
Gacha In Runeterra

A young man who just got done playing League of Legends goes to sleep only to wake up in a body of a young orphan in the freljord? Oh ya did I mention the only thing he has to help him in this incredibly crazy world is a gacha system? Also this is my first time writing anything so a lot of things may be bad from a readers perspective Disclaimer: I do not own anything except the OC's all other things whether people, places, or things belong to their respective owners this is just a fan fiction meant to entertain

Deus_Dakota · ゲーム
28 Chs


Recommended music while reading and trust me it slaps as it was one of the songs I was listening to while writing this: Pantheon, The Unbreakable Spear and another good one after is Elanor Rigby by Cody Fry, another one you can do is Bury the Light by Casey Edwards

By this point in time the guards up top have probably started to notice something wrong as they should be waking up around now from their drunken sleep. Thor looked around one more time to make sure everyone was prepared and that they were in formation.

Thor had the armored people in front to spearhead their charge and block for the people who can't fight like the children who are surrounded in the middle of the group. Seeing that everything was in order Thor decided the time was now.

Thor turned towards the group of 500 behind him and he could see it. Many were afraid and hesitant to truly go through with this, after all their friends and family and even themselves could die but in the fear he also saw hope that they could finally leave this god forsaken place.


As Thor was speaking he felt power well up inside him as he was talking with all the passion his body and mind allowed to the point he was practically roaring at the crowd but for them the effect was even greater as for each and every one of them from the old to the young, man or woman they all felt their hearts almost beating out of their chests as all fear, hesitation and anxiety left them.

What was left was a crowd that was practically on drugs as they were breathing heavy and rough with eyes filled with excitement, courage, and confidence. When Thor finished his speech he was given back a roar of the crowd that practically had the whole fort shaking and if the Noxian soldiers didn't understand what was going on before now they definitely did.

Thor at the front of his now very motivated army turned toward the staircase they were in front of that led to the middle of the Fort and was the only staircase big enough to fit a decent amount of them at a time.


Thor himself felt like he feared nothing while all his worries disappeared, all that was left was a boundless desire to charge ahead and slaughter.

Thor charged forward and right behind him the crowd of 500 was following him and it took but a minute for them to reach the top of the stairs where there were large closed double doors but Thor was too fired up to slow down for some doors so he kept charging and used his enhanced body to blow both doors off their hinges and fly off for a couple meters.

The sight that came upon them after they charged out of the doors was a large number of soldiers and if Thor had to guess it was around 1000 to 1500 as a large Fort needed a large amount of people.

But he didn't fear them despite them having around a 1000 more people than him and neither did the people behind him. Thor with the adrenaline pumping from his Battle Cry activated Lightning Fang.

What everyone whether friend or foe saw was a majestic being begin to form behind Thor. That being was 7ft tall and looked like a Humanoid Wolf made out of pure purple lighting and as if announcing its presence it howled to the sky causing a shock to everyone but while the enemy felt fear all of Thor's allies felt awe. But that was not all because Thor pulled out his two true ice swords and covered his arms in a beautiful pale blue fire.

The enemy soldiers were very hesitant to charge because of the effects from the battle cry that rattled the fort and the powerful aura that seemed to radiate off of Thor but Thor only felt more and more hungry to fight from many compounding effects. Like the fact that this is the first time he'll get to go all out, the battle cry, and a mysterious pounding sensation that seemed to resonate with him.

Thor though was too amped up to care about it as after activating his abilities he charged forward straight at the 1500 soldiers. But while the soldiers braced themselves they didn't realize that what they were doing was inconsequential to the outcome.

Once Thor was close enough for his attack to affect as many as possible he let loose with Ice in one hand and fire on the other and both getting enhanced by his swords, the ice especially he crossed his swords then swung and what happened would be a memory no one would ever forget.

On one side a giant structure of Ice Shot forward and up into the sky to the point that if you looked at the Fort from afar you would be able to see a humongous structure of Ice piercing out from the middle of it and almost covering one half of the Fort and inside that ice you would see purple lighting flowing around enhancing its destructiveness..

While what happened to the other side of the Fort was just as crazy as what was released from Thor was a giant wave of what would normally be considered beautiful now looked evil and brutal as a giant wave of pale blue flames swept across that side of the fort disintegrating all in its path and when it reached the 60ft walls they were but a small problem as right after the fire wave a wave of purple lighting followed which reacted with the fire and cause a massive explosion.

So now if you looked at this Fort you would see Ice infused with lighting covering half while the other half of the Fort was gone the only reason you might believe that there was once a great structure there was because the bottom 5 feet of the wall was still standing but it looked incredibly terrible as most was half melted while pieces of the wall were blasted all around sticking into the ground and surroundings

The only safe place was the middle of the fort behind Thor where all the slaves were standing in Awe, Shock, and Reverence. There might have been fear normally but with the effects from the Battle Cry still active they did not feel any.

Thor himself was huffing and puffing as that was everything he had not to mention the fact that he didn't even want to go all out then but with all the compounding effects on his body he just wanted to use everything he had.

A/N: {1} The first sentence: The secret to happiness is freedom...….. And the secret to freedom is courage. Is a quote by the ancient Greek Philosopher Thucydides while everything after that was just me typing in the heat of the moment. What do you think of it?

A/N: Also here is a image if your imagination isn't good for the attacks results

So what do you all think of the chapter? I was pretty hyped while writing it and I really like how it went. Also give me Ideas about a reward for his Platinum ticket he just got. Remember Lighting Fang is Gold and Blessing of Hephaestus is Diamond so something better than lightning Fang but not as good as the Blessing

1.3k words. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Deus_Dakotacreators' thoughts