
GAIA:- An adventure unknown.

Drake synonymous with wealth,power and love. With a focus on a multi galaxy world building where every human unlocks a superpower ,this novel tries to mix in the system of guilds, association,hidden families,love interest and prince and princesses. Let the unknown adventure begin.

Prince_spidy · ファンタジー
10 Chs


Smacking noises were the only audible sound that could be heard inside the men's rest room. Laying there was a teenage boy making grunting noises from the bullies who were constantly abusing him.

Platinum silver hair with red eyes and dark red lips made the boy quite good looking and earned him the ire of his fellow male students. In this world where strength is respected and super abilities manifest by the time a person hits 10 years old, Drake was a pretty unlucky fellow ,with no background to back him up and no parents to support him after they went missing on a silver tier mission, Drake was all alone.

But that was not the end of the pitiful fellow with college entrance exams rapidly approaching within six months, he had not even Awakened his special abilities let alone train them making him an easy target by the bullies. Teacher's always turns a blind eye to the matters of the students with beliefs that fist rules the world.

Drake by any standards was not a regular boy not even in any stretch of reality,he was a transmigrater. Drake transversed into this world when he was infant . His pre memory dates back to the time when he was six months old, day before his parents went for the silver mission. Coming into this world he had hoped he would be the protagonist with beauties to his left and money to his right, alas nothing sort of happened. After his parents went missing he was sent to the orphanage, but life was not smooth there with his good looks and his peers aggressive personalities it was a disaster.

After getting kicked out at the age of ten, he did a number of part time jobs to make his ends meet. The school he was studying " Deliria High" had offered him a scholarship due to his intellectual prowess but it mattered little in the world where strength rules supreme.

After the bullies left ,he went to the sink and started rinsing his mouth and setting up his clothes to be presentable. Starting up towards his class he entered before the bell rang and got seated. Everyone started laughing at him guessing the state of his face and the bluish marks staining his face . He looked around the class with pretty much all the hatred he could muster and suddenly he saw a face , was it concern ;he thought. The face belonged to the only SS class ability user in the city , the school princess Rose Voldemort. She was not a human according to the standards of looks, being as beautiful as an angel she was the most adored person in the school.

With a creak sound , the teacher entered and coughed to get the attention of the class. He started with a simple activities lesson and suddenly a ding reverberated on the teachers communication machine. After looking on it for a while , he looked around the class and started saying " The College entrance exams for the earth alliance will be held on 26 June dated 302 AG (after gaia ) with primary focus on academic merits with conjunction to dungeon clearing ".

Upon hearing it murmurs started going around the class with me thinking," I am royally screwed"