
Galen Demons

After his adoptive parents are killed by demon hunters, Galen vows revenge when he is rescued by powerful demons, who teach him the art of power and manipulation. Galen arrives in Rocacielo City, where he meets Alex, a demon hunter whom everyone is afraid of. The two will discover the truth of who they are and unmask the entanglements of the past.

Charly93 · LGBT+
47 Chs

32. Galen

As we drove deeper into the southern part of the city, Alex and I shared reflections on the complexity of the demonic threat we faced. His voice resonated with experience as he explained to me the deep connection between demons and people's thoughts.

"It's more complicated than it seems, Galen," Alex began, his gaze reflecting the gravity of the matter. "Demons are not only supernatural creatures, but they are intimately tied to human thoughts and emotions. They enter our world through portals created by the negativity and darkness in people's hearts, now with the older demons, everything has become more complicated."

"Portals can be fueled from negativity, creating a gateway between our world and theirs. The stronger the dark thoughts, the easier it is for demons to get through that barrier. That's why it's crucial to understand the psyche of those who have been affected by this darkness."