
Battles And Plans Go Hand In Hand

(Happy New Year, everybody, and since this is the chapter that comes out before or during this set time, I will allow you guys to vote on a new thing: the name or the code name for our main character. Comment on your suggestions in the chapter comments, please.)

(Nathan POV)

The fight, as expected, was rough as we charged one another. I started off with a grab, which she dodged and struck me multiple times in the stomach, which made me feel some pain as my density was not large enough yet not to be immune to normal punches. 

Especially punches coming from a woman who has trained in almost every martial art on the planet and has over a triple-digit kill count.

The punches caused me to send out a sweeping kick as she then dodged and threw shurikens at me, to which I used my katana to parry them all. 

She then threw a smoke bomb to divert my attention, or at least that is how it would have been as, thanks to my enhanced senses, I could feel her approaching my back, to which I swung the katana in a vertical motion as she doges right to and tries to punch me in the face to which I then parried the strike with my left hand and gripped her arm and threw her.

The impact left her reeling as she tried to escape my grip. I then lifted her up, and as she floated in front of me, I did the gojo combo and slammed my palm into her multiple times. The last one sent her flying, but I did not put all my strength into it so as not to cause permanent damage.

As she reorients herself, I am already in front of her and trying to kick her in the left leg. She then gripped my left leg and elbows, causing some pain, and as she slammed again, I used my leg strength to lift her up and slam her into the ground. 

As she lay there, I got over her and slammed my fist downwards, and before I could hit her, she rolled out of the way.

I made it so I walked with a slight limp as she stood and stared at me. A crazed look entered her face, and she rushed me even faster using different martial arts, which seemed to be a combination of taekwondo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. 

She then grabbed me and flipped me over her, yet as she tried to do so, I kept my feet planted firmly on the ground and, using her own strength against her, flipped her over my head before she landed on the ground and before she broke her neck, I gripped her head saving her from lethal damage.

Which she did not take well.

Her moves became more precise and focused as she yelled in frustration after flipping out of my grip, yet I did not let go of her and used her jump as a chance to slam her into the ground and begin to choke and hold her using my legs as my body lay on the ground.

Regardless of the skills, I outpowered her in this instance, yet before she fell unconscious, Sensei was above me and gave me a look, and I let go. As I did so, Shiva was on the ground, standing up but breathing heavily.

The fact that I even fought Toe to Toe with her was impressive after only a week's worth of training was truly blank, and templates were outstanding, but I knew without Blacklight, I would have lost the fight. I need more experience. And the fact that this was Shiva when she was a bit younger and without enhancements was very impressive.

The pain in my body was healing quickly, yet her punches well packed a punch, to say the least. Sensei then gave her a look of scathing seriousness, and she stopped and bowed as I did the same. While she seemed angry, I could also sense a feeling of satisfaction in a way, as if she wanted this.

"You did well against our initiate in this battle, my student. However, I noticed you used a style I am unfamiliar with. Initiate explain this development." 

I then went over to my bag that I kept with me to hold all of my stuff and took out the scroll. As he looked it over, he nodded and handed it back to me. Thankfully, gacha items appeared to him normally as they were at the surface level of Chinese kenpo techniques.

To him, it would have looked like normal techniques you could find in the library, and only I would be able to see what it truly was. Indeed essences are bullshit, but as a former gamer, we exploited the bugs until the developers patched them. 

After placing the scroll back into the bag, he looked at Shiva and said, "I could tell you were holding back, and while restraint is a powerful tool, you underestimated your opponent. As such, you two will fight again until I am satisfied."

Ah yes, the perfect opportunity, as currently, my assimilations were going up at a rapid pace for Loid and Taskmaster.

[Loid Forger (Spy X Family): 90%]

[Taskmaster (Marvel Comics: Earth 616): 85%]

[Alex Mercer (Prototype 1&2) 23%]

Thankfully, cards that are at or lower than my strength level assimilated faster, especially when making decisions or performing actions that the templates normally would in their lines of work. Their skills and tactics made fighting second nature and keeping a clear head easier, as well as a general sense for spying and infiltration.

Her fighting style was called for maximum speed and precision as her strength was truly masking her skill. As while it seemed like her frame would not support such a fighting style, I remembered that this universe follows comic logic. And as we stood against each other once more and charged.

(Lex Luthor POV)

Looking over the DNA I received from Ra's new toy, I find myself feeling an emotion I despised: frustration. As when a man is angry, they are predictable and easily manipulated, and while I admit to feeling like this before, it did not last this long. I have spent days looking over this helix strand, and yet nothing.

But from his progress, it would seem that he was more than human, but what I am seeing shows the contrary, yet I am not willing to give up, not yet. The increased number of superpowered beings appearing on this planet shows a new increase in something else.

