
Galen Demons

After his adoptive parents are killed by demon hunters, Galen vows revenge when he is rescued by powerful demons, who teach him the art of power and manipulation. Galen arrives in Rocacielo City, where he meets Alex, a demon hunter whom everyone is afraid of. The two will discover the truth of who they are and unmask the entanglements of the past.

Charly93 · LGBT+
47 Chs

21. Galen

Hours after fleeing from Alex, I stood in front of the majestic entrance of the Gem mansion. The shock of what I had lost and the heavy burden of betrayal accompanied me in the darkness of the night. I reflected on my inability to deserve Alex's trust and love, even though he had somehow given me back my powers. The night's solitude accentuated my inner turmoil, leaving me with a bitter taste of regret.

Determined to make amends for my mistakes and regain Alex's trust, I advanced towards the mansion. Each step echoed down the deserted street, as the mansion loomed in the distance. The night breeze carried with it a distant echo of the impending battle. My determination grew with each step, driven by the desire to redeem myself and face the consequences of my decisions.