
G-one [Hero with a HART]

A game can bring changes in your life, so one changed a boy from Jeevan to G-one. The game gave him supernatural abilities but, in exchange of the most precious part of his life. Losing the only member of his family, he is now stray and longs for revenge. Every now and then the loss torments him and makes him remember the reason to have revenge. However, when he thought he lost everything, God had other plans for him and introduced a girl who was very familiar to him like they had met before. With the person who killed his mother and the one who is after the girl, he is in a conflict to protect and destroy. His friends help him in his path but less G-one knew, involving them was a great mistake.

digitallytrending · アクション
51 Chs

Moon and the starry night

It was another day with a not so normal morning. Police were knocking every house door near the crime scene to know if they have any idea what happened last night. Many saw the incident, but don't remember the faces of the people involved, many didn't bother to look what was happening outside and many couldn't see if they tried to because of the night and distance between their houses and the area. Ana passes by the rush and realises something happened at that place last night. Police were all over the place. Few of the police cars flew by towards the 19th Street to check if they can find anything there. Ana was still occupied by all the thoughts in her head and the scene gave her an ominous feeling.

Ana: (thinks) What is this feeling? Why do I feel like I am getting closer to something dark? Last night, was it G-one? No, he won't do anything wrong (G-one's smiling face comes before her eyes). He is not the one behind the murders and disappearances. I am sure. Who is he exactly? And did those sparks belong to him? I am still not sure about his sparks.

Nikita: (whispers in Ana's ear) Thinking about your boyfriend?

Ana: (startled) Excuse me! Who are you? And what is this nonsense?

Nikita: You might not know me, but I know you. You are pretty famous, Ms Anamika Patel.

Ana: I am not a celebrity, you must be mistaken (starts moving).

Nikita: First celebrity I have seen that doesn't know she is a celebrity (catches up to her). Well, you never asked who I am.

Ana: What do you want? Leave me alone.

Nikita: No mam, I am here to be your friend.

Ana: I don't need any friend.

Nikita: Is that so? Then why do you keep circling around Piyush? Are you not interested in him?

Ana: (shocked) How..how do you know him?

Nikita: He is my boyfriend. Not very surprising, is it?

Ana: I don't think so. But why are you telling me this? I have nothing to do with it.

Nikita: But I have everything to do with it. I don't like you involving yourself with my Piyush. I am not sure what you want from him. But only one thing that comes in my mind, and it makes me uneasy.

Ana: Rest assured, there is nothing like that between us. We are not even friends.

Nikita: (grabs her left hand pulling hard on it) That's not what it seems like, Ms untouchable queen. Why would a girl who barely even talked to anyone specially boys, joined a basketball team comprising of only boys?

Ana: (looks at Nikita)

Nikita: (tries to intimidate Ana by her devilish smile, a frown over her face while tightening her grip on Ana's hand).

Ana: (glares at Nikita and doesn't even flinch because of Nikita's grasp) I said, I don't see anyone that way. Go ask your boyfriend before accusing someone. And this grip of yours (grabs Nikita's grasping hand and gives her a tight twist releasing Nikita's grip, Nikita still smiles), doesn't seem very friendly to me (throws her hand away and starts walking).

Nikita: (rubs her wrist) Oh wow! You are as hardcore as they say. It will be great to have you as an ally.

Ana: (ignores and keep walking)

Nikita: I know what you have done.

Ana: (stops walking)

Nikita: I know why Karan is after you. If you help me, I will help you to get rid of him as well. I will even let you have some time with Piyush. What do you say?

Ana: (looks back at Nikita, in rage) I can deal with my problems myself. You invite someone else to play your game. And don't bother me again, or else you know what I could do (walks away).

Nikita: Woo! Scary. Well, looks like getting her to work with us is out of the question. Right, Uddesh?

Uddesh: (appears from behind, rubbing his head) Ya, I told you that it was a bad idea. She doesn't wanna get herself involved in something flashy.

Nikita: No problem, I already knew she isn't cut out to be a part of our plan. We can't have two kings for an empire, right. Talking about king, you sure that badshah of yours is easy?

Uddesh: Don't worry, he will join us. We just need to make him understand that this involves the reputation of the college and he will follow us to the end.

Nikita: Yes, this does involve the reputation of our college (grins).

G-one and Akash take their seats at the later seat, leaving the front one for Piyush and the girls.

Akash: (sits) Phew! What a beautiful day! I feel like sleeping on my dream pillow today.

G-one: (sitting at the corner side) Dream pillow! Where did you get that?

Akash: And why should I tell you that?

Piyush: Give way sis, (slides in).

Moon: Piyush!?

