
Gacha Sovereign

Alexander Sirius’ life has hit rock bottom, his parents hate him, he lives under the shadow of his genius sister, and even his own girlfriend cheats on him, all this changed when he gets another chance. Transported to Another World? Cultivation World? A Modern World? How about all of them? From countless planets in the Universe, Each planet has its own technology, culture, and civilization. In another world, carrying all the traumas with him, would he manage to reform himself and become the sovereign of his life? [Host has Gacha System] "Okay, what can you do?" [I am a Gacha System, so I only have Gacha] "Only Gacha? How about godly pills or overpower techniques?" [Everything can be acquired with Gacha because Gacha is all you need] "Gacha usually is only a complement for the Main System such as RPG System. You are not useless, right?" [THERE IS NO USELESS SYSTEM, ONLY USELESS HOST] Join this 'Loser" with his 'Useless System' As they start their journey. ******EXTREME CAUTION****** If you are searching for MC with a strong mentality and high intelligence or Independent and Strong Heroines from the start, this is not your thing. This is going to be a 'very slow' pace development in MC Character, the same applies to the Heroines. So rather than Giving bad reviews, I advise you to 'Not' read it rather than complaining about it later Discord: https://discord.gg/yFvfjxRQag --------- Other works: 1. I Can Read People's Comments 2. Oil Tycoon: Let's Find Oil in a Martial World 3. God of Tricksters (Completed) 4. The Magician of Sound (Completed) 5. Reincarnated to Bonk in Another World (Completed) ---------

Fixten · ファンタジー
1201 Chs

Gacha Draw

Alex recovered in three days with the help of the Qi Replenishing Pill. Next, he planned to make the Quenching Fire Pill. But before that, he opened the system and checked the mission progress.

[Mission 1 #repeatable

Objective: Kill 2000 rank 4 monsters and donate all the cores to the system (472/2000)

Reward: Premium Ticket x1]

[Mission 2 #repeatable

Objective: Kill 500 rank 5 monsters and donate all the cores to the system (89/500)

Reward: Premium Ticket x1]

[Mission 3 #repeatable

Objective: Kill 100 rank 6 monsters and donate all the cores to the system (1/100)

Reward: Premium Ticket x2]

"Hmm, the process is good enough. I can finish the first and second missions when the ranking competition in the Night Forest begins. Probably..."

[System recommends you to open the Special Mission Panel]

When Alex heard that, he was astonished at first. Then he followed the system's suggestion and opened the Special Mission Panel.

[Mission 1 (Completed)

Objective: Learn the truth behind the war.

Reward: Premium Ticket x5 (Claim)]

[Mission 2

Objective: Hidden

Reward: Premium Ticket x5]

[Mission 3

Objective: Hidden

Reward: Premium Ticket x10]

"Oh...! I already finished a quest!" He then touched the claim button.


Five premium tickets were added to his inventory.

After he claimed the reward, the mission was updated and looked like this.

[Mission 1.2

Objective: Hidden

Reward: Premium Ticket x5]

[Mission 2

Objective: Hidden

Reward: Premium Ticket x5]

[Mission 3

Objective: Hidden

Reward: Premium Ticket x10]

"Hmm... the mission is updated? Since the previous mission is about the war, then this next mission might be related to the war. Maybe something like stopping the war? Haha... I know your trick, System!"

The system didn't comment on the things Alex said. Seeing the system went silent, Alex then shrugged his shoulder and continued,

"System, how many normal tickets do I have now?"

[Gacha Ticket 149x

Premium Ticket 5x]

"Wow... it even has a separate panel for that."

"Hmm... let me open the premium tickets first," as he said that, he opened the premium gacha and tapped the (5x Draw).

The lovely package came again. Alex was eager to open them. "I already have a spear, I hope there is at least a sword in one of these, " he clapped his hand as he wished for that.

"The First Ball, let this almighty finger show its prowess," he used his right index finger to touch the ball.

[Mithril Sword (C) Acquired]

"..." Alex's eyes widened. "What the... it is true that I wished for a sword. But I mean for a sword with the same level as my current spear, not this one..."

He wanted to protest against the system but the system would deny it for sure.

[I'm glad that Host finally learned]

"Oi! Again, privacy please! Don't just jump into my head anytime you like!"

He then vented his anger toward the second ball. He let out a middle finger to the sword. "Fuck you!"

Then he used the same finger to open the second ball. This time a book popped out from the ball, but what made Alex speechless was the description that he heard next from the system.

[Intermediate Alchemy Technique (SR) Acquired]

"..." He was speechless, he just cursed the item and used that inappropriate finger gesture to open the ball. But what he got exceeded his expectations. His eyes widened. He didn't want to comment or said anything yet because he didn't want his luck to go away. He then used the same middle finger to open the third ball.

[Piano (C) Acquired]

"..." He became speechless once again, then he snapped, "There is no way in hell this finger is the one that gives luck!"

He sighed then he casually opened the fourth ball.