Escalation, or more specifically, an escalation in dangers because of such beings. Look at the man who wears that S on his chest as he is all but a god in human flesh or whatever makes up his flesh. 

When I analyzed his DNA, it was alien in origins and incredibly complex but also highly resistant to being cloned or destroyed other than by being exposed to red sun radiation and a mineral that I have dubbed as Kryptonite.

While it was comforting to have such assurances, it does show the true difference between Humanity and what lies off our planet. 

Based on the strength projections I have made on how Superman's cells work, eventually, he will absorb enough solar radiation to be able to destroy planets in one punch, and all that power in the hands of one being other than myself is truly unacceptable.

 While in Metropolis, there are few instances where he is caught on camera, his strength is apparent, as well as a possible ability to manipulate some sort of field around him so that anything he holds doesn't crumble under the weight of his strength. Although I admit, it was almost comical for him to catch a plane with his bare hands and disappear before anyone was the wiser.

In regards to the new recruit's DNA and its compatibility with Kryptonian, it reduced or produced an odd reaction as the two strands of DNA simply ignored each other as if they simply just refused to combine an interesting result, to say the least, but not what the light desires. But if human DNA does not cause degradation of the strand, maybe I am looking for the wrong donor.

And Lexcorp is not lacking in possible donors for DNA. The wonders of being rich are always nice, even if monetary compensation is such a finite desire. But similarly to anger, greed is also an amazing manipulation technique.

 I mean, look to super soldiers like Deathstroke as well as the League of Shadows themselves as they are also able to be paid off even if their mission espouses the betterment of Humanity.

The lengths I go to all in the possibility of meeting an equal almost sickens me, but maybe this new recruit will surprise me. If I can apply him elsewhere, maybe he can show different results. 

I then hear my assistant Mercy Graves walk into my lab below the main Lexcorp building as she says, "Sir, you have a meeting with Bruce Wayne in an hour. Should I hold or cancel?"

Bruce Wayne, huh? "No Mercy, I will be there. I just came to a new conclusion, and meeting Wayne is always a treat as I watch as he pretends to be ignorant. The fact that anyone believes that he is not Batman shows that putrid city's lack of intellect."

Mercy nods and leaves as I walk into the shower and prepare for my meeting. While progress waits for no man, I force corporations to run at my pace.

(L-1 POV)

"So what did you make him, Klarion?" I asked the witch boy as he played with his demonic cat.

"Oh, him? He was definitely interesting. In fact, he reminds me of you with his whole need for vagueness and riddles." I nod and sit out on the Cadmus Project in D.C. as I want to check the cloning process myself.

Lex will have his test subject soon enough, although the lack of word from Darkseid is concerning. As part of our deal, he would send word if any of his troops started approaching this world, but nothing, and while the advent of these superhumans may be able to thwart him temporarily, they would hamstring Humanity's potential. 

This world operates on natural selection. Without stimuli to weed out the weak, this world will drown in complacency.

I see a trend forming of civilians beginning to believe in these "heroes," and it is concerning.

"So you got any plans for him?" I hear Klarion ask as I shake my head.

"What the league brought in his potential, and if he proves useless, get rid of him. His potential, while vast, is unneeded for the plans I have ahead.

Klarion smiles as if he knows something I do not, as he nods and disappears. Taking a seat and sipping a drink, I watch as the G-Nomes are created to aid in the cloning project. On the table near me are pictures of the various possible candidates to be replaced. But one would represent a perfect opportunity.

(Nathan POV)

Breathing heavily, I sat down near the walls of the dojo, and next to me was Shiva as while she was injured, she could still fight.

"You are strong." She said as I stared at her in surprise.

"You know, if you're going to say your first words, they really should be your name for one." My response makes her twitch in annoyance.

"Names are unnecessary and are always changing with the times. You will learn this soon as your old name doesn't matter anymore." Is Shiva a chunni?

"What's next? You're going to say how the shadows are our only friend?" She remained silent as I began to chuckle, which caused her to punch me in the side while Sensei drank the tea. I wondered if I could eventually get Iroh's tea-making skills or learn myself.

Or maybe Roku had amazing tea-making skills and just never showed it. I mean, he did live in the Fire Nation but also did travel the world. My silence causes her to say, "Shiva, my name is Shiva. Since you nearly beat me, you deserve the honor."

"Really, Shiva? The Hindu god of destruction? Humble much?" She just glares at them, but there is nothing behind it, and as we stood back up with her bones cracking, she took my hand and shook it, and I did the same.

She also tried to stab me, but I grabbed her other hand. She just remained passive, but I could feel a sense of pride in a way.

Truly, assassins are an eccentric bunch.