

5 May 2018 ,Champions league 's final

Like usual Alexander De Marco was running down the field under the gaze of his fans.He was the new wonderkid of Ac Milan.Having score 56 goals in 49 appearances in his first season.He was known all around the world as the The Boy With Golden Feet.

"What the fuck is he doing?"Alexander thought, looking a Rafael Leao ,the left winger of Ac Milan,who was dribbling left and right ,trying to look for options when Alexander was perfectly position for a pass.

They were currently playing against the Real Madrid, the best team in Europe and the score was currently 2-1 for the spanish giant.

Finally Leao managed to cross the ball towards the box.

Running with all his strength towards the box,Alexander leap towards the ball,trying to do a volley when suddenly 'THUD' a defender did a illegal tackle on him,sending Alexander roughly on the ground.

It seems that Sergio Ramos,Real Madrid 's captain had tackle him straight in his right knee while Alexander was in the air.

Touching the grass,Alexander feel an unimaginable pain in his knee,it was like his knee has been broken in two then drown in a bottle of acid. Unfortunately the truth was even worst.It seems like Ramos's tackle was so strong that it ripped open his knee and now his leg's bone was popping out.

Seeing such an injury ,Alexander fainted on the spot.He was quickly rush to the hospital where he undergoes a 3 hours operation. Sadly without their prodigy Ac Milan couldn't keep up with Real Madrid legend's Cristiano Ronaldo.

In one match Sergio Ramos gained a red card,won a UCL trophy and destroyed the career of a promising wonderkid.

After the incident Alexander De Marco was no longer seen on a football pitch .His name was forgotten and his life had drown in a world of darkness.

Nowadays Alexander works in a bar in a small town of Toyko ,his mom native country.

Six months later

In a local TV news,you could see a man living in a pool of blood with 3 holes in his chest.On the last day of November 2018,a man was killed in front of a supermarket.This brave man try to protect a young girl who was being kidnapped by a thief during a robbery.

This man was Alexander De Marco.

Was it the end of his journey or start of a new beginning?