
GAME Changer

Kadmiel, known for his merciless persona and cunning business strategies, finds himself captivated by Anastasia's fiery determination and elegance. Unbeknownst to her, she becomes the target of his revenge, intertwining both their fates in ways they could never have expected. * * * * In a world of opulence, danger, and hidden agendas, Anastasia Garcia, the daughter of a man who "betrayed" a powerful family, finds herself caught in a web spun by Kadmiel Luca, a merciless Mafia boss driven by revenge. At an extravagant masquerade party, their intense encounter sets off a clash of wills and ignites an undeniable attraction. As their paths intertwine, they are bound by fate, pushing each other to the limits and blurring the lines between love and loyalty. With secrets, danger, and a fight for power swirling around them, Anastasia and Kadmiel must navigate a treacherous landscape where trust is scarce and the consequences of their choices are high. Will they succumb to the darkness or find solace and redemption in each other? In this gripping tale of love, intrigue, and self-discovery, their destinies collide, unraveling a story that will leave readers breathless and yearning for more. The story explores the boundaries of love, trust, and redemption, uncovering the complexities of power and the choices that define us. "Game Changer" is a gripping tale of forbidden passion, revenge, and the search for identity set in a world where danger lurks behind glamorous facades. As Kadmiel and Anastasia navigate their shared destiny, they must confront the dark forces that threaten to tear them apart and ultimately decide if love can truly conquer all.

Becky_Ogoloma · 都市
8 Chs


Kadmiel strutted through the opulent corridors of the grand mansion, his men tailing closely behind. The masquerade ball had provided him with a perfect cover to meet with the fearless Anastasia Garcia, the daughter of his mother's murderer. As they stepped out into the crisp night air, he smirked, replaying the encounter in his mind.


(to his men)

Did you see the way she looked at me? Like she's the predator and I'm her prey. She might be her father's blood, but I can see fire in her eyes.



Boss, she's got more than just fire in her eyes. She was matching wits with you the whole evening.

Kadmiel glances at his other henchmen, who all share a similar sentiment.



Yes, she's definitely got a sharp tongue. I can't deny it impressed me. It's been a while since I've met someone so intriguing. I've never seen such audacity coupled with elegance before.

As they reached the sleek black cars awaiting them, Kadmiel leaned against the vehicle, lighting a cigar. The smoke swirled around him, mirroring the thoughts that swirled in his mind.


(mutters to himself) Anastasia Garcia, the daughter of the man who murdered my mother. The one who's eluded me all these years...



Boss, are you sure about this? Getting involved with her will only complicate things.


(smirks, exhales smoke)

Oh, Marco, I'm well aware of the complications. But don't you see? This is an opportunity. A way to haunt the legacy of her father, to make him suffer as he made my mother suffer.


(raising an eyebrow)

Revenge, boss?



Revenge and power, Nico. I'm not going to let her slip away. I want her close, under my influence. So, we gather information, keep an eye on her every move. This is a game I fully intend to win.



As you wish, boss. We'll do what needs to be done.

Kadmiel stubs out the cigar, the red ember fading to nothing. He steps into his car, the engine roaring to life. As they drive away, he stares out the window into the darkness, his mind concocting a web of intricate plans.


Anastasia Garcia marched down her car, her flamboyant ball gown swishing with every determined step. She fumed, the events of the evening replaying over and over in her mind. Her father had insisted on a family dinner, a rare occasion that was now missed because of the masquerade ball and her fateful meeting with Kadmiel Luca.


(muttering under her breath) This is just perfect! I miss a family dinner that I can count on one hand how many times it's happened, all thanks to that infuriating mafia boss.

Her phone buzzed incessantly in her clutch, a string of missed calls and texts flashing on the screen. She ignored them for now, her anger fueling her steps.


(rolling her eyes)

I bet it's my dad, wondering where on earth I am. Little does he know, I'm tangled up in a dangerous game.

As she approached her apartment building, her demeanor softened, the frustration giving way to a hint of worry. She knew her actions were a double-edged sword. Her involvement with Kadmiel Luca and her constant defiance had annoyed her father to no end.

Unlocking the door, she entered her dimly lit apartment. The silence of the empty rooms enveloped her, and she finally gave in to the pull of her phone, retrieving it from her clutch. Her eyes widened as she scrolled through the messages and missed calls.



Fifteen missed calls? Dad must be livid. I should check in before he sends out a search party.

With trembling fingers, she dialed her father's number and pressed the phone to her ear, her heart pounding with anticipation.



Dad, I'm so sorry for missing dinner. I got caught up in something... important.


(voice stern)

Caught up in something important? Anastasia, you cannot continue to live your life recklessly. I worry about you.


(voice filled with determination)

I can take care of myself, Dad. I know what I'm doing.


(exasperated sigh)

That's exactly what worries me, my stubborn daughter. Just remember, your actions have consequences.

As the call ends, Anastasia sinks onto the couch, contemplating her choices and the path she's set out on. She knows that her encounter with Kadmiel Luca has changed everything. It's not just a game of revenge and power for her; it's a chance to dig deeper into her father's secrets and shatter the legacy that shadows her.

As the night deepens, Anastasia makes a silent promise to herself: she will not back down, no matter the cost.