
Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!

Ken the Anomaly dies in an orchestrated event and finds himself in a play that is beyond Earth in the literal sense. In that place, he meets Thraxis the omnipotent, who offers to play a game with Ken. A Game full of hidden intentions but filled with fun and challenges that both enjoy. Thraxis gives Ken a being that is sealed away as a system that in a way is someone that could overthrow Thraxis. And Ken as the Anomaly was able to suppress the system. The game begins: With the player being Ken the Anomaly, Thraxis the omnipotent, and the Eleis the system. All major players who play simple games that could decide the dominance of everything ================= All the images in the chapters and the cover are original! More images in my discord!!! Discord link: https://discord.gg/ACPzTJuPCz

Sky_novel_lover · ファンタジー
55 Chs

Taking the place of the MC

"Really now? Where am I again?" Ken could not help but question as he now stared at the infinite white he was in. "...Someone turns down the brightness, my eyes are hurting," He joked while squinting his eyes. 

"Apologies, I should have considered that you wouldn't like the white," A feminine voice rang and the infinite white changed to a grassland that stretched endlessly. 

(Image here!) 

'Well, my eyes don't hurt but his isn't helping....' He commented in his mind while looking at the endless grassland with a blank face. "Well, speak up already; I know you summoned me," 

"Apologies again, and yes I am the one that summoned you," It responded tone perplexed and somewhat neutral. "I am the Will of the World, and I have summoned you for a contract." It stated. 

Ken started to walk into the endless grassland while pondering things, "And what is the contract?" he asked, 'Thank you for not asking why I knew I was summoned,' he happily thanked the Will of the World in his mind while keeping a blank face outside. 

"The contract is simple, I will give you 5 wishes, you may modify them however you like, but in return, you must help get rid of the influence of a god that isn't part of the natural order of the world," It made it offer while changing the endless grassland to a forest that was mystical and very appealing to the eye.

(Image of the forest!) 

"Thanks for the scene change," Ken thanked the Will of the world, "You got a name?" He casually asked as he started to explore the forest. 

"I guess you don't... well I will call you Neo," he gave the Will of the World a name like it was no big deal and completely ignored the silence that had fallen between them. "Also I accept the contract," 

"How are you able to stay so calm? if you think this is a dream I reassure you that this a not, the decision you make will bind you," The Will of the World now Neo was puzzled, to say the least by Ken's behavior, it could really understand why Ken was so nonchalant. 

"It doesn't matter if this is a dream, I will live my life how I want. No matter where or what situations I am in," He stated, not even a hint of hesitation in his tone,

'If it a dream then I would wake up and be disappointed and that is all, and if this is reality then I will live how I want, and that is it,' Ken established a base for his mindset, his eyes gleamed but there was no one that saw it, not even Neo. 

"I see, then I will not bother you with such questions," Neo didn't pressure the matter any further. 

A contract materialized in front of Ken who causally took it, "Why paper? Is it because I am human?" 

"Yes, it would be easier for you to understand things like a paper contract than a magical phenomenon," 

"Very considered of you," Ken smiled at the gesture of understanding Neo showed, then his focus went to the contract,"

"Contract between Neo and Ken:

I, Neo, the embodiment of the World's will, hereby agree to grant Ken any five wishes that are within the realm of possibility, with any specified modifications. These wishes may be invoked at any time Ken desires.

In exchange, Ken, the summoned individual, is obligated to assist in the removal of the influence of a god that exists outside the natural order, specifically a deity that is not part of this world.

Due to the sensitive nature of this task, further details cannot be disclosed, as the god in question may possess the ability to detect any additional information.


Neo, the Will of the World" 

Ken read out the contract loud and clearly while sitting under a tree, "Can I get a pen?" Ken raised his hand and made a gesture of holding a pen and of course, a pen materialized, "thank you" He signed the contract with no hesitation or reading it again, "And done!" he exclaimed while throwing the paper and the pen in the air. 

Both paper and pen disappeared and silence fell, "Are you confused?" He asked with amusement clear in his tone, "Don't dwell on it, something you meet people like me who just happen to know things," He got up and started to explore the forest. 

"I will take that advice," Neo simply said, not dwelling on the matter anymore. Neo was still confused but wasn't going to ask as Ken didn't seem to want to explain it. 

"Will you make your wishes now, or will you wait?" Neo observed Ken who seemed to be more interested in the forest uncertainly, Neo was the Will of the World, someone that had lived since creation and observed all, it sure had seen people like Ken and even some weird ones but Ken, 

"Hmm, first of all, show yourself," Ken demanded without reservation, "I prefer a face-to-face talk than this," He added his tone a little displeased. 


A figure started to materialize right in front of Ken making him pause. It was a girl that was no older than Ken.

She had black long hair, and grayish-black eyes which were like gems, and her face was like a goddess straight from the stories that could charm anyone. She had a little baby fat on her cheeks which made her look adorable. She wore a black one-piece dress that showed a little of her shoulder and the side of her thighs. 

Her figure was immaculate, and can only be called perfect. Her figure was perfectly proportioned and balanced in every part maker giving her a sedative charm. 

(Image of Neo!!!) 

Neo looked at Ken with curiosity, making Ken a little amused, "I was expecting a genderless form, not a goddess of cuteness," he casually complimented as he observed his gorgeous appearance of Neo. 'Well, this is a little unexpected... The Will of the World is curious and also has a... gender,' he thought helplessly but had a smile outside. 'What an eye candy,'

"Why are you so different? I don't understand it. Why is it that you stand out from all the others who behave in a similar manner as you?" Neo inquired, his tone filled with curiosity and a gentle, melodious quality. "What makes you different?" She murmured the question, more to herself than to Ken, lost in contemplation. 

"Hey now, don't just get lost in thought," Ken urged, his eyes never leaving the beauty in front, "Let's go back to the wishes, you got all the time in the world to think about other stuff,"


"The first wish, make ME very adaptive," Ken stated his first wish, emphasizing the ME the most, 'I rather have my existence adaptive than just my body... this hell world got some interesting thing, to say the least...' He commented to himself while looking at Neo who nodded. 

"My second wish is a book, a Book of Records. The same one that is in the Hell God's tomb," He stated making Neo pause completely. 

"How do..." Neo in shock was about to question but stopped, she looked at Ken, she was sure that he would answer her question, "Granted," She stated and a book appeared in front of Ken who smiled. 

"Thank you for not asking," Ken didn't care about conduct and casually ruffled Neo's hair making her confused by the gesture, "That would be all, you can send me on my way," she nodded and Ken disappeared. 

Neo stood there, confused by Ken's actions and behavior. "He is such an anomaly," he muttered and disappeared as well.