
GAIA:- An adventure unknown.

Drake synonymous with wealth,power and love. With a focus on a multi galaxy world building where every human unlocks a superpower ,this novel tries to mix in the system of guilds, association,hidden families,love interest and prince and princesses. Let the unknown adventure begin.

Prince_spidy · ファンタジー
10 Chs


As the days events passed and the history of the world sinked in within poor Drake , he looked around and saw the tablet before him crumble. The tablet crumbled and out came a crystal . Looking at it carefully,Drake saw a drop of golden liquid present within it.He knew what if was and his hand started shaking.

When saint realm entities die,they leave behind a drop of life elixir which condenses all their power into making it a divine item.

Drake knew if he consumed it without extensive preparations he would become dear to the God.

He looked around and moved towards the exit and deftly locked it from inside. Outside interference during absorbing it would be a disaster. He broke the crystal after sitting on a meditative state and drank it.

Ahhhhh... he started screaming in pain as his body started becoming red. His veins could be seen buliding out from his body and he started bleeding from his seven orifices. It was a pretty gruesome sight to see from outside. Drake was oblivious to everything, he only saw red infront of him and extreme heat which made him scream. Events of his two lives started flashing before him.

The pent up anger, humiliation and non existence all raged into a single emotion of pain and attacked Drake 'soul. Inside his mind scape , Drake could be seen fighting with his emotions in a rather heated battle . None of them were interested in giving up any space which made the fight more brutal. The fight was continuing on when the mind scape started shaking and then the soul power of Drake which was accumulated during both of his lifetime broke through both of them and merged with the chibi Drake.

Drake was hungry ,no Drake was in pain ..sorry Drake was in both and he knew it too. Suddenly before anything could be deciphered a female voice sounded " Hello Child of Gaia you have successfully Awakened". Hearing the Will of the planet's words ,i couldn't control my emotions and started crying. It was a beautiful feeling. I saw a status bar ,which is seen by all awakened for better understanding of their level float infront of me. It read

Name : Drake

Age: 16

Level: Just Awakened

Ability: Hell Ice Flame (SS)


Abilities manifested: 0%,0%

Seeing two SS class abilities,i choked on my imaginary spit and started making sense of situation. After much thinking i was sure that my psychic powers were due to my soul strength which rushed within me inside the mind scape.

A chibi Drake was dancing within my mind with elegant steps and suddenly fell down comically.

With all that could be done here ,i started to think about my way back to the real world. Suddenly the place started shaking,i broke upon the door and saw a light a distance away , making sure everything was okay i started running towards it . The whole place was shattering and i was trying my best to reach towards the light when suddenly the girl and Tom stopped me . I looked at them and continued running. I made up my mind to not let them leave from here alive and with my psychic power which was barely a scrap made them topple over the ground. Within their moment of distraction my flames were already infront of them and only screams were heard before everything went silent. I ran towards the light again and with a leap jumped through it and the world went dark making me loose my consciousness.