
Game's Of Creator

In the vast darkness of emptiness, a person standing, alone, in this great blackness as this was his backyard. His home, precisely. His relaxed postures and carefree manners in this unknown territory were bizarre. No matter how one's looks, from what perspective, this person was unusual. His hair was long and white, pure as snow. Pupils were golden with a hint of amber, like a blazing fire. While his skin was flawless like jade, his body was perfect without any compression. Adorn in spotless white cloth and garments with golden bracers. He looks beyond godly yet plain as a passerby at the same time. One who lays their eyes upon this person will surely ask, as who is this strange person?  He is the smartest of all, with the brightest of mind. As his word is law, his action is truth. He is the greatest, He is the supreme. He the one who stood above all, he the One True God! He is the Supreme Creator!

UnderTheBridge · ファンタジー
25 Chs

The Universe Is Finally Complete!

Brought all the Pillars Of Cosmos closer to me, I then begin to pull their rawest of essence and ready to merge it with the Universe. Unlike the Pillars Of Origin, which I extract its essence one by one. The Pillar Of Cosmos, I will directly pull of its essence altogether and afterward immediately merge it with the Universe.

Start with Chaos, I focus on the lightless rock, and black substances appear afterward. Then as it appears, I brought it before me, and as I see it dancing violently, I nod my head. Following after, I focus my mind on the blueish stone, Law. Then within seconds, bluish substances emerge from the rock, and I then brought it before me, and place it next to the blackish substances.

As the two blackish and bluish substances place side by side. Both of them then try to corrupt each other, as they have minds of their own. But not surprised by this turn out of events, I then freeze them. Stopping them from contaminating each other. And now, as they stiffen solid, I then pick both of them up. Black on the right and blue on the left, and like clay, I then blend the two of them together.

While I can have a more dignified way to merge both of the Chaos and Law together. I just don't want to waste any more time. Even the presence of time itself is meaningless toward me, I just want to finish this Universe quickly. I have many more things to create after this.

Now that the Chaos and Law have both been merge. I then focus my mind on the last two Pillars. Then, simultaneously yellowish-white and reddish-black substances emerge from their individual stone. Brought the two before me, I then did as I did toward the Chaos and Law, freeze them.

Worse than the Chaos and Law, the Good and Evil instead trying to corrupted each other. They trying to devour each other. As I brought them before me, two of them fiercely tries to swallow the other. If I do not freeze them, maybe, one of them is already inside the other.

Pick Good with my right and Evil with my left. I then blend the two of them together like clay. Same as I did toward Chaos and Law. Then as I have done, two balls of a clay-like figure floating before me. On my right is the mix of Chaos and Law. While on my left is the mix between Good and Evil.

Look at the two balls of a clay-like figure floating before me for a couple second, I then shake my head at how clumsy they are. As I said before, I can have a more dignified way to merge both of them. And also at the same time make it a lot more prettier. But I just want this to finish faster. Furthermore, who cares, right?! Who cares what they look like in this process of creation! Not that any of might creation will know or anything if I did not show them.

Shake my head again, and put all the thought behind my head with a smile. I then pick these two balls of a clay-like figure and then mix them up together. As I finish in my hand right now is a perfect mixture of all Pillars Of Cosmos. If I show it to others, they might think I'm joking. As on my hand hover a brown clay that formed after mixing other color clay together. It is truly does not look as grand as it sounds.

Look at the perfect mixture of all Pillars Of Cosmos on my hand, I then let out a small smirk and chuckle. Why? As appalling as it looks, without this, this Universe I currently hold together can't even dream of living. As without this, the Universe will simply crumble away into million pieces and disappears. Absorb back to where it came from, the origin of all creation, the Existence itself.

Then without wasting any more time, I grab the brown ball clay-like figure and prepare to merge it with the Universe. I tore the space apart, cut the time in half, ripped the trillions of matters, shredded the energy, and last but not least, cleave the Sub Realm dome a little. And as I did all that, the Universe begins to agitate. Slowly but surely, the Universe is an inch away from the brink of destruction.

But looking at the scene before me, I just smile. Then calmly, I replace myself as the core of the Universe that holds this massive time bomb that probably can crack the Great Realm with the mud ball on my hand. And as I did that, the Universe becomes even more violent than before. But again, as I see the scene display right before my very eyes, I only smile. Calm as a monk, I just smile and let the scene unfold itself, naturally.

Now with the mud ball replace as the core of the Universe, all things then begin to orbit around it. And as all things within the Universe orbiting the mudball, the Universe slowly healing itself. Start with the Sub Realm or the Universe shell, I called it now, the Universe prioritize it first. As it has a mind of its own, the Universe knows which is the most important part of itself to heal first.

Then following after the recovery of the Universe shell, the Pillars Of Origin follows next. And as time slowly passes from seconds to minutes and minutes to hours. The Universe, also slowly healing itself bit by bit.

Look at the Universe gradually healing itself, I nod my head in satisfaction. And after I look around the Universe, I then sifted my gaze back at the mud ball before me. While a normal being can't see it, but the mudball is actually shrinking a little. And as to why this happening is because the Universe consumes it.

In order to heal itself, the Universe needs to eat. And while eating itself only resulting further of its destruction. It needs other things to consume. And as I replace myself as the core with the mud ball, it immediately becomes a perfect food for the Universe. Not only will it repair itself to the fullest, it even will keep itself from further destruction.

Shifted back my gaze toward the Universe, I know this process will take more than few hours. And I know it because I design it to be that way. Sigh, I then smile as I command one of the Pillars Of Origin.

"Time, I command you, forward."

As I said that all thing surrounded me hasten up, and my vision turns into a blur. Nods at the effect of time manipulation around me, I only smile. Then as I feel a minute passes by, I stop back the time acceleration effect and set it back into normal. And as time turn back normal, my vision also turns back into normal.

Look around me, the Universe is perfectly healed and stabilized. It is like it was never damaged in the first place. The only thing that different from before is that the mud ball is completely disappears. As to where it goes, it simply just fully merge with the Universe.

Nods my head in satisfaction at how the Universe turns out. I can now say that the Universe has fully being born. As the Universe is finally complete!


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