Akash: Oye! Why are getting in here? Isn't your throne on the seat before this one?

Piyush: Hut! Who wanna sit there with those psychos? Let them enjoy their similar company. Boys should hang together with boys, and girls with girls. That will be good for everyone.

Moon: Well, then should I go and sit with them?

Akash: Ah! No! You sit there. I don't want the bigger croc sitting with us.

Moon: Croc?

Mia: Piyush, are you sitting there today?

Piyush: Ya, I don't think I will be able to handle it one more day.

Mia: (sits at front seat and takes the corner, smiles) I know I know. It can be hard sometimes to handle them.

Akash: Mia, he was talking about himself, you know. He got anger issues. He gets angry very quickly.

Mia: Hah! I will need to be careful not to make him angry then.

Akash: Well, he is easy compare to one person I know (looks at G-one).

G-one: (looks away)

Piyush: Don't worry, I will never get angry of a sweet girl like you. Right Moon?

Moon: Ya, she is sweet as a chocolate.

Mia: (blushes) What is this?

Akash and G-one were looking at Moon with their eyes popped out and mouth hanging.

Piyush: Ya, ya, we don't even need to say it. She is nothing like Lavangi and Simar. Hahaha, she is definitely sweet as a chocolate.

Moon: Ofcourse, no one knows it better than me.

G-one: (drills his ear with a finger) Am I listening it correct?

Akash: You say like you have tasted her Moon.

Moon: I am talking about her personality. You cannot taste a personality, can you now?

Piyush: She knows better. Moon and Mia have become very good friends in these past few days. Right, Mia?

Mia: Yup, we are much closer now.

Akash: (whispers to G-one) You hear, they say they are very close. You don't think they have that kind of relationship, do you?

G-one: (nods yes) Hmm! Hmm!

Piyush: What are you two talking about?

Mia: (yells at them) What are you two trying to imply here , pervs? Come on, we are just very good friends. Come on (face all red).

Moon: What is wrong Mia?

Piyush: Wait, you don't mean Les...(a flying book stick to his face).

Mia: You were saying something Piyush.

Piyush: (puts the book down with a bam) Hey, you are talking about my sister, scumbags.

Akash: What! Why are you all getting so worked up?

G-one: We were just saying they have a sister type relationship, that's all.

Mia: It didn't sound like that. Why did you have to whisper it in his ears? Felt like two dogs were sharing shady information.

Akash: Hey watch it. We were just trying to create some suspense.

G-one: You are calling us dogs, Mia. I didn't expected that from you.

Mia: Act like men then. Geez!

Moon: Why are you angry, Mia? Did they say something revolting?

Mia: You better skip this, Moon. You are too pure to know something like that.

Moon: Huh!

Akash: I don't know what you perceived from our whispering, but it looks like it was something naughty.

G-one: Yeah, it is obvious the way Mia is blushing.

Akash: And what was that Piyush about say, Les..

Piyush: (serious) I was about to say..

Akash: Yes?

Piyush: Lesslie has how many s in it again?

Akash: You were clearly about to say something inappropriate. And what does Lesslie has to do here?

Piyush: I was just confused about the name. I couldn't remember its spelling.

Akash: Lying bastard. Atleast give a significant excuse.

Piyush: Ok, it was, umm, my sentence, I think it was like, you don't mean lest a book hits my face ( Akash throws a book at Piyush's face).

Akash: Bull shit! That's not even a correct sentence. Who are you trying to fool?

G-one: Hit his face with shit.

Akash: Book is too good for his face anyway, dirty minded lech. Bring some shit, G-one, hurry.

G-one: You go get it, I am not gonna touch someone's shit.

Akash: You think I want to.

G-one: Then how were you gonna throw it at his face?

Akash: I was gonna tie it using a rope and swing it on his face.

G-one: What if you miss?

Akash: I have solved the equation of Physics for it proper implementation.

Piyush: What kind of physics is that crazy bastard?

Mia: How long are you gonna pull this idiotism?

Phone rings,

Piyush: (accepts) Hello! Yeah. Huh! (Looks at Mia) Why though? Class is about to start. Come give me that in class. Huh! Special! What do you mean? Only for me. You don't want anyone to see. Hello! hello! What the hell! She cut it.

Akash: Who was it?

Piyush: (stands) Don't you know? Who else?

Phone rings again... Piyush steps out of the bench and starts walking outside.

Piyush: Hello. Yeah, what? Give me something, can't you give me that in class? Specially for me! Ok, ok, don't worry. I am coming. Yes (walks out of the class).

Moon: What was that all about?

Akash: Hah! Looks like a prank to me. If you were that easy like him, everyone would pull pranks on you. Just like yesterday.

