied, her voice confident and clear.

The guards exchanged a brief look before one nodded and gestured for us to follow. "This way. Stay with us."

We were led through a series of hallways, each more lavish than the last. The interior of the manor was as impressive as the exterior, with high ceilings, ornate tapestries, and paintings that depicted various scenes of Eldham's history and achievements.

Finally, we arrived at a large, ornately decorated door. The guard knocked sharply, and after a moment, a voice from inside called for us to enter.

Q: Do you play Minecraft?