[Safety Shoes (R) Acquired]

"..." He wanted to act normal but the reward from the gacha balls didn't let him do so. Everything was nothing that he expected.

Facepalmed, he forced his head to calm down. After a while, he then looked at the last ball. He saved the ball in the middle for the last since the ball was the special reward guaranteed by the system. He gulped as he slowly used his finger to open it.

[Flaming Dragon Cauldron (SR) Acquired]

"YES!" He leaped out of joy instinctively. 'Another SR'

But today's gacha seemed to be related to Alchemy. Well, he was very thankful for that though, since he was going to make a Fire Quenching Pill.

He then inspected the other things he got just now. Of course, he immediately skipped the Mithril Sword and the piano. His eyes then stopped at the safety shoes.

[Safety Shoes (R)]

Description: The same type of safety shoes that Host has on Earth, but with better performance.]

Alex facepalmed once again. "System, I know it is you who wrote this description. But can you at least use the normal description, please?"

[Are you sure, Host?]

"Yes. That will be better,"

[Description: There was once a person who walked the lonely night, the blazing day, and the bitter winter to get stronger. Every step he took was protected by a pair of shoes, and that is...

"Stop! Stop! System, forgive me, I'm wrong. Please use your explanation, I won't say anything," after hearing the description, he regretted it and immediately apologized to the system.

[I already warned you, Host]

"Yes, yes. I'm sorry..." Alex said apologetically. He then continued, "Is there no explanation?"

[Description: Safety Shoes (Earth) ++. That's the original description, Host]

"..." Alex sighed, "Please use your explanation next time... but, if that is the original description... what about the previous dramatic description?"

[I make it up]


[Love you too, Host]

Alex suddenly felt his hand itchy, he wanted to hit something, but there was nothing to hit. He took a while to calm down. Alex sighed as he took out the shoes from the system.

When he tried to wear the shoes, he noticed that there was a panel in front of him.

[Equip Safety Shoes?


Alex was astonished upon seeing this. He never thought that wearing these shoes would need this type of function. Then he tapped the 'Yes' button.

The shoes started to glow and the light moved to Alex's feet. Just within a few seconds, the glow started to fade and the shoes disappeared.

"System?" Alex didn't know what just happened, so he asked his system again.

[The shoes are already equipped, Host. They fuse with your feet. Even if you can't see them, they are there on your feet to protect you. Why don't you try to hit your feet?]

Alex followed the system's suggestion out of his curiosity. He then threw a punch to his right foot.


Alex screamed in pain, but not because he injured his right foot, it was because he injured his fist instead. His feet felt as sturdy as metal.

"System, why don't you warn me first about this?" He complained.

[It's the power of a rare rank item from the System. Of course, it has a great ability]

"Worry about your master first!" He snapped and then sighed, "Whatever, let me use the normal tickets first."

He contemplated for a moment, "Well, I don't need a new technique for the moment. After all, I already have many techniques at the moment and I still haven't mastered them except for the Spear Throwing Art. As for materials... no, I don't need them too for now. So, what's left is the weapon gacha. Well, I might need a few expendable spears. I can snipe my enemies from afar with my Spear Throwing Art. Since my Piercing Sky Spear is still very useful as an expendable item."

"System, use all my tickets for tools gacha."


[Sword x2]

[Spear x4]

[Javelin x3]



He only focused on the one he wanted the most which were spears. He could use Spear Throwing Art using the Javelin too since they were similar. But there was one other thing that caught his eyes.

[Pilox x1]

"..." When this item caught his eyes, what came to his mind was only the graffiti on the wall because it reminded him of those spray paint brands used to draw graffiti. However another idea flashed in his mind. "Maybe I can use it for a surprise attack? I can catch them off guard if I use this to their eyes. Ehehe..."

He felt satisfied with these current rewards.

"Well, I think it will be better to learn the Intermediate Alchemist Manual first. I don't know what is written inside the book, but I'm sure it will benefit me."

He took out the book from the system and then he read the whole book.

The point of this book was about flame control, various approaches for many types of materials, many pill recipes, and ingredients characteristics. Almost all of the ingredients listed in this book were new to him and he had never heard it in this world. 

He thought there must be some secret or another world besides this world. After all, he already experienced traveling between the worlds. So maybe... just maybe, he could go to another world. But the problem was how he could do it?

He thought about going back to Earth. But he refused the idea since he had lost all attachment from the Earth. Another reason was that he hated the politics on Earth.

His sister? His parents? Upon thinking at this point, he shook his head. Well, traveling between worlds might be interesting. Different people, different cultures, different civilizations, technologies, etc. Whatever happened, he needed to know how to do it first. But he knew, the first step was for him to get stronger.

He needed a day to finish reading all the content of the book. He tried to use the method he found in the book to control his flame. After a week of practice, he felt his flame control was greatly increased. He was currently a hundred percent sure that he would succeed in making the Quenching Fire Pill.