Mia: But didn't you say he has anger issues? Wouldn't he rough up the person pranking him?

Akash: Don't worry, I know who the person pranking him is. That's what happens when you get trapped between the teeth of a croc. Hahaha. Show more heroism.

G-one: I don't think she will ask him to wear something weird again.

Mia: Who are you talking about?

Moon: Hey, Mia, where are Lavangi and Simar? Didn't they come with you today?

Mia: Oh yeah, Simar went to the washroom and Lavangi went to meet Ana. I don't know since when Lavangi and Ana become that good friends.

Moon: Oh I see. But aren't they taking too much time? The class will start soon. And Piyush went out too.

Akash and G-one's eyes gleams with suspicion. They converse telepathically.

Akash: Something special! you don't think Piyush is about to..

G-one: (pouts indicating a kiss)

Piyush: (walking through the corridor) Those sexy idiots, what are they planning on ripping this time? Hell, they even chose the same place to meet.

Lavangi slowly slips to the side of the Arts building. She finds another girl standing there. She soon notices who it is.

Lavangi: You, what are you doing here?

Simar: (turns) L..L..Lavangi, you said you were going to see Ana. Why are you here?

Lavangi: (flustered) I came to get some fresh air, I was feeling a bit down today. Hahaha. (gets serious) What's your reason? Don't tell me you came to answer your nature's call in open?

Simar: What? You stupid. No way. I am here to, get some fresh air, ya. Just like you. Hehehe!

Lavangi: Try to be original sometimes. Why do you have to copy me everytime?

Simar: It's true. I am not trying to copy you. It's just you said it before me. I should say you keep copying me.

Lavangi: Absurd. How could I copy something before I can even hear it? You said it like a bitch.

Simar: You tell me, why are you holding your hands behind just like me? If you are not trying to copy me, what is in your hands then?

Lavangi: N..nothing. I was just feeling like holding it behind. What are you trying to hide behind then?

Simar: It's something, I came here to eat. I didn't wanna share it with anyone.

Lavangi: You greedy jerk, you won't even share it with your best friend. We always shared everything. What happened now? Now I know, why your cheeks and boobs are getting softer. You keep eating things alone by yourself behind my back. You witch! I won't let you eat this one alone. Give it here (jumps at Simar).

Simar: (tries to cover her back) Hey, back off. Or I will kick you. Hey!

Lavangi: (pushing her back) You are gonna kick your best friend. Shame on you. Don't struggle, I won't go down without eating this one.

Simar: Hey, use your hands, don't rub your boobs against mine. My bra will come off. I will really kick you, even if my mummy hangs me to death after this.

Lavangi: I will have revenge of my mom today by snatching this piece from you. I will eat it while looking at your face and enjoying that expression of yours at the same time. Hahaha!

Piyush: (disturbed by the Scene) What the hell are you two doing? What are you going to eat?

Lavangi and Simar: (look at Piyush and stop)

Piyush: Don't tell me you were about to eat each other's pu....

Lavangi and Simar: Nooooo!

Lavangi: What are you saying Piyush?

Simar: She was trying to grab what I am hiding in my skirt.

Piyush: (shocked) Huh!

Lavangi: (slaps Simar) Idiot! She means I was trying to grab what she is hiding in her hands.

Piyush: Ohh! Holy crap, you got me there for a sec. I was just about to puke (pukes) Whoa!

Simar and Lavangi: Piyush!!

Piyush: (wipes his face) It's ok. I am fine.

Simar: Sorry, my tongue slipped.

Piyush: It's alright, it was my mistake. Why did you two call me here?

Lavangi and Simar look at each other after hearing that.

Lavangi: (thinks) So you called him here. I can't believe you copied me again. And what was that crap you told me? Wait it was the same thing as me. But it became crap came out of her mouth. But now I can't admit it that I called him here after saying that. What if he told Mia and others about this. Damn, I will be humiliated.

Simar: (thinks) Why you, so you called him here too. I can't believe you copied me again. What's with her? Why does she tries to copy me when she is already attractive enough than me? Don't tell me, she thinks acting like me will give her big boobs as mine. Ridiculous, girls don't really care for boobs and stuff, do they? It's only the boys who drool over womanly parts like that cause they are born pervs. Whatever, I can't accept that I called him here after all I said. What if he told Mia and others about this, I will be so embarrassed to show my face to them again.

They look at each other with flinching brows.

Piyush: What is it? Spill it out already. Are you planning to bunk the first class?

Lavangi: Tell him Simar, after all you called him here. I knew the moment you told me that lie that it was a lie.

