
Ga nnjmmommcjkiuuuiii

作者: Gaming_Vai
Video Games
連載中 · 1.6K ビュー
  • 1 章
  • レビュー結果
  • N/A

What is Ga nnjmmommcjkiuuuiii

WebNovel で公開されている、Gaming_Vai の作者が書いた Ga nnjmmommcjkiuuuiii の小説を読んでください。...



Ravens Can be Shot Down (Paused)

(Be warned, paused for planning) The difference between people will, always, lead to suffering; for we do not understand those who are not like us, and we, as the human race, must inevitably hate what we do not understand. This is why many nations imposed strict anti magic laws and police forces. For example, in America, anybody caught practicing magic is liable to be shot in the head on sight. However, Japan has long been pro magic, and since a catastrophe during World War Two, the island nation has been plagued with demons and spirits that ravage crops and murder indiscriminately. This is where the Onmyouji come in; specialized exorcists who use the Onmyou arts, a special line of magic for countering the supernatural, to protect Japan's general populace from the shadows in the night. Harutora Tsuchimikado awakes with no memories, lying in a hospital bed with a strange girl sitting beside him. This girl introduces herself as his familiar of six months, but he can't remember her... he can't remember anything. Harutora and his best friend, Touji Ato, were caught in a horrific train accident, and barely survived, but Harutora's head trauma was severe enough that he couldn't remember his own birthday. Now, the amnesiac is launched into Onmyou Prep School, an elite school for potential exorcists where he, the heir to the Tsuchimikado name, must work hard; Harutora has help, in spite of what seems like a total lack of magical talent... struggling to navigate the world as a dark shadow brews on the horizon, and as everything around him threatens to slowly shatter, fall away. (Warning, MC has a three-way relationship with two girls. Also, there's sex scenes, and blood during fight scenes. You've been warned!)

Rebuilt_Kitsunii · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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