
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · ファンタジー
71 Chs

[56] The new plan

The day of the deadline arrived with the air thick with tension and anticipation. Our forces were in position, and the plan was set. The NRE's six ships, part of Drusus's orchestrated ploy, sailed into view near Vespera's harbor. Their presence was a statement, a power play on the day of annexation.

On board Cassandra's flagship, the Crimson Fury, the atmosphere was electric. The crew was on high alert, ready for the signal to drop the merchant façade and reveal our true strength. I stood beside Cassandra, watching the NRE ships through a spyglass.

"They're making their move," I announced, observing as the NRE ships fired their ballistae into the air, a deliberate miss intended to provoke and intimidate.

Cassandra, her one eye fixed on the enemy, gave a cold smile. "Time to show them who they're fking with. All ships, prepare to engage!"

With practiced efficiency, the crew of the Crimson Fury sprang into action. The sounds of clanking chains and shouting sailors filled the air as the pirate flag was hoisted, the emblem of the Pirate League unfurling in the wind.

Around us, the other disguised merchant vessels followed suit, shedding their covers and raising their pirate banners. The calm sea was suddenly alive with the flutter of black flags, each ship revealing its armaments and readying for battle.

"Fire at will!" Cassandra barked the order, and the Crimson Fury's cannons roared to life. The sound was deafening, the ship vibrating with the force of the discharge.

The first volley of cannon fire hit the NRE ships with devastating accuracy. Wooden hulls splintered, masts shattered, and sails went up in flames. The NRE sailors were caught off guard, scrambling to respond to the sudden onslaught.

On the Crimson Fury, the crew worked like a well-oiled machine, reloading cannons with practiced speed. Cassandra, a commanding figure at the helm, directed the assault with a mix of precision and fury.

The NRE ships, despite being in on the plan, were still easy targets. Their return fire was sporadic and poorly aimed, the crews confused by the ferocity of our attack. It was clear they hadn't expected such a forceful response, even as part of a staged conflict.

"Another volley!" I called out, watching as our cannons spat fire and death once more. The NRE ships were sitting ducks, their defensive maneuvers sluggish and ineffective.

Within minutes, the once-proud vessels of the NRE navy were reduced to burning wrecks. Debris littered the water, and the smell of gunpowder and burning wood filled the air.

As the last of the NRE ships sank beneath the waves, a cheer erupted from the crew of the Crimson Fury. Cassandra stood at the bow, looking out over the wreckage with a satisfied smirk.

"We've sent a message," she said, her voice loud enough for the crew to hear. "Let the empire see what happens when you fk with the Pirate League."

I nodded, aware that this display of force was just the beginning. "The game's changed now. They won't underestimate us again."


As our fleet cut through the waters, heading towards New Rome, a strategic shift was about to occur. I gathered Elara and Cassandra on the deck of the Crimson Fury, the sea breeze whipping at our clothes as I laid out my thoughts.

"Listen up," I started, my voice firm against the sound of waves. "I don't trust Drusus as far as I can throw him. The guy's a snake, and there's a good fking chance he won't be able to, or even want to pay up, even if he gets his way."

Elara, her arms crossed, nodded in agreement. "You're preaching to the choir. The guy's been playing too many sides. So, what's the play, Wang?"

I looked out at the horizon, formulating the plan in my mind. "We make our own move. Isla de Fortune – it's about 50 km from the capital. We take it, set up our base of operations there. That way, we have a permanent presence in the Med Sea."

Cassandra, leaning against the rail, raised an eyebrow. "Isla de Fortune, huh? It's a risky move, taking territory right under the NRE's nose. But I like it. It gives us leverage, a foothold."

Elara's eyes sparkled with the prospect of adventure. "I'm all for it. Let's show these NRE bastards that we're not just some hired guns. We're players in this game."

I continued, "Exactly. If Drusus goes back on his word, we'll have our own base. We can threaten the NRE's coastlines, disrupt their trade routes. It'll give us bargaining power, no matter how this shitshow with Drusus pans out."

Cassandra smirked, her wild streak evident. "Fking brilliant. A pirate base in the heart of the Med Sea. It's bold, it's brash, it's... us. Let's do it."

I turned to Elara. "Start prepping the troops. We'll need a tight plan for the takeover. No unnecessary bloodshed, but we make it clear – Isla de Fortune is ours."

Elara nodded, a fierce determination in her eyes. "Consider it done. I'll get the troops ready. We'll take that island and make it our own."

Cassandra, looking out over the fleet, added, "And I'll coordinate with the other ships. We'll need a blockade, keep the NRE navy at bay while we secure the island."

I looked at both of them, a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among us. "This is it, then. We're not just pawns in someone else's game anymore. We're making our own moves, setting our own rules."

Q: What would you do in this situation?