Simar: What are you saying? I was telling the truth. You say why you called him here. I knew the moment I saw your face that you were planning to meet Piyush here.

Piyush: Huh! What's this? What is happening?

Lavangi: Fool, why would I meet with Piyush in a secluded area like this? I came here to get some fresh air, stupid.

Simar: Stop climbing the stair of lies. Everyone knows why you were here, right Piyush?

Piyush: Why are you asking me? I am here to know that myself too damn it.

Lavangi: I know the thing you are hiding in your hands behind, you brought it for Piyush to eat. That's why you didn't want to share it with anyone. You cunning fox.

Simar: And you, what gold are you hiding in your hands? I know you were here to do something dirty with him, away from the eyes of other people. That's why you called him here, haven't you?

Lavangi: Seriously, What dirty you are talking about. Has your brain rotted? I am an innocent girl, wandering around the school campus.

Piyush: Oye! Why any of you is not agreeing that you called me here? If that is case, why did you even bother to call me? (Coughs) And what were you thinking to do with me Lavangi, I should tell you I don't like doing such things in open even if it were a secluded place like this.

Nikita enters the class, and goes to Moon and Mia.

Nikita: Good morning, everyone.

Moon: Good morning.

Mia: To you too.

Nikita: You are sitting here, Mia. What's the matter?

Mia: Piyush chose to sit behind, so I swapped with him.

Moon: Sit there, Nikita. It's better if you all sit together and try to make your friendship better. Till then, I will be sitting here beside my bother for you. Sounds good?

Mia: She is right. It's necessary for our teamwork. You should understand Nikita. It would be good for everyone if you all improve your bonds.

Nikita: Huh! Who needs bond? I am here for only one person and that is my Piyush (sit). I am sitting here cause my future sister-in-law said so. Well, where is everyone else any way?

Moon: Piyush went out after he got a phone call from someone. And G-one and Akash ran out for some reason I am not aware of.

Nikita: And those two?

Mia: Need not worry about them, they don't relate to you. You said so right.

Nikita: Yes, they don't. But they are trying to.

Suddenly two pair of eyes sparkled behind the corner wall looking at Piyush and the flustered girls, they were G-one and Akash.

Lavangi: Piyush, you are misunderstanding. There is nothing like that in my mind. She is trying to deceive you.

Simar: Deceive, your face told me that you were about to kiss him.

Piyush: (flustered) K..k..kiss!

Lavangi: You bit... Are you trying to say I called him here to perform something so shameful? They way you look, it seemed you were about dance for him, showing him your bouncy jugs.

Simar: Why are you so fixated on my boobs?

Piyush: You called me here to see girls bitching each other.

Lavangi: That's what you were about to show him that's why.

Simar: No, I was here to return him his shirt (stretches it out before him). Here!

Lavangi: (thinks) Holy! I hit my leg with my own axe. Now if I show up the shirt I brought, she will say I copied her (imagines Simar criticising her with a crude smile on her face).

Piyush sees the two shaded shirt hanging by Simar's hand.

Piyush: Huh! Return me my shirt?

Simar: Yes, I sew it by myself for you. Do you like it? You can wear it to college.

Piyush: I am really grateful that you sew it for me. But what's with the different colour halves? I will look real punk if I wore that to college or anywhere. You should have brought me smokes and a gold coated chain with it as well.

Simar: (sad, examines the shirt) I thought you would like it. I saw many people wearing such shirts. Isn't this a trend now?

Piyush: Ya, for punks, that's for sure. Which part of me looked like a tobacco chewing psycho to you?

Simar: I am sorry. It was meaningless returning only half piece of your shirt. So I tried to sew a new one.

Piyush: Wait a minute.I know I should have asked you this earlier. But how did you come to posses my shirt piece?

Simar: (sweats and stutters) I..umm..found it before my house lying on the road. I think the dog who took it left it there. Ha..ha..

Piyush: And you are sure it is a piece of my shirt. Many people have same shirts of similar colour and design. How did you manage to know that it was my shirt's piece, huh? Did you run a fingerprint scan or pheromone detection over it or something?

Simar: It was, it was just instincts. I guess.

Piyush: Instincts!? Huh!

Lavangi: (giggling at Simar, covering her mouth with one hand)

Piyush: (notices a piece of cloth dangling behind Lavangi) Hey Lavangi.

Lavangi: Ye..yes?

Piyush: What's that hanging between your legs?

Lavangi: (looks down) Oh come on Piyush. I am a girl, how could I have something hanging between my legs? Seriously, what kind of joke is this? Hahaha!

Piyush: Behind you.

Lavangi: Is that a part of the joke too? Do any of the boys have it attached at thier back side? Really, hahaha.

Piyush: Literally. Moron.

Lavangi: Huh! (looks back and finds the shirt hanging loose behind her, tensed) This, this, I actually found one of the dog who ran off with one piece of your shirt on the way home. Hahaha! lucky me right.

Piyush: (looks with shrunken eyes) Ya, very lucky.

Lavangi: I fought with it and barely manage to snatch the piece in one piece, you see. My mother said it would be a waste to give back a torn piece like that. So I got other part attached to it (extends it). So, how do you like it? You can definitely wear this to college right.

Piyush: (sees the shirt with one side plain and other with rainbow design) Hmm, looks good, (yells) for a beach party. What's with the rainbow? Where do you think I go college to? Hawaiian beach? In a moment I am going to take sun bath, get me the sun oil.

Simar: (thinks looking at Lavangi) This girl, she took my idea again. Come on, her mother can't come with the same idea as my mother again. And she really thought Piyush was gonna fall for something of that stupid design.

Lavangi: Is that so? I thought you would like the colours. The colours looked good, so I sew it together myself (thinks), I actually got a tailor to do it, but who knows.

Simar: (thinks) Woah! What a massive liar she is. She can barely fix a button and she sewed that shirt herself. Even god wouldn't believe that.

Piyush: Look, I am grateful to you too. But I cannot accept those shirts. I am sorry. You can keep them with you for me. When the times come, I will ask you. How's that? Let's have a picture together, me wearing each of your shirts someday. How does that sounds?(turns and starts walking) But for the time being, let's go, I think the class has already started. And don't fight like that please. You are best friends.

Lavangi and Simar and look at other with a smile and follow after Piyush. G-one and Akash were crashing through the hall way laughing their asses off over Piyush.

Akash: Damn man, Piyush really got punked. I mean, literally. He is not good with girls just like you.

G-one: Now why you had to go and make me a dog as same as him? You ruined my mood, man.

Akash: (laughed uncontrollably)

G-one: (laughs seeing Akash laugh)

Ana: (standing at second floor stairs lost in thoughts) That junior, if she loves Piyush that much, why did she try to trade him for her I don't know what plan she needs my help with? Her eerie smile was enough to tell me to stay away from her. Here I am disturbed by the last night's incident and here she comes with another issue.

Suddenly she sees Akash and G-one walking by the stairs on the first floor laughing.

Ana: G-one and Akash! He doesn't seem like the one who would commit crimes when he laughs like that. I am probably overthinking it. The sparks and the incident altogether. I should play as usual. I should go to my class.

Piyush and others take their seats. Lavangi and Simar were confused as Piyush sat behind and Nikita was sitting beside. But they didn't say anything. They were happy because of the earlier event.

Moon: What happened?

Piyush: Nothing. Just some stupidity.

Moon: Obviously.

Akash and G-one control their laugh covering their faces looking at Piyush.

Piyush: (thinks) What are they laughing about? Wait a minute, did they... crazy bastards.

At the police hq,

Vineet and Shyam looking into the computer monitors seriously. DCP Bharat passes by.

DCP: How's it going?

Vineet: No luck sir, nothing. The street cameras have caught nothing.

DCP: What do you mean nothing?

Shyam: We have seen no one going through the streets covered in sparks.

Staff: We could barely see any car running with burning headlights, sparks may just be a joke (laughs).

DCP: (stares)

Staff: (cough) Umm, I am sorry sir. My mistake.

DCP: You think this is funny. The deaths and abductions, sounds amusing to you.

Staff: No sir, it was a just a slip of tongue. I will try to hold it next time.

DCP: I don't wanna hear anything else but something related to the search. Understand?

Staff: Yes, yes sir.

DCP: (rubs his forehead and sits on his chair)

Vineet: Sir, if you don't mind me asking.

DCP: Yes!

Vineet: What happened in the meeting yesterday?

DCP: Just the same old thing. I tried to convince the big shots about the culprit that it is not easy to be handled by police alone but they refused my request saying that police is capable enough to apprehend puny criminals like such.

Vineet: Haven't they seen the case report? Can't they see the numbers?

DCP: They say it is our fault that so may people have died. It is our incompetence that we couldn't stop this for the last three years.

Vineet: But sir, with due respect, it looks like they don't want us to stop the murderer. They want people to die. Why isn't any higher department involving themselves in this impossible cases? Aren't they meant to handle such cases? In other times, they would jump on us taking over our investigations. What's stopping them now?

DCP: The superior don't want them to help the police department. They want us to finish this case, and us alone.

Vineet: But sir, this is so unfair. They are clearly trying to dump the blame on us for all the deaths and trying to defame the police standings.

DCP: I know everything. It is another dirty political tactic. The election for the chief minister is coming up the following year. I already know where this is heading.

Vineet: Sir!?

DCP: Well, that's my theory. I am not sure about this. It could be or couldn't be related to the elections. But whatever, we are just government dogs. Whoever comes in power, we just have to follow the authorities. Till the day we retire. So, do your job Vineet. I am waiting for the catch.

Vineet: As you say sir.

G-one and group were enjoying there time together at lunch time.

Akash: Say it again, say it again.

G-one: What a beauty!

Everyone laughs.

Akash: You see that. They way he says it is different. Hear me out, What a beauty!

Lavangi: Nah! Nah! You don't sound very good.

Lily: Ya, Akash. G-one says it from his heart that's why he sounds much romantic.

Akash: What do you mean? I am saying it from my heart too you know.

Piyush: She means to say that you are just squeezing the hole between your nose and chin.

Everyone laughs. Nikita pulls the lunch box towards herself. Lavangi pulls from her side on the same box.

Nikita: What now? This is not even of Piyush.

Lavangi: So what. Everyone has their share in it. Why are you dragging it alone towards yourself?

Nikita: I know that. I wasn't going to finish it completely. So take it easy.

Lavangi: Well, I will take my share from it first. Then you can eat (gets a water bottle shoved in her mouth by Akash) Umm!

Akash: You first drink some cold water. Looks like your temperature is rising.

Laughing continues.

Lavangi: (takes the bottle out) Akash! What is this? What is it to you if my temperature rises?

Akash: I don't my food get burnt.

Lavangi: I am not that hot.

Akash: You are, you don't know it, but you are.

Lavangi: Seriously, I am not hot.

Piyush: You are not?

Lily: What hotness are we talking about here?

Akash: Her temperature obviously. Whatever Piyush is referring I don't know.

Lavangi: I am, umm (blushes) Maybe a little hot, I guess.

Piyush: So she is hot.

Lavangi: You didn't think so.

Piyush: I mean I knew that you look hot. But how hot, only the owner of the body knows that, right.

Lily: What hotness are you talking about again?

G-one: (chews) Hmm! Why don't you use Piyush's thermometer to measure your temperature. Huh, Lavangi?

Everyone stares at G-one.

G-one: (explains) Piyush has a digital thermometer at our room. We can use that to measure her hotness.

Everyone laughs again.

Lily: Geez, I mean talk about giving the wrong idea.

G-one: Sorry about that, if I said something wrong.

Simar: You really choose some time to speak your double meaning sentences, G-one.

G-one: Sorry?

Akash: Termite, you always try to look far ahead in the future.

G-one: I do!!?

Piyush: What are you relating to my future idiot?

G-one: Damn it, why are you asking me? He said that.

Piyush: But you said the double meaning sentence. What of it?

G-one: Oh come on, I said no such thing. Get lost.

Piyush: You will die here.

Nikita, Simar and Lavangi quietly eat their lunches as they understood the meaning of that sentence clearly. While Moon, Mia and Lily try to calm the boys down.

Moon: Again, stop it, boys. I said stop.

Mia: Behave, you two.

Akash: Hit, hit the bastard.

Lily: Akash!!

A boy belonging to the B. Tech department looks at them from outside the class and then walks away. Time flows, as they finish their classes and follow their sports routine, Ra-one gets informed about all the man power he is loosing.

Ra-one: What? It's him.

Man: Yes sir, you are right. His name is everywhere. He has taken away considerable number of men from our counting. If this goes on, we will be short at test subjects as well as in man power.

Ra-one: (slams the body in with the table it was kept on into the ground) I will finish him once for and all this time. He does not belong in my plan.

G-one opens the door and enters the supermarket.

G-one: G-one, reporting Mam.

Subhu: (appears from behind a section) See just left a minute ago. She had some urgent work come up.

G-one: Oh! Ok (reaches for his apron).

Subhu: She knew you would be on time but you are ten minutes late.

G-one: Sorry about that, I have a habit of arriving late by considerable minutes. But not with very huge differences though.

Subhu: Anyway, take your place buddy. I got to help some customers who are already inside.

G-one: Ok, wait.

Subhu: Huh?

G-one: Mam didn't get any glimpse of your Johnny through your underwear hole yesterday, did she?

Subhu: (embarrassed) Shit man, you had to go and make me remember that again. But she didn't see anything though (runs away red faced).

G-one: (laughs) Very good, brother.

G-one finishes his shift and steps out with a cold drink bottle in his hand when he faces Kajal at the door.

G-one: Oh! (about to collide)

Kajal: G-one! Sorry, I couldn't entertain you today.

G-one: (thinks) Entertain me or yourself.

Kajal: A cold drink bottle?

G-one: Don't worry, I have purchased it.

Kajal: Oh don't worry. You could always take it for free.

G-one: I wouldn't, Mam. There should be sincerity if I am working for someone.

Kajal: I like that sentiment. I will attend you tomorrow. I promise. Good night then (walks in).

G-one: You too.

Kajal: Subhu!

Subhu: Yes mam?

Kajal: Are you wearing the same underwear with hole that of yesterday?

Subhu: Mam, atleast don't make fun of something like that. Please, spare me for this one.

G-one: (smiles) She is one hell of a torturer. Let's drop today's jumps. I should enjoy this cold drink with those idiots (looks at the moon in the sky). Haah! What a beauty! (finds Moon standing before him) M..M..Moon. You, here!

A few minutes earlier.

Akash: (on his computer)You don't have Lavangi and Simar on your insta, do you?

Piyush: You crazy, they will twist my brain out if they were in my insta. Its good that they are not thinking of barging into this too.

Akash: Whatever suits you, man. I bet it would be fun if they were your friends on insta.

Piyush: Like hell it would be fun.

Akash: (sees Moon sleeping soundly on the couch) She slept early today as well.

Piyush: Must be tired because of all the running. I am going to the bathroom (goes and shuts the door).

Akash: Don't forget to flush.

Piyush: Ya, ya.

The main gate was open and Moon vanished from her place. After sometime Akash notices Moon was missing.

Akash: Oye! Where did she go?

Piyush: (comes out of the bathroom, pulling his trousers up) Who?

Akash: (stands) Moon, who else termite.

Piyush: Holy shit, (looks at the open door) she went outside. Call G-one right away.

Akash: (calls G-one).

Moon: (standing before G-one) Why? I came to see you. Are you surprised? I can't come and see you.

G-one: No, no, yes you can. (picks his phone transmitting the voice to his ears). Yes! Hahaha.

Akash: G-one, my man. Moon is missing. Looks like she ran off somewhere.

G-one: (whispers) She is standing right before me. Cut it, I will talk later or she might get suspicious.

Akash: Oh! Thank God, she is with G-one.

Piyush: With G-one! This means today's wandering cancelled.

Moon: What are you saying?

G-one: Nothing, nothing. (starts walking)Why did you come all the way alone? You know it is not very safe at night around here. You have once gone through it, haven't you?

Moon: (starts walking) I am not afraid anymore.

G-one: How so?

Moon: Cause I am not alone anymore.

G-one: Is it so?

Moon: And I think I have recovered some of my magic too. I can protect myself now I think. What's that bottle about?

G-one: Oh this, I was bringing a cold drink, planning to drink with everyone. Let's hurry back to the room.

Moon: No, I wanna spend sometime alone with you here. Let's go somewhere else before we go back.

G-one: But the cold drink will loose its chill.

Moon: Don't worry, I will make it chill again. So, take me somewhere good.

G-one: Ok princess. There is a park on that turn. Let's swing some time there.

Moon: Go then (wraps her arm around G-one's right arm and leans her head on his shoulder).

They approach the park, empty, where the wind was enjoying the swings. The moonless night let the stars shine brightly in the sky.

Moon: What is this park? I don't see many trees here. And where are the flowers?

G-one: This is what there is. I think you have a different image of parks in your eyes.

Moon: (notices the swings) Wow! You got swings here (rushes and begins going up and down on the swing).

G-one: (keeps the bottle on a bench and goes towards Moon) Our parks mainly consist of swings and an open space enough for kids to play in.

Moon: (still swinging) You mean parks are basically for kids.

G-one: They are. But there is no restriction on grown ups to come here.

Moon: Woohoo!

G-one: (sits on the parallel swing) People usually come here to refresh themselves. To get some fresh air and ease their minds.

Moon: (stops swinging) Really! How do they refresh themselves when there is no scent of flowers or trees around? Our parks usually have a huge field growing cushioned grass and flowers blooming all over the place. You can lay on the grasses enjoying the breeze and the sweet smells of the beautiful flowers. You don't remember?

G-one: Don't know. Sounds good.

Moon: Arey! Where we used to spend most of our times together? You, me and Shaurya, pulling each other's leg. Hah! Wish I could go back just like that. The human realm has turned the beautiful grounds into rough terrains. Can't even lay on this, I wonder how they relax themselves here.

G-one gets visions as Moon said Shaurya's name. He gets glimpses of him and Moon laughing in a garden with a third individual.

Moon: (looks at the sky) The sky looks very empty. It looks same as back in heaven. Just stars, where has Moon gone?

G-one: (looks at Moon, shining in the dark) People in dark search for the light, they gaze at sky and look for moon in the night. I don't need someone who uses clouds to hide, when I have my own Moon by my side.

Moon: (looks at G-one, smiling) Oh! Poetry.

G-one: Did you not like it? I just came up with it. I thought I should tell you how I feel at the moment and that the moon is hiding behind a cloud.

Moon: Very cute. Trying to make me feel special, are you?

G-one: You are special for me, are you not?

Moon: But you don't remember anything.

G-one: That's why I am asking you.

Moon: How can one tell if he or she is special for someone, idiot? You should know it by yourself.

G-one: I do remember some parts of my memories I guess. And it looks like you are a big part of it. That suggests that you hold a special place.

Moon: I see, so you are getting back some of your memories then.

G-one: From the moment I saw you. I find some reels rotating in my mind showing some unfamiliar pictures of you, and people I have never seen before. And it hurts like hell.

Moon: You don't have to remember anything then if it hurts that much. (stands) I don't want to cause you pain because of me anymore, G-one (walks towards the bench where the bottle was kept).

G-one: (stands and thinks) Damn it. Shouldn't have mentioned that. Only if I knew it would take her beautiful smile away.

Moon: (picks up the bottle)

G-one: I was just kidding, Moon. It doesn't hurt. How could remembering something hurt? You are silly, can't even see through a simple joke.

Moon: (turns) You were joking? It sure didn't sound like that.

G-one: Sorry about that, I have a habit of saying my jokes with a serious face. You know that.

Moon: I know.

G-one: Is the drink still cold?

Moon: Ya, it hasn't lost much cold yet.

G-one: Why don't we drink some then?

Moon: What about others? You said we will be drinking with them.

G-one: Oh come on, (pulls her down on the bench with him) Just two to three sips won't matter. It's a huge bottle, you see.

G-one makes Moon gulp down the drink.

Moon: (coughs) Oww! It's cold.

G-one: (laughs) Aren't you supposed to have magic? The cold shouldn't bother you.

Moon: Idiot, why won't it? I can eat and taste just like humans you know. Wait a minute (pours into G-one's mouth), let's see how you fair against it.

G-one: Umm! (coughs) It went into my nose.

Moon: (laughs uncontrollably).

G-one: Why you! (pulls her in his arms and punishes the drink into her face).

Moon: Don't make me drink all of it. Enough.

G-one: Why? Doesn't it taste good?

Moon: Well, not as good as fruit juice. But, I can do with it.

G-one: I see. Well, we humans have something better than this for you. I am perfectly sure it will suit your tastes.

Moon: What could that be?

G-one: (gives her the bottle) Hold the bottle. I will get it for you (starts running).

Moon: G-one!

G-one: Don't worry, I will be back in two minutes. Just stay there.

Moon: (smiles) Stupid (sips).

G-one: (enters the supermarket)

Kajal: Ya mom, Subhu is with me. I will eat him, I mean, I will eat with him, hahaha! so don't worry, (sees G-one) G-one! You didn't go home?

G-one: I came to get some ice-cream mam. Where is the freezer? You got some cones right?

Kajal: You came back for ice-cream this late at night. Have you forgotten how dangerous it is in nights?

G-one: Sorry mam. But I need it urgent. If I get back home quick you won't need to worry about me right. So tell me where it is.

Kajal: On the end of the general products line.

G-one: Thankyou, mam.

Moon was sipping on her drink. Suddenly an unknown person, with glaring red eyes appeared behind her with a devilish grin on his face. Red sparks crackle in his rubbing fingers of right hand as he puts it gently on Moon's head. Moon quickly jumps away.

Moon: (shocked) Who..who are you?

Few people slowly begin to fade in behind him at a distance.

Man: (looks at his hand) What! It didn't work. I must ask who are you. Why didn't my manipulation work on you?

Moon: (steps back holding the bottle) What are you talking about? Just go away.

Man: You, you are no normal person, are you? No wonder you were with G-one, this makes sense now. I must eliminate you hear and now.

The man lunges towards Moon with a punch, Moon pulls the bottle slightly up to block him. He hits the bottle and drinks all sprays out over her face. The cold feeling caused confusion on Moon's face. She starts wiping her face quickly. Some of the cold drink went into her eyes. Some drop fell on the man's arms producing red sparks. He shakes it off quickly.

Moon: Cold, cold, cold. What are you doing?

The remaining drops on her face looked like tears. Suddenly a left foot fall into the scene. The man and Moon quickly turn to see who it was.

Man: (grins) You!